Unexpected master

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(A/N Notes: Sorry, for the very late delay. I'm right now paying more attention to Girls'Frontline due to the major event Isomer, and because I didn't have time to write yesterday since I was being taken to places by my parents)

It was around 10 a.m and Douglas walking down one of the various castle's corridors with a tired look with his maid Sophia accompanying him

"I finally found you at last!" a really loud and loud voice from a boy came from behind those two

""?"" Douglas and Sophia turned to see who it was, and they saw Ricardo

Ricardo is Alexander's second son, thus making him Douglas' younger brother, with him being older by 3 years from his younger brother. And Ricardo turned 5 this year

"What... Do you... Want?" Douglas asked with a tired voice

"I want a rematch!" Ricardo was extremely competitive

"... No" Douglas answered him with a tired and annoyed tone

"I see, you're afraid that I am going to win this time and take the throne from you" And he was also an overconfident and stupid brat

"It's not that... You're just a pain in the ass" Douglas just brushed aside his little brother remark with a blunt answer

"D-D-Douglas-sama! You should not speak like that!" Sophia was worried at his tone

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PAIN IN THE ASS!?" the bratty brother easily got angry

"You..." Douglas turned back and continued walking down the corridor, with Sophia worriedly accompanying him, as he left his angered bratty brother behind

"I WILL DEFINITELY TAKE THE THRONE FROM YOU!!!" He declared that in his anger as he ran away

The two of them continued walking down the corridor until they reached a specific door

"... Haa... Do I really... Have to take... Etiquette lessons?"

"Yes, Douglas-sama. Those lessons are necessary for important people like you"

"I guess... So..." Douglas entered the room begrudgingly

Around 30 minutes later


Douglas was soundly sleeping, when he felt a sharp pain on his head

"Wake up! That's not how a prince should behave in front of a subject! Now let's go back from the beginning!..."

His etiquette teacher was an old woman, who was very strict, someone completely incompatible with a listless person, like Douglas

<I really want to leave this place...? Hmm...>

He began to shot glances at a certain bookshelf, but he knew very well that his instincts were telling him to go there if he wanted to escape from the teacher, so he quietly got up from the chair and went towards the bookshelf, while the teacher was busy writing on the blackboard

Then when he got close enough to the bookshelf, he pulled a book that felt that was out of place to him


The bookshelf silently spun together with him, leaving another bookshelf that looked the exact same as the previous one in place

"So did you understand, why etiquette is a must, prin-... WHERE THE HELL DID THAT BRAT GO!?" the teacher shouted in anger, while Douglas walked down the corridor illuminated by a single lantern that was placed on the wall in the hidden side of the bookshelf

<So this place has secret passages, huh?... Good to know> He was too lazy to get any more surprised

Around 3 minutes later

After walking quite a distance, Douglas tiredly opened a metal door that was disguised as a pile of rocks, in the middle of a forest

"... Haa... Haa... Haa..." He left the secret passage with heavy breaths

<I'm never going to use this secret passage again... Now, let's see where I am>

Douglas began to pull from his memory, a map of his country and he then remembered the name of the forest near the castle

<If I'm not wrong... This should be Natoven forest, now I should... What's that?> As he processed his next actions, he noticed a clean and flat rock being bathed by the morning sun

<... I think I'll take a quick nap there before going back...> He pushed all his other worries away since sleeping was of utmost priority to him, and he went towards the rock, where he laid down on top of it

<Aaaaaahhh... Just the right amount of warmth, now I can- zzzzzzzzzz> He immediately fell asleep

Some unknown amount of hours later

Inside the forest, a ghostly figured moved between the trees, animals avoided it, alongside magical beast, the figured wore a black cloak that hid its face

"Another day of nothingness, huh?... AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! GOSH DARN IT! IF I KNEW BECOMING A LICH WAS THIS TEDIOUS, THEN I WOULD'VE PREFERED TO JUST HAVE DIED BACK THEN!!!" It was a lich, a high-class magical monster born from either old skeletons or from dark rituals performed by powerful mages, searching for immortality, and this one was the latter

"I can't even go back to a town, because I lost my body... *Sobs* My sexy and beautiful body... I want it back..." as the lich grieved the loss of its living body, it then noticed a faint human mana

"Huh? I'm feeling a strong, but faint mana leak... And it's from a human... Damnit, it's a very strong one... If I'm not wrong after all my years of research, the stronger one's mana is the more they leak leading to wasted potential... But this one... Is strong and extremely efficient! I must find this person!" The lich's eye sockets glowed in a very intense and ominous light as it swiftly moved between the trees

Then when the lich finally arrived at where the faint mana it felt, it saw a young boy soundly sleeping on top of a rock, and the first thing it thought was

<How the fuck can he sleep in the middle of a forest?... Nevermind, that now it's research time! First! Check his full magical potential!> 

The lich touched the boy's hand and began to circulate its magic between it and the boy

<Hmmm... Strange... Usually, it's not that hard to break through a person's natural mana gravity...!!!> As the lich continued to circulate its magic, it finally managed to break through the boy's natural magic gravity, and it felt very powerful and potentially limitless mana from him


As the lich drowned itself in its disillusions, the boy waked up after feeling a light shock running through his body

"*Yawns*... Huuuh?... I was sleeping so well... Hm?" Douglas noticed a cloaked figure jumping up and raising its bone arms to the air like an idiot

"Oh! You woke up! Please let me perform a magic ritual while using your mana!" The lich did a dogeza as it asked Douglas for something he didn't understand

"... No... And who are you?"

"Ah! That's right, there's no way someone would accept doing a magic ritual with a lich, though you didn't run away at first sight. Sorry, I derailed. Ahem! I'm Anastasia Corwell, and as you can see I'm a lich, and I'm one because I wanted to continue my magical research and because I didn't know I would become a pile of bones after some decades, so I just measured your mana, and I discovered that I can get my sexy body back. So please, perform a magic ritual with me so that I can get my sexy body again! PLEASE!"

"... Okay..." Douglas didn't understand half of what the lich was saying, but what he understood was that it was a woman, dumb and certainly desperate to get its living body again

"I'll even become your master and teach everything I know to you!" But the lich didn't hear it and kept pleading with more intensity

"..." *Slap* He slapped the lich's face

"I already said that you can perform the ritual with me"

"Really!? Then I'll gladly become your master so that I can get my sexy body back! Let's begin!" The lich immediately deployed various magic circles on the ground, forming one big magic ritual formula


"... Douglas..."

"Right, Douglas. Hold my hand, and I'll do the rest, got it?"



Douglas held the lich's hand, and then he felt the same shock he felt when he was sleeping, then the magic circles began to glow and spin with more intensity

"Now let go of my hand and take some steps away. Oh! And close your eyes because there'll be a big flash of light"

Douglas then pulled his hand back, stepped back, and closed his eyes as said


And with the lich's shout, there was a powerful flash of light, that quickly subsided

"Okay, boy. Now you can open your eyes"

Douglas then opened his eyes, and he saw a blond woman wearing a black cloak that revealed her sexy body curves in a way that would make a lot of men look at her

But he was too lazy and tired to actually think anything new about that former lich

"Now, let me introduce again you, I'm Anastasia Corwell, a mage and now your master"

"Okay... Well... I'm Douglas Maxwell... Crown prince of Skenland... And apparently your disciple now"

"I see, you're a crown prince, huh?... YOU'RE WHAT!?"

(A/N Notes: This is all for today, everyone... I really want to sleep so right now)

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