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I'm alone

I'm the last one

The last of my kind

I am the last succubus

(now before  we continue I'd like  to say if any of you think of copying this, I'll go the last succubus on you, thank you bye bye then)

Flash back

"Daemon, wake the hell up. Your going to be late" she says "your father made pancakes"

I thought about my dads goofy apron and started to cry

"Coming" I said

(This is when she's thinking in the flash back,  this is when she's not in the flash back)

Man I love his pancakes

I looked at his apron and giggled, it said

Kiss the incubus

Incubus and succubus are a mix of demons, vamps, and humans.

Basically a vampire bites a human, then the recently turned vamp has a baby with a demon, then boom

A succubus or an incubus

I run down the stairs and outside into the kitchen

We demons are kinda like werewolves but we don't change into stupid mutts,  we do however have a pack house but for us its a coven house

I run into the main building and right into the the main incubus

"I'm sorry head cubus" I say

Head cubus chuckles "its okay my niece "he says

I smiled at him

"I'm off to devour pancakes bye" I say

Btw I was seven, now seventeen

"Daddy" I squeal "is that a new one"

He nods

And I look down at the

(Dun Dun Dun)


The dragon hides behind his leg and hisses

"Its like a cat or a snake" I say

"Why don't you take him for a fly" daddy says"but first pancakes"

I grab the tiniest leash and we fly out side

We cubuses get our wings when we're four, but boys get them when they are five

After we land we walked back home and it started

Flash back over

Fuck,  I can't remember.  Which is weird. 

I'll try to remember but oh well


She how'd y'all like it?

I need boy dragon names and fast

Also mmhahahaha cliff hanger

Next chapter it'll have the rest

And before you ask yes the reason why there's a cliff hanger is because I forgot

(Later Demons)

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