Chapter 26 | Festival

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Three Years Ago

Sol stepped outside, welcoming the chill in the air after the crush of too many bodies occupying the same space. Cordelia at night was full of life and activity, but it had nothing on the festivities going on inside. Sol unfastened the two topmost buttons and shook his shirt a few times, trying to cool his skin faster. The last thing he wanted was to reek before he had the chance to impress the ladies. Or, at least, impress just one of them in particular. Sol couldn't help the smile that formed as he weaved around the tall trees already bare of their leaves, ready for winter to descend. He leaned against the metal fence, forearms resting on the top of the waist-high structure that was more decoration than a functional barrier. Off in the distance stood the three Towers, rising higher than any other building Cordelia boasted of.

It was good to be out from under their oppressive shadow for at least one night.

A brief burst of music and laughter broke through before the door shut, dimming its sounds of gaiety once more. Sol glanced over his shoulder.

"Over here, Vince," Sol said.

His friend swaggered to him and swung an arm across his shoulders, collapsing against him. "What a glorious night, is it not?"

Sol laughed as he shot an elbow into Vincent's ribs—just hard enough to dislodge him. "If you say so."

Vincent leaned his back against the fence, arms slung over its edge. "Don't worry. She'll come."

Sol tried his best to sound casual as he said, "If you say so." He felt Vincent staring at him, but he refused to drop the act.

It had been Vincent's plan on how to catch Hamida's eye. He swore she always attended his family's annual tanchaz. Learning the traditional steps from Vincent in a cramp dorm room differed vastly from performing to live music with the contagious zeal from the surrounding dancers—pushing each other to go faster, to be more daring with the moves and show off one's skill. Hamida wasn't even here yet, but he was already nervous thinking about holding her in his arms and them moving in rhythm to all that energy.

Vincent turned around, brushing Sol's arm with his own as he adopted the same posture as Sol. He looked uncomfortable. "Sorin."

Sol guessed what he was going to say, but he didn't want to talk about it. He still hadn't sorted it all out himself. "Vince. Drop it. I would have said no if I wasn't curious myself."

Sol watched Vincent's eyes lose their guilt and brightened again.

A smile appeared on his friend's face. Vincent bumped his shoulder hard against Sol. "If it doesn't work out with Hamida, you know where to find me."

Sol straightened, using his hand to shove back. He got satisfaction at seeing Vincent go off balance—him who embodied lean strength and endurance so perfectly that no one in their class came close to his abilities at hand-to-hand combat.

"Come on, Vince. I thought you were in my corner."

"Never doubt it, Sorin." His dark eyes were as bright as his smile. "But I am ever the opportunist."

"Don't I know it," Sol said as he headed back to the dance, a light bounce to his step as he anticipated what else might come about this evening.

Vincent matched his stride, reaching for the door before Sol could. He offered an elaborate bow as he held it open. Sol rolled his eyes, stepping into the chaos of life.

Vincent grabbed one of his cousins—Sol couldn't remember his name—and asked, "Have you seen Hamida?"

He gave Sol a puzzled look. "Yes, but I thought Hamida had already found you."

"See, Sorin! Good fortune has smiled on you." Vincent clapped a hand on Sol's shoulder, giving it a hearty squeeze. "Filip, where did you see her go?"

Filip pointed, still with that confused expression on his face. "The kitchen."

Vincent shoved Sol toward the back of the house. "Bring her back so you can amaze her with your moves during the legenyes. It should start at the top of the hour."

Sol gave a lazy wave as he moved against the crowd of bodies. He left the dance hall and headed down the corridor. Each step diminished the noise of the gathering until it faded to a dull muffle of music. The kitchen was easy to find; he just had to follow his nose. His mouth salivated at the savory smell of meat, tomatoes, and onions mixed in with the yeasty aroma of beer or bread—a welcome change from the limited food selection the Academy offered, which focused more on nutrients than flavor.

He knew he had invaded the domain of Vincent's female relations by the sound of their lively soprano voices and twittering laughter among the clatter of dishes. A young woman stepped out, pushing a cart of bowls filled with a creamy pink liquid with small red balls rolling around, offering a whiff of something sugary and tart. It must be the sour cherry soup Vincent had gushed over on their way to the event.

A swish of her flowing knee-length skirt brushed his legs, the fabric stiff with blue threaded embroidery that depicted flowers and leaves. It was a fashion Vincent had called Old Earth charm that many of the women wore tonight, honoring the heritage of their ancestors who had braved the cold depths of space to colonize Terra.

She smiled at him under her lashes. "You are Vince's friend, are you not?"

"So he claims," Sol said, unable to resist flirting back until he remembered why he was here. "Have you seen Hamida? I was told she came this way."

A pout formed on her lips, but she pointed to a branching hallway. "First door. Be a dear and remind her the dough for the kurtos kalacs is rising on the top shelf, if she is having trouble finding it." She gave an appraising look at him before she continued on her way.

Sol frowned, not sure what her parting words meant, but shrugged it off as he followed her directions. He pulled at the handle, surprised at how heavy it was to open, but then it made sense when Sol noticed just how thick the door was. Cool and musty air greeted him. The pale light above cast shadows into the room with its shelves of jars, root vegetables, and squashes.

And in the far back among the shadows stood Hamida, jerking away from someone else as she smoothed down her skirt and straightened her blouse. A masculine arm jerked her back, and they shared a quick kiss before she pushed her partner aside, smiling with a pink flush gracing her checks. She reached up and retrieved a large bowl covered with a plain cloth. Her movement allowed the light to reveal who was with her.

Sol froze, not believing his eyes.

Hamida made it to the door, not meeting Sol's gaze, before she paused and half-turned back. "Solaris, I'll see you after the legenyes?"

"Of course," Sol's twin answered.

Sol was speechless. This wasn't happening. He held the door open for Hamida as she darted out.

Renden was adjusting his pants as he approached Sol. "Sol, I can explain."

Sol took one step into the room and punched his brother in the face. He pivoted on his heel and whacked the door closed, letting its heaviness shut away his sibling's stunned expression.

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