Round 7

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"They can see this right?"Snowcreek meowed. You looked up to see many StarClan cats, Snowcreek, and his rabbit."Yes Snowcreek! Now we can tell you the great news we have for you"another cat purred. Your relized this to be Amberfoot."I, the founder of StarClan have a proposal for you, Snowcreek. You ended up in the Darkforest, but StarClan is willing to give you a second chance to be born again". Snowcreek seemed shocked,"Born again!? When!? What Clan!? Will I go back to WindClan!?"Snowcreek began to ask."Shut up and let him tell you!" Amberfoot snapped.

"You won't be born in any of the main clans, infact we want you to really consider this. You won't force you. You would be reborn as Snowkit into a Clan called BriarClan. You wouldn't have any memory of us untill you died. You see Snowkit is the best Chance of survival we have to save any BriarClan cats. Infact this mission is so dangerous you may die and not complete your mission".

Amberfoot's expression quickly changed,"What you never said this would be dangerous!? That would make Snowcreek a hero! Well if anything Snowcreek can handle it. Nothing can be as bad as Tigerstar". The founder silenced her with a flick of his tail,"The thing is this enemy is far worse then Tigerclaw, it's not even a cat, dog, or even a Badger. You could say it has it has a power over living things". Snowcreek was unsure of what to ask, untill the most important question floated to the top of his mind,"When would I be leaving?".

"In seven sunrises"

"That's not enough time"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see how Foxstar's mess will end. How do I know my friends will be okay"

"You have seven sunrises to think about this. We won't force you but know this mission will be very painful, but you could be a hero. When you get back from your mission you can see for yourself how it will end"

"I will be taking on an entirely new life, I will be long for many moons. I can't leave yet, but it is something that I want. But, it will dangerous and it's just heartless to leave everyone behind. What about my kits? My rabbit?"

"They will be taken care of"

"I-I will have an answer by the end of those seven sunrises. I just need some time to think about it and be sure that it's the right choice. What about helping Foxstar's victims!? I want to help them escape!"

"We can't do anything about that, all we can do is increase the winner amount to four"

"You should do it!"A cat from the crowd said."Stay! Your kits need you!" Someone else said."Stop shamelessly promoting one of your future books that isn't even orignal!"Commenter cat said.

Snowcreek turned to look at you,"I'll see you soon".

You jolted awake, realizing this was all a dream. You looked around to see everyone else in the same state... You weren't the only one who had this dream."Wake up! It's time for round 7!"The fake Icestar burst into the den.

"Where is Inktail!?"A cat screamed. A smiled spread across "Icestar's" face,"Oopsy Daisy, You mean the Inktail who lost the race? The one I killed?"

/Player Win Amount Increased by 1

Round 7
Quest Type- Treasure Hunt

Welcome to round seven Warriors and the battle for who gets to live gets tougher every round. Now this time you will be given a treasure hunt. Unfortunately this is a new type of Quest created last minute so the boost for this one would have been Seeker, but that will be available in Round 2 of the game. So this time around everyone has an equal chance.

Everyone will submit a /begin command and I will give you 5 Locations. You will be trying to find A  rose that Icestar picked and hid. You have 3 tries and it will be a brutal battle. The scoring charts will be placed at the end of the round and the same rule as yesterday(last place is eliminated).

If you find the rose on 1st try-3 BP
If you find the rose on 2md try- 2BP
If you find the Rose on 3rd try- 1Bp
If you don't find the rose- 0Bp

Let's say 3 people didn't find the rose. Then we bring out the least forgiving random generator. We place the 3 names in and who ever is selected is in last place automatically. If someone doesn't post a /begin command then your cat is automatically put at last place. If everyone finds the rose then we start from when you found it. Everyone who found it on their 3rd try would be placed into the generator and the generator would select the last place. Also let's hope you've been staking up your points because Round 8 is all about BP ;)

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