Here's a basic rundown of the elves

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(A/N Notes: And today we have a plot chapter... Or whatever they call the chapters with no interesting stuff, that's actually interesting, because it's as bad as it can be, and when it's bad, it means it's good*)

"... And so those were the events of the period that we call as the Elven age, that happened around 800 to 1150, with the starting point being considered to be the great northern sea raids, that happened..."

"Zzzz...! Zzzz...! Zzzzz..."

"..." *Visible confusion*

Douglas was falling to his sleep during his special private lesson about the elves, for a seasoned diplomat, with Charlotte accompanying him, and getting visibly confused the more she listened to it

"..." <Isn't this... The Viking age, but with elves?... And why the elves of all species?>

That's a good question. So she raised her hand

"Yes, Charlotte-sama"

"Are not the elves, those humanoids with unparalleled beauty and long ears that live in harmony with nature and a peaceful"

"Aaaahh... So that is your confusion, I see. You are right and wrong because you just described what most people think of the dark elven tribes of Abrica, minus the peaceful part"

"I see..." <What?>

A quick summary for what he said, just imagine the elves as humans but with long ears, and very beautiful, you just imagined the Caucasian-looking ones in mangas didn't you? You're not wrong, but now imagine that but with African-descent look, and then one with an Asian-descent look, and then one with a native-American look and you get the gist of it. Just made it more complicated? That's the whole point of this explanation, just to make it more convoluted

"Now back to our lesson, all the elves that were on these raids, were the nordic elves, famous for their seafaring tradition, ruthlessness in combat, and of always pillaging some undefended monastery. They also usually have around a head worth of extra height compared to humans... and that's about it for their physical differences"

And Charlotte raised her hand again

"Are they not more physically frailer than humans?"

"What? No, they have the same strength as a human. There's even a tale of a Nordish elf called Tojen, the Head-crusher"

"H-head crusher?"

"Yes, head-crusher, because according to the tale he still has the highest record of decapitated enemies in battle with his war-hammer, and if you ask decapitating? Yes, he decapitated people just by hitting their heads with his war hammer in battle" (A/N Notes: Dang, that's some buff elf)

"..." <What the hell is wrong with this world!?!?!?>

Everything, everything is wrong with it

"Now we are going to talk about what they are more know about in the present, their state parties"

And once again Charlotte raised her hand

"What is it, Charlotte-sama?"

"Their state parties?"

"Yes, their state parties"


"Well... How can I explain to you in a simple way... ... ... Well, basically their state parties are just an excuse for the Nordish elven nobility and royal to "legally" woo the partners of other nations nobility, including royalty, and have sex with them"

"They what!?"

"They woo other people's wives, husbands, and betrothed to have sex with them and not get sued"

"Does that not cause trouble within their nations?"

"That is the catch, those parties are done because their religion is very clear that a Nordish elf cannot betray their partner with another Nordish elf, but it does not say anything for not elves... and then they used that legal loophole to have an orgy with whoever who had a good enough face for them to fancy, and they don't have a lot of preferences... In my humble opinion, I can only say that I want to castrate every single one of them in the most painful way possible"


Charlotte was taken aback by both the complete opposite values of the elves from what she was used to in her past life, and because of the tutor's humble opinion. He had the unfortunate opportunity to experience that himself, to be more clear it was his partner who was laid down by a Nordish elf

"At least, our national history has an entire section about how our clergyman beat their asses on the water every time they tried to raid our monasteries, and also a whole tale of how our navy once definitely defeated their three times larger navy, that was not even a fair fight because we are many times better sailors than them"

He hated them so much, that he started speaking about how great his nation is

"... ... ... Yeah, I think this everything the crown prince needs to know"

"Just... That?"

'Yes, because honestly nobody likes talking about those Nordish elves bastards"

And with that, the private lesson was ended, Douglas and Charlotte left the study room, and since the lesson finished earlier than expected they had quite some free time

"..." <What was even the point of this lesson?>

Charlotte couldn't think of a good reason for this rather useless lesson, she kept trying to find a reason for it, and before she noticed she was already being pinned down by Douglas on his bed. She got somewhat flustered, but she still accepted his love

About an hour later

Charlotte was covering her naked front with the blanket as she caressed Douglas' head as he slept beside her, then as she did that she remembered one thing the tutor told about the Nordish elves state parties

"They use the state parties to woo the partners of other nations... Nobility... Including Royalty... ... ..."

And she thought of one possibility

"No, no, no. The king isn't that crazy to send Douglas to a party like that, since he's still 13 years old"

Then the door of Douglas'room was open by a certain pink-haired woman, it was Sophia, and she had a very angry expression

<... Am I going to get killed?>

Sophia then walked inside and sat on a chair as she slumped with a despairing feel

"... Hmm... What is wrong, Sophia-san?"

*Deeply inhales* "How does the king fucking dare to bring Douglas-sama with him to one of those damned Nordish elves bastards state party!?!?!?"

"He what!?"

Charlotte heard what she could now know to be very bad news. And Sophia who was looking at the floor raised her head, she noticed that Douglas was sleeping, so she decided to get up and leave

"If you excuse me, I will be hunting down Maria"

And when she opened the door

"*Yawn* Hmmm?..."

Douglas woke up, so she closed the door again, turned as she undressed her apron

"Actually... I need some intimate time with Douglas-sama"

It's pretty obvious what was going to happen, so I will just end this chapter here

(A/N Notes: *Valuesmayvaryfromstorytostorywithmostofthemjustbeingbadingeneral)

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