Chaper 5: The Tree of Death (Part 2)

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"Raaaaaahhh!!" Four Arms let out a roar as he grabbed one of the massive drill tanks and threw it into the air, sending soldiers yelling and flying into the sky as more massive machines drilled through the earth and made their way into the canyon. 

"Th-the Omnitrix!?" growled the Spider Lady as she whipped her sleeves back, and thin shimmering silk pulled her body back like a puppet, levitating her onto a nearby outcropping. "Tsk. What is he doing here!?  Whatever the case, I am a lower caste when it comes to combat, I'm not suitable to this."

"Ben!!" The Nephew yelled as he moved with skill and hurled fire from his fists, firebending with great proficiency.  The Flaming punches sent hurled into approaching soldiers at a range, taking care of a group that had been approaching the alien from behind.

"Thanks!" Four Arms growled as he lifted up another massive tank, carrying it over his head and throwing it into the canyon walls with a crash.  "Get your uncle and the others!"

Ping and Li Ang were running out of their tents, Ping looking aghast. 

"You damn Matriarchs! Why can't you leave us in peace for once!?" roared Ping, throwing everything from his toothbrush to a bar of soap from his pack at the Spider Lady.  

"Annoying old man." Grunted the Spider Lady, hurling a sleeve at Ping, causing a massive hose of webbing fluid to gush straight into Ping, wrapping him in tight silk like a cocoon except for his eyes and nose. 

"MMMFFF!" Ping rolled to the ground as Li Ang ran desperately to him.  

"However.. that woman.. hmm.. quite a catch." said the Spider Lady. "She is suitable."

The Lady glided down to the ground and then moved swiftly past Four Arms, who turned quickly. 

"Oh no you don't!" Four Arms roared. 

He slammed the Omnitrix's faceplate and a green light shrouded Ben once more as he transformed once more. 

This time.. his legs became large cricket-like back limbs, covered in green exoskeletons and connected by spring-like powerful green muscle. 

Ben's torso was now a two armed humanoid insectoid looking green armored carapace with three clawed hands... 

To finish off the look, the alien's head was covered in segmented plated armor in a sort of dagger shape, as if designed to mostly take hits directly to  the cranium. 

"WHOA!" The alien exclaimed. "Hold on! This ain't XLR8!! Who the heck is-!"


The grasshopper-like alien looked up as the Spider Lady held up a wriggling web cocoon that was suspiciously woman shaped. 

"WAIT!!" The alien leaped forward. 

A massive shockwave exploded from the alien's legs, the earth rupturing from the amount of sheer force that the powerful limbs built up. 

"FFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOMM!" The alien shot head first at blistering speed into the Lady, causing her to drop Li Ang's cocoon as the she and the alien were sent smashing straight into the cliff wall, smashing a huge crater into the impact point. 

The alien leaped out of the dust cloud, shaking his head, his open with slight shock. 

"WHOAA! My head didn't feel anything.. " The alien exclaimed. 

He picked up a boulder and slammed it against his forehead, and the boulder shattered easily.

"Impact resistant head.... high powered jump launching!?" said the alien. "I'm a walking projectile!! A Crashing Grasshopper? No.. wait.. A Crashhopper!!"

"CRAAACKKK craackk SNAAAP!" The dust cleared as the Lady slid out of the hole in the cliff face, fragments of rubble sliding out with her.. her limbs, neck and body snapping back into place with a sick sound of bone binding itself back together. 

"You twerp! YOU PIECE OF MEAT!! BEN TENNYSON!!" the Lady lashed out her sleeves, causing pillars of highly dense spider silk to fire outwards, shooing at such high pressure and speed, it ripped up the ground on its way to the new alien. 

"WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!" Crashhopper exploded into the air, leaping hundreds of feet upwards to avoid the attack before twirling back down slamming his feet down at the Lady. 

The Spider Lady leaped out of the way as Crashhopper slammed into the earth in front of her, rupturing it. 

"WHIIIIPPPP!" The Lady lashed out another silk slashing attack, only to hit empty air as Crashhopper leaped up again twirling over to the canyon wall and kicking off of it. 

"BOOIIIIINGGGG BOOIIINNNNNGBOINGBOING!!" Crashhopper bounced to the other end of the canyon.. leaping from wall to wall so fast, he turned into a blur like a wacky out of control pinball, building up more and more speed. 

