The Last Warrior Princess - Chapter 1 - Memories

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"Someone please help!" I screamed as I ran through the forest, my black hair trailing behind. I could hear the creature's footsteps running close behind me. As I ran, I tripped over a branch that was in the way. As I fell, I felt blood seep out of my knees and quickly got up, ignoring the stinging pain.

As I looked behind me, I saw two bright fluorescent eyes glowing and I ran, tears coming out of my eyes. As I ran for my life, I realized that where I went, it was a dead end. The trees had come together like a wall, and there was nowhere else to run. "Get away from me!" I screamed, backing into the wall of trees, as the monster cackled menacingly. "There's nowhere to run," it laughed. "D-don't hurt me!" I stuttered as I formed a small, weak orb of light silverish blue magic. I threw it at the monster, but he just laughed and swallowed the orb.

"Now, that's a nice meal," its black body laughed as I saw that its body was made of smoke and only its eyes were fluorescent yellowish white. It looked me straight into my bright blue eyes and rested his dark hand on mine.

I looked away, as I felt the creature feed of my fear. As the creature opened his mouth to devour me, I felt the drool escape from his lips and land on my shoulders. Any second now, I will be devoured.


Panting, I woke up from the nightmare, sweat dripping across my skin. "It was just a dream," I whispered to myself, patting my six-year-old body. I tilted my head back and looked at myself in the icicle next to me in the cave I slept in. My short black hair was tied into pigtails and I was wearing a long jacket and a short blue dress. "Achoo!" I sneezed as I covered my nose with both of my hands. "Rizon!" I called out to my mother. "Why are you up?" a voice asked as a whitish-bluish dragon entered the cave.

"I just woke up early Rizon," I smiled back at her. "What really happened?" she asked me, with a more serious tone. I clenched my hands into a fist and held the blanket in my hands and looked at the beautiful sunset outside the cave we both slept in.

"I had a nightmare about the phantom again," I teared up a little. "How I couldn't do anything to stop them," I cried openly as Rizon scoffed. "Of course you can't do anything about them now. You're too young," she laughed. "But if you train hard every day, then when you're older, you can take your revenge on them," she smiled, as I smiled back.

"Haha okay, now let's train!" I yelled as I ran outside and fell off the mountain, but Rizon caught me. "You're so clumsy," she smiled as I nodded, holding onto her neck as we flew across the mountain. Once we landed, it was all clear and the hot sun was burning. "Now, as the ice, snow and frost dragon slayer, you should be able to do this," Rizon explained with an insane look in her eye, as she aimed a roar at the mountain and large shards of ice went on the mountain as it disappeared completely. "It works better in snow," she laughed.

"Cool!" I screamed with excitement as Rizon laughed. "Now you try." I looked at another mountain and tried my hardest to muster a roar. "Ice Dragon's Roar!" I yelled as a small roar came out of my mouth, but it barely touched the mountain. "Why can't I do it?" I cried as I fell on the floor. "Don't worry about it, you'll learn," she smiled as I felt my heart leap. "Okay, let's do it again," I smiled jumping in the air, ready to get stronger and defeat the phantom once and for all.


"What, you're leaving," I asked Rizon who smiled sadly at me. "Sadly I have to. If I don't leave, you will turn into a dragon when you get older," she explained. "I'll see you soon though right? What am I supposed to do without you?" I cried. "I'm still not strong enough."

"Find a guild with fellow dragon slayers like yourself, then train hard," she replied as she slowly started to disappear. "I will never forget you, mum," I whispered tearing up. "I won't either," she whispered back, as she disappeared into thin air. "Goodbye mum," I fell to the floor as I held a wooden necklace with a round pendant close to my heart. "I vow on you, that I will become stronger and will defeat the Phantom."

This day, I will never forget it.


"Excuse me," someone smiled as they pushed through to serve someone some bread. "A real city, wow," I said in wonder as hundreds of people walked around me. "It's been a while since I've been in a city since I was sick," I daydreamed "Are you lost little girl?" a stranger asked me as I smiled.

