Cause baby so am I

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I'm Lara.

That was kinda strange but yeah, in this book - I'd rather call it a blog - we will talk about the 


Never heard of it? Well, 2 weeks before it was the same thing with me.

Before explaining what it is I'd like to tell you how I found it. Basically where every teen finds stuff: On the internet. Many YouTuber were talking about it and when I first heard it the whole theme sounded like a strange kind of religion or sth like that, which is why I didn't rly care about that.

But to be honest, I was thinking about it for a while and I think that it could actually make sense, so yes. If you didn't hear about the LoA (short form for Law of Attraction) this chapter could be kinda weird for you, but trust me, in the next chapters it will all get much clearer. 

But before we're spilling the tea I'd like to tell you who I am, because we're talking about spiritual stuff and I think it's good if you know a bit what my life looks like.

I am a 15 years old girl and I live in Germany, I am writing english cause I enjoy the english language and I like writing in english more than writing in german. 

I'm really confident and don't really care about what people say about me. I have some siblings and a dog, my parents are split. Yeah, enough facts I guess. 

In the last time - actually week - I changed much things in my life. I stopped doing the sports I did for years - artistic cycling - and started going to the gym instead. In the nearest future I'll maybe start working at the youth fire brigade.

 I'm really good at school and don't have to practice much for my grades. 

And I'm single. 

Why I told you all of that? 

I think that the stuff I'll write about in the future really much focusses on my personal needs and preferences. I spend much time in the gym. If I had a boyfriend I'd maybe stop going to the gym or go less to it to spend more time with my bf. Understand? My highest priority is my fitness, if your priority is a relationship or studying or anything else, don't think that the highest priority needs to be sports. 

Hope I am not writing stuff only my strange mind can understand... 

Normally I am not that unorganized like in this chapter... big excuses for that. Trust me, it'll get better.

Bye for now! XoXo, Lara

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