"Forget the others!!" screamed the Lady in a rage. "KILL THE BUG!! KILL IT!! FIRE EVERYTHING!!"

The Drill Tanks and soldiers turned away from the Nephew and his Uncle and began moving towards Crashhopper. 

The soldiers took out strange spears, tipped with what appeared to be electrically crackling transparent energy blades and fired beams at the bouncing mayhem. 

Crashhopper leaped and twirled past the blasts, leaping from wall, ground, to wall, moving at speeds too great for any of the soldiers to have a clear aim. 

One of the drill tanks charged forward, it's size so massive that its body took up the entire canyon, making it impossible to avoid. 

But Crashhopper grinned as he leaped straight at the drill. "Well.. guess I don't have a choice!"

"BEN NO!!" the Nephew roared. "You don't know if you can take that!!"

"JUST HAVE TO FIND OUT!!" Crashhopper's head rammed into the point of the drill. 

"CRRUUUUUNCH!! BANG! BANG! BANG!!" the drill's point split inwards as Crashhopper ripped straight through, and the sounds of the alien's armored head ramming through multiple walls inside the drill were heard before Crashhopper emerged on the other end, landing on his feet while the drill let out a low groan behind him, shutting down instantly. 

"This is AWWWWESOME!!!" Crashhopper exclaimed. 

"KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL HIM!" The Lady screamed furiously. 

The soldiers all fired their weapons, but Crashhopper leaped over their heads, directing his feet to once more slam down into the earth. 

The shockwave resulting from his ground stomp sent the soldiers all flying like ragdolls. 

"I'll deal with this myself!!" The Lady let out a wrathful hiss, closing in, three whips made out of intertwined silk forming out of each of her sleeves. 

"WHIIIIIPPP! SLAAASHHH!" The Lady's whips carved through the walls of stone around her as she lashed them furiously at Crashhopper. 

"AAGHH!" Crashhopper staggered back as a few whip strikes hit his chest, causing a few cracks in his exoskeleton. 

"WHIIIIIIP!!!" A few whips wrapped around Crashhopper's formidable legs, before the Lady pulled, causing the alien to fall over on his back. 

"Ffsssshshhhhhh!" Flames tore straight through the silk, burning it away as the Nephew leaped in sending several flame projecting kicks at the Lady, forcing her leap back and forth to avoid the attacks.

"FOOOMMMMM!!" The Lady suddenly ducked as the Uncle moved in, hurling a large flame from his mouth like dragon's breath. 

"Oho! I know that move.. Dragon of the West." The Lady growled. 

"Well it's been a long time Arachnoyoto." said the Uncle with a slight grin. "Though if I might add, what an odd name you've chosen for yourself. "

"I don't expect an old and past his prime short lived human to understand the intricacies of our naming traditions."

"Hmm perhaps not, but I do have a few Fire Bending Traditions I'd be more than happy to show you." said the old man. "Nephew.."

"Understood Uncle." said the Nephew with a grin as he used a flame from his finger to slash through the webs tying Crashhopper's legs together. "What do you say- uh.. Crashhopper?"

"Ya like the name too?" said Crashhopper, leaping onto his feet. 

"Gotta admit, it's catchy." said the Nephew. 

"Hmph.. well COME ON THEN!! MEATBAGS!" snarled Arachnoyoto. 

Arachnoyoto moved like a fierce ribbon dancer, lashing her webbing whips around with deadly grace. 

But the Uncle moved with a speed and skill that was truly contradicting to physique. Leaping and somersaulting through the whip strikes, firing more flaming blasts from his fists in disciplined Karate-like and other Japanese Martial arts style moves. 

As he did, Crashhopper leaped overhead, landing behind Arachnoyoto as the Nephew charged in from the side. 

"FOOOM FOOOM FOOOM!" Crashhopper hurled insane high powered leaping kicks at Arachnoyoto, forcing her to move from side to side to avoid the powerful steel crushing feet of death, before she slid on her knees to avoid another fire blast from the uncle. 

The Nephew came down at her from above as she slid forward, yelling as he sent forth a large fireball. 

"UGGGH!!" The Lady cleaved the fire with a whip, causing the webbing to burn away before she rolled to the side and leaped back to her feet, creating another whip in a flurry of threads. 

