Chapter Four | Friends & Foes

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[Authors Note]

Remember to keep an open mind about Victor's and Districts. AND LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK =) I love being able to interact with you guys in the comments!

Stay classy!


Quinn closed herself into her compartment as soon as she could. She didn't want to be around anyone, she had been around people enough for the day. She had gotten enough looks, and she just wanted the silence. She didn't want any talking, no conversation with anyone while she tried to settle things in her head. So she could try to wrap her mind about things, but she just couldn't.

Quinn sat down on the edge of her bed, and flipped on the television. And  she had been hoping the Capitol symbol would appear. But instead it with D13. She had hoped for the Capitol symbol so she could just try to muster up enough hatred for the Capitol and the games so she'd be like she was before her games. Because she remembered what she was like, but now she was just...too tired, and just couldn't see how they could beat the Capitol.

After a moment of sitting there, Quinn flipped off the screen and rested her elbows on her knees. There was nothing she could do, and there was still so much in her head that she had no idea where to start thinking about things.


It had become more of a hassle than a natural thing. Because everything she thought about, turned into something about the rebellion.

Quinn was ripped out of her thoughts that were beginning to just turn to mush and more confusion. The sound of a knock on her door made her to stand up and quickly make her way towards the door. She hesitated before pulling the door open, part of her didn't want to have to talk to someone-- the odds of someone just coming to talk to her were slim. But after a moment, Quinn pulled her door open and looked up at Orion standing there.

Quinn let out a sigh of relief, she was just glad it wasn't Boggs or Vessalmen to tell her that President Coin needed her in command.

"What do you need?" Quinn asked, and as soon as Orion opened his mouth-- she knew that she shouldn't have even opened the door in the first place.

"Command needs to talk to you-"

Quinn quickly shook her head, "Tell them I don't feel good or something." she retorted, "Or tell them I just need more time to think."

Orion sighed, he didn't budge though. He wasn't about to just agree to do something like that. "It was either me or Vessalmen." he told her.

"I don't want to talk to them again, Orion." Quinn assured him, "Just tell them I'm not feeling good."

Orion shook his head, "You can't lock yourself in here." he stated.

"Watch me."

After a bit of bickering between the two of them, Quinn angrily agreed to go to command. She and Orion made their way there in complete silence, Orion didn't even think about even trying to start some sort of conversation with her. And if he had, Quinn wouldn't have been very involved in it-- or nice about it.

Once they got to command, there was only two other people there. President Coin, and a girl that Quinn recognised as another Victor-- Skyler Henderson from District Twelve. She was thin, she had dark hair, and her eyes were piercing blue.

"I'm sorry for calling you back, I know that the rest of your day was meant for relaxing." Coin said politely, "But it was brought to my attention that you aren't completely aware of what happened when Katniss blew out the arena."

Quinn raised her eyebrow, she knew for the most part what had happened. "Capitol bombed Twelve, isn't that all?"

Skyler tensed up, shifting in her seat uncomfortably. "The other Victor's," she started, "All of the Victor's who aren't here, President Snow had them arrested."

Quinn felt her stomach drop to the floor, two names popped into her head."

"Ciruss and Lace-- you got them out didn't you?" Quinn asked, her breath was caught in her throat. She could feel the old familiar frustration and disgust she had for the Capitol boiling up inside her. Ciruss was the last person that needed to be punished for anything. He had gone through so much in his own games, and he had done so much for Quinn.

Coin let out a long huff of air, and she folded her hands on the table and tapping her fingers on the top of her hands. "When we evacuated you from the arena," she began, "We had been hoping to do all the evacuating on the same day-- by that point we would have had our ships dispatch to the Districts to get the other Victor's, and we had hoped to have the mentors and Victor's in the Capitol in one of the two Rebel hovercrafts." she explained, "But we didn't want to risk the Capitol getting your body, so we got you out of there-- and then the found out that you weren't dead yet so we had to leave, leaving only one ship. Then when Katniss took out the force shield it was earlier than we had expected."

"So you didn't even try to get them out!?" Quinn snapped loudly, her hands rolling up into fists. "You have to get them out! They were part of your plan and you just left them there!?"

"Our first priority was to get Katniss out of the arena-- and to save you--"

"Do you have any idea what Snow will do to them!? Just because they were part of my team!? If he finds out I'm alive-- they might as well be dead!"

"Quinn, I'm well aware of what Snow is capable of," Coin replied, trying to keep her voice level and calm.

Quinn could feel the same anger for the Capitol getting to be more and more for District Thirteen. Everything they had done for not just her, but the entire rebellion was for their own gain-- they didn't even try to help anyone who could do something for them. They only got Quinn because she could...motivate and encourage the rebels. If she hadn't had anything to offer, then they wouldn't have worried so much about getting her out. And Orion? If he hadn't proved himself by getting Quinn from Four and getting her to Thirteen, if he hadn't trained to become a high ranking official official in their military that would fight against his own grandfather-- they never would have considered getting him out of the arena. If Katniss couldn't 'lead' their cause, they wouldn't have gotten her out.

It was almost the same thing that the peacekeepers had done to Colemen. He had been working-- he had been out of the warehouse when it got turned to ash. They spared him because the District got something for him.

"So that's it?" Quinn asked, "You have the ones that you know can help you, but you are just going to forget about the others?"

"We were doing everything we could--"

"Obviously you weren't." Quinn scowled, "What District Thirteen did is no better then what the Capitol has done." she stated, glaring at Coin and then turning to storm out of command. Her mind was swamped, she couldn't stop thinking about how much she hated not only the Capitol for ever having the games-- for even putting her in that position, but District Thirteen too. They had only saved those from the arena and from the Capitol that they thought would actually help them. So that part didn't fit, why they would have left Ciruss! Ciruss could have done so much more than Quinn could do for them.

But something made Quinn stop in her tracks. She hadn't even heard what Coin wanted from her, but did she even care? Did whatever Coin want even matter? What was even more frustrating, was that if Quinn was going to be able to do anything, it would have to be fore the rebels-- and that meant working with Coin. But she couldn't stand Coin, not if she was that kind of person. One who only wanted to do things so she could help herself and not everyone involved.

"And you're okay with this, Orion?" Quinn glanced over her shoulder towards the corner she had just rounded to get away from the Command. "You're okay with her giving up?!" It was Skyler Hendersons' voice to was speaking.

"Just give her some time," Orion urged her, "She's just..." he paused, "Confused, she'll come around--"

"When? We don't have another twenty-five years, Orion." she retorted.

"She'll come around." Orion repeated, "She's been through a lot-"

"And we haven't? The Capitol destroyed Twelve, and those of us who made it here-- we don't want to just wait around for some girl who can't even think about what she wants for breakfast." she said, her voice was bitter when she spoke. And Quinn didn't even need to think about it, she knew that they were talking about her. "If old Quinn is still there-"

"She is." Orion stated blantantly, "You saw how mad she got back there," he stated, "You saw how made Katniss was-- they'll be able to work together. People will listen to them-- it's just that...she can't--"

"She doesn't know what to be mad at." she stated, "District Thirteen isn't the enemy, the Capitol is. She's just forgotten that. She forgot what the Capitol is doing to try to end the rebellion."

"And if Coin would have just been blunt and asked her if she wanted to go with Katniss," Orion paused, "She wouldn't have stormed out. I agree, okay? Don't act like I don't. I know she just needs to be reminded. But telling her that Ciruss and Lace are as good as dead-- that did nothing to get her to decide to help Thirteen."

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