Chapter Eighteen | The Capitol Mockingjay Proposal

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[Important AUTHORS NOTE]

While this book will be taking first priority, I am looking for a BETA Reader/Editor for my original book (for my second Wattpad account) The Utopia (title could change); a book about Wade Harrow (Drew Roy) who grew up in the tech-advanced society that was created to save the human race from pandemics, plagues, and wars. However, when Wade and his friend, Jesse Mason (Bob Morley), find out about an alliance that the Utopian government has with a extraterrestrial race, they discover that the Utopia isn't a utopia at all.

That's a very rough summery. I'll be sharing the Google Doc folder with up to 3 people who will be helping me edit it, and that will have much more information on it. If you're interested, send me private message these questions answered;

1.) Why do you want to do this?

2.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best), how good is your english (grammar & spelling)?

3.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best), how many times a week would you be willing to chat with me about changes, ideas, etc. that could help me with the story? (That could mean texting, chatting on Wattpad, Google Docs, or Email)

4.) What time zone are you in?

This isn't a volunteer thing, I will be willing to pay you (not much) via Snapcash. So I do want someone who is going to take it seriously and not keep in touch for awhile then flake out. The version I post on Wattpad will be a draft version. I hope to eventually have a physical copy of this book, so I do want people who will take it seriously.

Thank you! And stay-tuned, and classy!


Quinn had her legs stretched out and she was leaning against the wall of the cell. The piece of metal was still in her arm, her body throbbed from drifting off to sleep a few times in the past few hours. Her eyes burned, and felt puffy from crying. She couldn't let it sink in that Ciruss and Lace were dead. She just couldn't see who it was possible. Had it been quick? Slow? Did they spill any secrets that they knew?

Quinn pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on them as there was load bang on the door. She knew it was probably just the Avox to pick up her tray from her breakfast meal. And those weren't the people she wanted to strangle to death. Every peacekeeper that was involved in this-- she wanted to watch them die slowly. For what they had agreed to the Victors. Most of which were innocent and hadn't done anything, or had anything to do with what had been happening with the rebellion. The Avoxs' though, they were innocent though and were only following their orders.

However when the door was opened, behind the Avox who swiftly came in to remove the empty tray, there were two peacekeepers and in the middle of them stood President Snow. Suddenly everything in front of Quinn turned red, and all she could see was red. Quinn slowly rose up from the floor as the Avox went to leave the room, and as soon as she was-- Quinn took her chance. She knew she wouldn't get far, to think she would was foolish.

"You son of a bitch!" she shouted as she lunge towards President Snow, her arms getting grabbed immediately by one of the peacekeepers. She was weak enough, it only took one. "Why are you doing this!? You know not all the Victors had something to do with this!" the peacekeeper wrapped an arm around her midsection to keep her arms still, "You're murdering peopl-"

"Shut up," the peacekeeper holding onto her ordered, but his voice wasn't that loud.

Snow stared at her for a moment, "I'm very sorry it had to come to this, Quinn." he sighed stepping into the room, "Believe me, that wasn't my intention to keep you here."

"Your intention was to kill me, believe me, I already know that, sir."

Snow sighed heavily as the second peacekeeper shut the door, and then Snow nodded towards the one restraining her to release her. As soon as he released her arms, she took a big step back-- away from all three of them. "I admit, Ms. Maverick, we've definitely had a very rough start." he began, "But I believe we could still work well together."

Quinn scoffed, "You must be desperate then to come to me for help."

"I have a few things that I know you would appreciate though, Quinn. In return, I just ask for your help." he said, folding his hands in front of him. "I don't even want to know any of your secrets from Thirteen."

"What other kind of help do you need from me then?" she scowled, glaring at Snow. Her entire body was filled with anger, some have so that if she got any more angry, she knew she'd be practically shaking.

"I want you to represent us," he sighed, "Ms. Everdeen is Thirteens Mockingjay, I want you to be the Capitols."

Quinn pressed her eyebrows together for a moment before shaking her head. "Go to hell, Snow. That's never going to happen."

He sighed and nodded, "Then I hope you know, that I will not order that to be removed from your arm." he sighed, "And the room I had prepared for you in the mansion will be dismantled, and I will be sure to broadcast your execution live so your rebel friends can see it."

Quinn's eyes widened, and she wanted to sink back, away from the entire situation. She wanted to just vanish.

"What? You didn't think I'd let you stay here, did you? While I have others, like Peeta Mellark who are willing to help?" he asked, a cold smile spreading across his face for a moment. "I've given you plenty of chances for deals, Quinn. And I will not play your little game anymore."

Quinn stayed quiet for a moment. She couldn't think of anything to say to him, there was nothing she could say.

"Enjoy your next few days, Ms. Maverick." he sighed, "I hope you realize however, that Ciruss Hayden, the Orphans in Four, those Radicals in Four who were with you-- all of the citizens of Thirteen. Their blood will be on your hands."

With that, Snow gave his two goons a nod and then turned an left-- the door being close and locked behind them. Quinn slunk back towards the wall of the room, she felt numb, exhausted, and terrified. Numb because she had just turned down her own known way of living a bit longer-- President Snow had just given her the death sentence that she had been avoiding ever since her first reaping. Exhausted because she couldn't even close her eyes for a few seconds without getting roasted alive from the inside out. And terrified because in a few days, her own execution would be broadcasted. She knew that wasn't a bluff on Snows part. And until then, she had to think about everyone who had died for her.


The orphans.


And the others who were in Four with her were dead? Gale, Boggs, Coleman, Cressida-- they were all dead? They all would have been alive if you hadn't wanted to go to Four so badly, Quinn thought to herself but then she had to mentally slap herself. Snow had lied before, he wasn't that honest of a person-- there was a chance that he was lying about that too.

But the more she thought about it, the more it seemed possible that they all really were dead. And it was all her fault.

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