Chapter Twenty-Four | A Jumbled Mess

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I am SO sorry for such a short update!

    Quinn hadn't been hooked up to anymore IV's over the next two days. She probably wouldn't have put up much of a fight if they had tried, she would have just waited for them to leave so she could just take it out herself. There had been a few visitors too. Dylan had stayed for ten minutes the day she woke up, and then the next day, Dylan, Athennia, and Quinten came to see her. Hadley had come by too when she wasn't too busy with other patients. But she had done a lot to help try to rehabilitate Peeta. Then Orion had stopped by, but only briefly. Quinn had spent hours trying to figure out what was different, but she hadn't been able to vividly remember anything. All she knew was that it had something to do with being hijacked in the Capitol.

"Do you have an idea how much longer I'll be stuck here?" Quinn asked Hadley as she gathered up her things she had brought.

She looked at Quinn and smiled a bit, "You'll be out of here in no time," she assured her. "You've improved quite a bit, so I'm sure in the next few days."  she said softly as she gave Quinns hand a small squeeze. "And when you do get discharged, I'll make sure your compartment is ready."

Quinn gave her a weak nod, "Thanks..." she sighed heavily, and then with that Hadley turned and left the small room.

    Quinn sat there for a moment, it seemed like forever-- almost like time was moving slowly. Too slowly, like it wasn't real...she couldn't even tell what was real. She knew who she was, where she was, what had happened, but it was like anything she was thinking wasn't what she actually thought. As insane as that sounded...

    She must have been there for a good half hour more before there was a knock on her door. She sighed heavily, hoping that it wouldn't be Orion again to try and talk to her again. But instead, it was Gale. He looked nervous to see her.

"Hey, Gale," she said simply, pushing herself into more of a sitting position.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he grabbed the chair by the door and moved it closer to her.

"Fine," she replied, "Well, as good as I probably will."

"I'm sorry, Quinn," he sighed as he plopped down into the seat. "I shouldn't--"

"Did Coleman and Isabella make it?" she asked quickly.

He nodded, "Both of them are just fine,"

"That's good," she stated, "Otherwise it would have been a waste of time to go there."

Gale sighed heavily, "Quinn, people are worried about you." he stated, "Peeta's practically Snows personal assassin. Nobody knows what happened to you-- it's scaring people."

Quinn raised an eyebrow, "Why?" she asked, "Just because I was in the Capitol?"

"Because nobody knows what Snow did to you," he replied, "Do you remember anything?"

Quinn stared at him, "I'd really rather not talk about what happened," she retorted, "Can't you find out from Peeta? Annie or Agathias?"

"I mean do you remember anything that happened to you," he corrected himself.

"I already told Dylan-- it's all just a blur and a mixed up thing." she stated, her voice tinted with irritation and frustration. Not because of just Gales questioning, but because of the fact that she barely had any clue what exactly had happened herself.

"I know, that's what she told command-- but if you could just-"

"I don't know, Gale." she said sharply, narrowing her eyes and glaring towards him. "If I knew anything, I'd be able to tell you. But I just don't."

    And that was the most frustrating thing that Quinn could imagine. The fact that she didn't know what she wanted or needed to know. All she really knew was why she need to hate the Capitol-- why she needed to hate Snow.

    He took everything from her-- he took everyone from her. Now all she had left was a jumbled of string of memories that she couldn't make sense. And the very worst thing that he had taken away from her-- although she wasn't sure how, was the fact that she couldn't piece together why she had ever trusted Orion. She knew she had, she was positive she had-- they had gone through too much to not trust him, but now she just couldn't look at him without feeling angry, uncomfortable, and betrayed.

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