More training

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(A/N Notes: What's going on? I don't know, but it rhymed and that's all that matters)

After a week or so of training Rose, Anastasia decided that she was ready to use real spells, and she was also going to train Douglas on using spells since his training was more complicated due to his way too powerful mana

"So clever girl, do you still remember what I said to you about how you use magic?"

"Yes! I just need to imagine it, use an incantation or a scroll to make a magic circle so I can use it!"

"That's right, and how does your mana control come into play?"

"You concentrate the mana within yourself on the place that you want to activate your magic! And if you have a lack of mana but great control of it, you can even use the surrounding mana to help you!"

"Good... Now let's see if you're can actually use it, or if you're only barking. I want you to use any beginner magic that I taught you to hit that dummy target, got it?"


Anastasia had pointed at a target wearing an armor made of metal, and Rose readily followed her instructions. She pointed her hands at the target and formed a magic circle in front of them, a small high-pressure water came out of it, and hit the target, creating a small hole in it

"Very good! Do you still want to test other magical attacks?"


"That's the spirit!"

Rose with the guidance of Anastasia, attacked the target with different spells, and all of them were extremely deadly if they were pointed at any common and some uncommon living beings. And even after using all those spells, Rose wasn't tired at all

"*Nodding* You mana reserves are really something, for you to still be this lively"

"Eh?... Then why is Douglas-nii-sama always tired? Isn't his magical core more powerful than mine?"

"Well, he's lazy like that because differently from you, his magic gravity is as strong as his magical core, and because of that instead of releasing the excess it instead keeps all of his mana inside him, that in turn ended being recycled into his magical core making it stronger, and his magic gravity also gets stronger to keep the balance...


"In a way, it would be like when you make a lot of labor when you train your body, then eat a lot until you're full, and then you start to feel drowsy so you go to sleep, that was the main reason for him to always be tired and sleeping..."


"Basically his magical core and magic gravity were in a vicious cycle of producing more mana and consuming it to get stronger, without slowing down, and to compensate all that labor, his body responded by having him sleep for long periods of time" (A/N Notes: TL;DR He's so OP that his body needs a lot of sleep as compensation)

"I see... So why is he looking less tired in the past few weeks?"

"Oh! That. It's because since he can now control his mana, that cycle of his that I just mentioned was slowed down by a lot, so he's getting less tired because of that"

"That makes sense!"

"I know right! And speaking of him here comes the sleepyhead"

Douglas was walking towards them while looking tired

"*Yawn*... Good afternoon, master"

"Yeah, good afternoon, boy. Today we're going to test how well you can use magic spells, go it?"


"Okay, so use any of the beginner magic that I taught you on that dummy target"

"Hm... *nods*"

Douglas turned and formed a magic circle in front of him as he pointed it at the target, and then the magic circle broke

"... Eh!? W, what just happened, Anastasia-sensei!?"

"Huh? Maybe because his mana is so dense, he's unable to use beginner magic"


"In a nutshell, it would be like trying to make a piece of cheese pass through a hole of the size of a needle, the cheese will pass because you'll end up making a bigger hole as you keep forcing the cheese through  the hole, but in this case, the magic circle breaks and no mana goes out, and I need to think of a better comparison!"

"So that means..."

"That means we need a bigger hole! And with that, I mean that it's time to use intermediate spells!"


"Boy! You see this magic circle?"


"Use it on the target"


And after seeing the magic circle Anastasia showed him once, he perfectly copied it and activated it, making a scorching column of fire go hit directly the target with great force, and when the attack subsided the armor wasn't there, and instead, there was only alright red melted metal falling onto the ground


"That was good... Really good... Now it's time to bring the big toys!"

"Wait... You can't possibly be meaning..."

"Yes... I mean exactly that! It's time for advanced magic and even grand-scale magic! I'm going all out today!!! Kuahahahahahahahahaha!!!"


Don't worry, I'll also teach you that, clever girl"

"Really! Yay!"

Since Douglas was the perfect subject of using that type of spells, the research freak inside Anastasia woke up, and she also made sure to make use of Rose too since she was there

Hours later

"Whew! You two can go now, I already did what I wanted to do"

She had forgotten her original purpose for today, but since she had taught them about the knows and hows of magic circles while she was going all out on research, so it was all good for her

"Okay! What're you going to do now, Douglas-nii-sama?"


"I see! Then can I- Huh?"

Someone lifted her up from the waist, as Douglas was also lifted in the same manner

"... Gramps!"

"That's right, Ro-chan! It's your gramps! And since you two are free right now, I'm going to train you!"



Gramps carried both of them under his arms to the training ground where he also trained the battle maids and the royal guards

"Hey, wake up, Douglas!"

"Zzzzz... Huh? *Yawn*... Hm? *Looks around*... What is it, gramps?"

"I'm going to train you, Ro-chan, and Ricardo in the ways of fighting!"

"... Okay"

"Put a little more of power in your voice, look at Ro-chan here, her eyes are shining"

"... Okay"

Douglas' voice was still tired as ever

(A/N Notes: When everything is so complicated that not even the characters know what's going on)

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