The coma

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Anakin's POV

It has been 12 hours since Ahsoka have went to operation and she haven't come out then. But suddenly a nurse comes out and says she did it and you can visit her now. When we came in she was a sleep.

– for how long will she be a sleep? I ask the nurse.

– maybe a week or two. She answers me.

– do you mean she is in a coma. I asks worry sick for my little padawan or daughter like she is to me and Padmé.

– yes she have been poisoned by a serum that put her in to a coma for a while. She answers.

– but why did her heart stop? I asks hope it wasn't the poison.

– I have been told that she has a heart disease and that is why her heart stopped the poison have affected her illness. The nurse answers me.

what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I scream death worrying for my baby girl.

It wasn't in her medical records so I have write it down now. She says.

– you mean she didn't know she had a heart disease? I asks hope she says yes.

– yes she didn't know that she had a heart disease. She answers my question.

– do she have any medicine she most take to stay alive? I asks.

– yes a syringe every week. She answer me.

– good to know thank you. I says and with that she nods too thank me and goes out and leave us with Ahsoka.

– Do you think she will be okay Ani? Padmé asks me with deep worry and sorrow in her voice.

– we can only hope Padmé we can only hope. I answer her when I hugs her too calm her down. In the same time I hugged her Obi Wan comes in and says.
– do I disturb you two.

– master no of course not. I says and he looks at me like really Anakin.

– good. But how is Ahsoka anyway? He asks worry for the 16 year old thorguta.

– she is in coma for a couple of weeks but is gonna be ok. I answer him with little sorrow and guilt in my voice and he noticed it and says.

– it wasn't your fault Anakin.

– yes it was I should never let her go on her own!! I yelled at him and then I looked down and says. Sorry master it's just that I want to protect her but I know that she have to do things on her own and sometimes get hurt but I don't want her to get hurt. I says that with sorrow.

– Oh Anakin you did the right to let her go alone and you did the right to tell me how you feel but you didn't the right to feel like it's your fault so please don't feel like that. He says and lays a hand on my shoulder.

– thank you master. I says to him and he smiles at that comment.

– your well come. He says and takes a seat next to Ahsoka's right side and I takes the left and Padmé next to me. And I lays a hand down on Ahsoka's forehead and strokes it.

– please Ahsoka be ok. I says hope she will respond.
And suddenly she says.

– master don't let me die please don't go. She says and she reaches out her hand and I grab it, and she relaxes. And I responds her.

– I don't let you die snips I won't leave you not now not ever. And relaxed a bit to hear her response me.

A/N hope you like it and please comment what you think about it love you my stars and rebels ✨⭐️🌟✊

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