//Location: Unknown//

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Walking in the dark had been a routine for her recently. Breaking into the Athena Parthenon was easier than with the Palace of Knossos. She didn't need to knock any security guards out, just tiptoed past them and blended in with the dark. She whispered the old poems of the Ancient Greece to one of the many corinth, and a simple hole formed for her to squiggled in.
After that was all easy.

Chloe trudged along the dim path, bracing against the cobblestone walls, her hand tracing the linings of rune-stones and symbols, mainly of the Owl, a sign of Athena.

She remembered the first time she came-barely twelve--skipping with laughter and excitement to unravel what is to be seen by the end of the line. The low buzz in her ears brought comfort, even then.

She was a curious young girl, gazing at every rune in awe, gasping as one lit up by the touch of her hand. She remembered the utter amazement she once felt, never feeling so at home before.

For Chloe now, it was her only home.

A screech caused her to intake a sharp breath. Right in front of her was a door, lined by frames of beige stone. There were markings of all the Greek gods among the lines, one symbol of the League carved on the perfect centre.

It used to be so tall for her.

So tall, that she had to wait for another Sight to come by and help her out.

Things change.

She pressed her palm on the mark, glow and warmth coming along her arms. Her left hand clenched, suddenly a bit cold than before.

The screeching stopped. She took a step back as the ground shook and the walls rumbled. The door disappeared slowly like bits of butterflies, leaving only the League sign as a floating image in thin air.

"Well," she muttered, tilting her head. "Let's see what you want me for."

She straightened her back, and clutched what was left of the empty doorway as her feet stepped over the end of the line.

For a moment, it was dark as night and the chill tickled her skin. Then a sharp zwoop burst into her face, along with a strong gust of wind that blew her hair back. In blink of an eye, she wasn't in darkness any longer. She was washed with light, and the beeping of machines.

It was all too familiar for Chloe.

The whole chamber was of gold and bronze, the tapestries like enchanted roots slithering to the frosted mirror ceiling into an upside down ancient tree with leaves of silver touching the floor. On every corner of the round were four vertical layers of doors, gates to a number of locations from all around the world. They appeared empty, hollow, save for the glowing statue of a creature by the tip of the doorways.

Tilting her head back, Chloe nodded in acknowledgement of the Sphinx statue on the arch behind her. The last time she came, it was of a satyr. Its eyes seem to glint like a form of greeting.

Suddenly, the leaves tingled like wind chimes in a windy day, high melodic notes playing in a tune.

The leaves don't play themselves.

Not unless someone's playing them.

Chloe swept in total silence, her feet nimble and light on the marble floor. In one second, the leaves were right in front of her, gleaming with light as she crouched down. She lifted a hand and gently pinched a silver leaf, one level with her eyes. It vibrated, hard and cold by her touch. She twisted it sideways, flashing the surface of the leaf in every possible direction, her eyes kept on the images reflected.

Then she saw it.

A figure, a human.

Laid down over a root, one hand unconsciously flicking the trinket, face more onto the screen of a phone in the other hand.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Who are you?"

The figure jumped with an unholy curse word yelped out. Chloe let go of the silver and rose to her feet, her hands touching the hilt of her siccae, right between the loops of her belt. Her heart thumped.

"Come down in 10 seconds, or I attack."

She made a mental count, until around seven before it appeared in front of her, in the form of a human, male and dwarf-like. "Do not attack." White beard peppered his chin, his head smooth without a strand of hair. One eye of his was covered with an eyepatch, the other black and searching. His arms spread to his sides, as if showing how weaponless he was despite the many guns sticking out around his utility belt.

"Who are you?"

"A Sight, of course. Who else would I be?" he gruffed. "Ever heard of Olag Vassily, the vzglyad of Perm?"

"No," she raised a brow. "Is it you?"

"Well, that is me. You are quite early, Chloe."

"How do you know my name?" she drew her blade.

"I am given the responsibility of guiding you, and the others, by Aphra," he reached with a finger and casually pushed it aside. "Follow me. One of them are already waiting. Just four more, on their way."


"Surely you know of them," he said, beckoning her over to the leaves. "The other one was clueless. Though, to be fair, his heel was bleeding badly."

She nodded nochalantly, sheathing her blade--but keeping the hand near it-- and approahed the dwarf man. Every Sight knew Aphra. "He's quite polite, though. For teenagers."

For a moment, her heart skipped a beat faster. She'd let go of hope and trust a very long time ago. A glimmer of it felt odd inside her.

"Was he American?" her hands squeezed into fists, her eyes over the white of her knuckles. Her eyes widened at how soft her voice became, barely above a whisper. "Dark-skinned?"

"No, Australian, blond, big hands, and tall," he flashed a grin. "Though, most people are tall for me, of course."

"Of course," she shrugged. Her hands faltered, a deep exhale out of her mouth before looking at him. She turned to the leaves, then back at him with a squint of her eyes. "The Headquarters?"

"Clever," he shoved a zephyr of silver, and went in between the leaves. She did the same. "Been there before?"

"Too many times."

"Then you know the entrance?" he slipped from a branch overhead. She ducked under it.

"At the centre of the tree. Where all the leaves part into a secret circle."

"And here we are."

The leaves were then like walls around the small circle, above them the very origin of all the branches of gold. Diamonds hovered in the air like moths, each glimmering in turns and changing colours of every shade. Olag stood at the centre, and offered a hand.

She stood beside him, ignoring the offer. She knew her way in and out. She didn't need help. She wasn't going to trust him. Olag frowned, and recoiled his hand. "Right, then." He cleared his throat, then sang a deep somber in a language unknown to Chloe.

She touched her necklace, feeling its warmth beneath her fingertips. The first time she stood, the first time with Alistair singing a Greek lullaby, she had marveled at the silver leaves and floating diamonds. She had looked up in awe as Alistair singing, never before heard such a beautiful voice.
But still not as beautiful as his.

She could remember his voice, even if they were just 7 the last time she had the chance to gaze at his face and held his hand.
Just the thought of it gave an odd giddiness inside her. Her face felt warm, his voice ringing in her ears.

It's okay, Chloe.
We'll meet again.

The shift under her feet snapped her out of her thoughts.

They was moving downwards, the small circle retreating down to the ground with cyber-like lines glowing in bronze."Chloe Malakós," Olag whistled, clasping his hands as the dark descended upon them, that all she could see was the orange glow of her necklace, and slight details of his grinning face. "Welcome to the League of the Sights."

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