Task four ❤️

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathu.

How's the day going ? Alhamdullilah ?

Okay then task number four.

Alhamdullilah ❤️✨


You know something ? There are simple dhikr's that has many rewards and aren't you gonna reep the rewards for you ? My Habibti's ❤️ ? Alhamdullilah we will right ? We are gonna nah ? So...

After every prayer.

Fix an amount.

Maybe ten
Maybe fifty
Maybe hundred
Maybe more.

You know your capacity right ? Aah ? Yes nah ?

After every dark Salah,
33× Subhahanahallah
34× Allahu Akbar

And Isthigfar
la ilaha illallah
La ilaha illa Anta subhahanaka inni kuntu minal laalemeen
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
Hasbunallahi wa'nimal wakeel
And many other dhikr's are there right ? So

Choose a number and recite after every Salah

And also keep a dhikr meter you know it ?
And keep it in your hand and keep you tongue moist with dhikr every minute. Every second of your day.

You're cooking,Helping your mom, Cleaning,Preparing for ifthar,.. or whatever you do.. keep your tongue moist with dhikr. Okay ? Will you ? In Shaa Allah.

Even if you don't have a dhikr meter that's okay. Just keep your tongue moist with dhikr. Keep Reciting the dhikr. Anything. But the rewards you sow is so high,So unimaginable. Alhamdullilah ❤️

And advice others to do the same.

If possible,today start it. Start the task of 70,000 la ilaha illallah.. you may not finish it in this Ramadhan. But it's okay Habibti. Continue after that and finish it however. It protects you from the punishment of grave, Subhahanallah. ( I learnt it in my madhrasa ) Alhamdullilah 🥺❤️😭

So are yous starting it today ?

Dhikr challenge ,Iam in.

Let's see who finishes first. And I'll give you a chapter dedication or update Something you want .. or whatever.
A small gift from me who finishes the la ilaha illallah× 70,000 times.


Okay ,ready ?

And also are you preparing the Eid gifts for your loved ones ? Aww that's so sweet.

Shall I say you a gift ?

A dhikr meter.
( It's so simple nah ? You may think how to gift it but think about their aakhirah. You are making them close to Jannah. If you gift a dress or watch or whatever it will help them in dunya. But don't you love them enough to care about their aakhirah ? So gift a dhikr meter to them
Write a note in it saying 'Verily in the Rememberance of Allah do hearts find rest.' Write another note about the advantages of each dhikr. If you want I may send it to you,DM me. And also write to them.. like when you feel alone,Recite hasbunallahi wa'nimal wakeel. When you want any calamity to end,Recite la ilaha illa Anta subhahanake inni kuntu minal laalemeen. When you want something to happen recite la hawla wala quwwata illa billah.. and also la ilaha illa Anta subhahanake inni kuntu minal laalemeen.. and etc etc.. say them to keep it with them ALWAYS. WRITE THIS TO THEM )

And if possible,Write a letter to them any words of your own. They I'll cherish it for a life time.

gift a Quran

And many things that will be helpful to their aakhirah and well as yours.

The more they do,They more you EARN TOO.


AND YAH,if you gift Something like this,DM me and lemme know. I'll be so happy to know it.

And also,please do it for the sake of Allah Subhahanahu tha'ala alone okay ?

Intentions matter,Don't do to show off. Do it to earn Allah's pleasure.

How was the update. Lemme know.
Comment and tag people

Jazakillah khairn ❤️

And tag people.

I will tag some I know. If I miss any,Iam sorry.


Keep me in your duas ( me,my fam,Frnds and the whole ummah and Everyone who asked you to make duas,Aameen )

Jazakillah khairn ❤️
See ya in next,
In Shaa Allah..
Keep me in your duas <3

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