"Actually yes, I'm looking for a guild where there are dragon slayers, do you know of any?" I asked him. "Actually yes, there was a guild called Fairy Tail, but most of their members have disappeared, but there is a guild called Sabertooth with the twin dragons or so they call. They should be around your age actually," the man rambled as I smiled.
"If you don't mind me asking, but where is this guild located? I think I want to join!" I said excitedly as the man looked at me in wonder. "Are you sure you want to join? You have to be pretty strong to survive there!" he laughed.

"Yep, I'm sure," I replied with determination. "Oh sure," the man replied and he looked a little surprised. "The guild is right that way," he pointed to a large building with a saber tiger on the front. "Thank you," I smiled, soon entering the large brass door that went inside a large guild.

"Excuse me, I would like to join," I squeaked excitedly to a man who just laughed. "You! Join! Our Guild?!" he laughed, pausing only to breathe. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Can't I join?" "Of course, but first you have to beat me," he smirked, as I laughed. "Sure, but just because I'm young, doesn't mean I'm weak," I remarked as he laughed. "Sure, it doesn't."

"We should probably go outside though, my power can be a little troublesome, especially since I can't control it," I smiled. "Whatever the baby wants," he laughed. I opened the gate of the guild and exited. "Okay let's start, I'll let you start first," I smiled. "Okay, Ice Rage!" he yelled as he smirked. "What a big mistake," I laughed. "You made a mistake of challenging an ice dragon slayer," I smirked, eating the ice from his attack. "What?" he questioned in surprise. "Now it's time for my roar!"

"Ice Dragon Roar!" I yelled, as millions of ice shards hit the man, as he fell on the floor, cold. "Now never underestimate me for being little," I smiled at the man who still had pieces of ice stuck in his body. "Alyssa! You went overboard again!" I heard a voice from above yell as I smiled at my flying cat Lexi. She was as white as snow and had bright red eyes. 

"Sorry Lexi, but you know I can't control it," I yelled at her, as she landed on my shoulder. "So can I join now?" I asked the man, who said yes. "Great!" I smiled as I entered the guild again. "Ummm excuse me, do I come to you to get a guild mark?" I asked a lady with purple hair and green eyes. "Sure, but don't you want to talk to the master before getting the mark?"

"Sure, where can I find him?" I asked her, and she pointed upstairs. As I walked up the stairs, I felt this dark energy coming from inside of a room. As I entered, I saw a man shouting to a girl my age. "Don't cry!" he yelled, as tears started to slip down her cheeks. "Sorry to bother you, but I want to join your guild," I told the man.

"And why should you be able to join the guild, we have Sting and Rogue, the shadow and light dragon slayers and Minerva here is also pretty powerful if she will stop god damn crying!" he said the last part so fast and so loud, I flinched. "Don't talk like that, crying is a part of life, if you cry, that doesn't mean your weak, it means that you want someone to care about you!" I screamed as I protected the girl, Minerva from this person's harsh words. This person, which I assumed was the master of the guild picked me up by the neck and chucked me to the side. I felt so powerless next to him, but I couldn't stand to feel hurt like that. Not again.

"If you want to be part of this guild, you have to be the best. Don't care about my daughter, she is pathetic, useless, weak, and if you want to be a part of this guild, then you have to be strong unlike her," he pointed at her. "Now go down and get your mark, ice dragon slayer."

"How'd he know?" I immediately thought as I left the room to get my mark. "Maybe that means I'll be able to train with the other dragon slayers," I thought. "But what about that girl Minerva, she seems to be really hurt..."

"So can you join?" the girl I saw before asked me. "Yeah," I replied. "Colour and where do you want it?" she asked with a bored expression. "Light Blue and on the left side of my waist," I smiled as she pressed it there. "And I'll take it on my back in black," Lexi smiled, as the person stamped it on her. "Well welcome to Sabertooth... I guess.."

"Now time to meet the dragon slayers."

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