Troublesome situation

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(A/N Notes: I don't know, I wasn't fully satisfied with this chapter, but I also couldn't think of anything better... ... ... Maybe I need some change of pace to get back on the right track...

Yeah... I need to find new tracks to keep up my drifting)

It was early in the morning, and Charlotte had just opened her eyes

"Fuaaaahhh... ... ... This was a good night sleep..."

Then she looked to her side to see Douglas' sleeping face making her feel happy, but then she noticed that there was someone else beside Douglas, it was a black-haired woman with her upper body exposed, who was hugging one of his arms as she slept, making Charlotte freeze on the spot


That was the only thing she could think of that situation, then the black-haired woman also woke up and as she opened her eyes, and sit down she also noticed the presence of Charlotte

(Artist: 卵の黄身 [Pixiv])

"Hm? Who are thou?"


"Ah... That is true, I was too focused on wanting to mate with this human child and getting pleased by him, that I completely forgot your presence during the night"

"You were doing what with my Douglas!?"

"Hoh! So this child's name is Douglas... Yes, it is a befitting name for my partner"

"Who are you to say that Douglas is your partner!?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Haydria, Firstborn of the Dragon empress and first princess of the heavenly dragon empire of darkness" 

"... You're joking"

"Am I?"

And Haydria revealed her horns and tails without undoing her human form

(A/N Notes: It just works)


Charlotte was both surprised and scared

"Don't you worry, I won't partake in any actions against other harem members of my beloved"

"... Are possibly the Calamitous ancient dragon of devastation?"

"Hou... Is that how you humans call me?... ... ... Strange, I don't remember taking any actions that were calamitous or devastating"

"And you want to make children with Douglas?"


"... Then that means he's stronger than you?"

"Yes, I was really impressed at how he was able to overpower me... In the bed"

"... What did you do to him while I was asleep?" (angry tone)

"Nothing much, we just passionately felt each other body and deeply kissed each other"

Haydria hugged herself and her cheeks turned red

"..." <... I hope I don't get beaten up by Sophia when she finds out about this>

That was Charlotte's main worry

A few days later

The group that went treasure hunting a few days ago had to answer why there was a dragon in human form clinging to Douglas after he had told John what happened, but in the end, they all agreed to stay silent about her being a and try to come with a lame excuse as for why she was clinging to him. And today was the day that Sophia was coming back from her mission

"I hope she doesn't destroy everything else in her rage"

"Don't worry, she'll certainly lock herself and Douglas-san inside his room and hug him for hours"

"You sure about that?"

"Trust me, I know her better than anyone else"

John was talking to Maria in his office, as she was still being questioned for her participation and planning of the treasure hunt, really worried about what she would do when she heard about Haydria and speaking about Sophia, the carriage she was inside just stopped in front of the castle main entrance, and she left it with a shadow cast over her face, then the driver just took the vehicle back to the military garage

"Douglas... Sama..."

And she stepped forward

A few minutes later

*Opens the door with a bang* "DOUGLAS-SAMA!"

"?... Hm?" *Rubbing his eyes as he just woke up*

Sophia just closed the door and ran towards Douglas, and buried her face on his chest as she hugged his waist


And she began crying like a little child

"There... There..."

Douglas just caressed her hair and hugged her back

"Douglas-sama... Chuuuu"

Then she began kissing him on the lips and undress, without paying a care two the other two women on the bed who could only watch the two make out

About an hour later

"Haa... Haa... Haa... I revived" *Tightly but gently hugs Douglas who's using her bare chest as a pillow*

"Are you normal now?"

"Huh?... Tch!"


Charlotte who tried to talk with Sophia only received a click of the tongue as an answer, then Sophia finally realized that there was someone else on the bed, and she saw Haydria

"... Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Haydria, the third fiancée of Douglas"

"... TCH!... First a princess, now a dragon... It's becoming more difficult to have time alone with Douglas-sama"

"Hoh! You noticed that I'm a dragon?"

"Of course, I did. Only idiots who never fought against one before wouldn't know"

And Sophia sent a glance at Charlotte, who was quick to notice what she meant by that

"Are you calling me an idiot!?"

"Yes, I am"

"Deny it, at least, dangit!"

"So you're not going to oppose I being part of Douglas' harem?"

"Of course not, I do hate it, but I won't oppose it since it's better than having him hate me"

"I see... But there's one thing I have to point at"

"And what is it?"

"That you're hugging way too long now"


And Haydria pulled Douglas away from Sophia's embrace and hugged him, then let him use her chest as a pillow

"Then you passed your time of hugging him for way too much too!"

Then Charlotte was the one who pulled Douglas for an embrace

"You two stayed with him for days, while I was out there away from him!"

Then the three started to argue who would hug him until he got annoyed by their arguing


He pinned them all down on the bed and shut them up...

"I'll be going to my private lessons..."

" " "*Roughed breathing*" " "

Douglas looked at the girls as he was neatly dressed up

"... See you all later"

The three women had roughed breathing and red faces as they covered their eyes or face, and were only in their underwear

"Haa... Haa... Haa... That... Was amazing..."

"Haa... Yeah... Haa... Haa..."

"Yes... Haa... Haa... It was... Truly amazing..."

(A/N Notes: If you guys, ask me what happened, I can only answer... I wish I knew too

That's all for today, everyone, I've been real lazy on my writing this last few weeks

And happy 2020 part 2: Electric Boogaloo, everybody!)

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