"You've improved since our last bout." said the Uncle. 

"All in preparation to kill you of course." said Arachnoyoto. 

"Be careful." said the Uncle. "Arachnoyoto like the others of the Matriarch, had the abilities to steal powers from other beings and permanently acquire them within herself, though there's a limit to the number of powers many Ladies can hold. This woman has the strength, agility and web manipulating ability of a strange spider-like monkey alien creature, as well as the abilities of a metal bender she killed from Toph's school. 

"She killed one of Toph's students!?" exclaimed Crashhopper. 

"Yes, she takes advantage of the metal bending by imbuing the webs she creates with metal filaments from in the earth, strengthening her web whips and manipulating their movements." said the Nephew. "It's almost an entire new form of Metal Bending." 

"I'm impressed, Dragon of the West, you've managed to analyze my abilities well over the years I've sought to hunt you down." said Arachnoyoto.  "If one had the wrong idea, they'd say you were swooning for me."

"Swooning for a witch? Heheheh, no thank you. Though I admit you're a welcome change to my crazy niece." said the Uncle. 

"Compare me to her to me again OLD MAN!" roared Arachnoyoto. 

"I think you hit a nerve." said the Nephew with a slight grin. 

"Don't look at me.. it's almost like she's made of nerves." said The Uncle with a shrug. "You can't say one thing without suddenly setting her off!"

Arachnoyoto attacked in a frenzy, hurling her whips to and fro with massive speed to the point that the Nephew and Uncle were both forced to retreat rapidly, barely beating back her whips with their flame kicks and punches. 

"BEN!" the Uncle yelled. "Follow my lead!! It's time to fan the tea!"

The Uncle puffed up his cheeks and hurled a fire breath attack through his fingers into the ground, creating a blazing circle around the Lady. 

Ben thanked his lucky stars he realized precisely what the Uncle was going for. 

Crashhopper leaped forward and hurled a ground stomp in front of the flames, the massive wind churning from the shockwave causing a wave of fire to rise over the Lady. 

"AAGGHHHH!" Arachnoyoto staggered back, distracted by the giant wave of flame. 

Crashhopper then exploded through the fire, his head ramming into the Lady's chest in a tremendous impact that sent her flying straight through several tank hulls with metal wrenching sound. 

Crashhopper landed in front of the ruined tanks, narrowing his eyes. 

Sure enough, as he suspected, a scream of rage was heard, and several slashing sounds later, the tanks that were in the way were cut into diagonal shards by the deadly web whips of Arachnoyoto.

Arachnoyoto waded through the tank wreckage, dragging a broken leg behind her, her head twisted at an odd angle. 

"CRRAAAACCK SNAP!!" the head and leg re-righted themselves instantly just like any other Lady of the Matriarch and the Lady glided forward, now creating 9 whips in each hand, each web whip now possessing metal hooked spikes meant for stripping the flesh clean off an opponent's bones. 

The Lady made to charge straight for Crashhopper, the only one in between her and the Uncle, but before she could.. a sound was heard..

A sound which nearly ripped Ben's heart out.

The crying of an infant..

"MMMMFFF!!" Li Ang cried out from in her cocoon, obviously having heard the cries of her infant, who lying in his bundles near a boulder next to a burning tank. 

The Lady turned her masked head to look at the infant, Crashhopper could almost sense the cruel smirk turning up beneath the alien woman's mask. 

"No.. " Crashhopper murmured. "NO YOU LOOK AT ME!! I'M THE OPPONENT HERE!!"

But the Lady glided straight to the infant, swinging her dual cat of nine tails viciously. "WATCH IROH!! AS THIS CHILD DIES DUE TO YOUR INCOMPETANCE!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"  Ping screamed as he struggled against the webbing still holding him.  "NOT MY GRANDDAUGHTER YOU BITCH!! TAKE ME!! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!"

At that moment, as if in slow motion, Crashhopper watched as the old man known as Iroh jumped in front of the infant, blocking a lash from the whips with an arm, attempting to shield the baby with his whole body. 

"UNCLE!!!" the Nephew roared. 

"Agggghh!" The Uncle fell to one knee, his blood and bits of his own flesh splattering to the ground but managing to hold onto the baby with his other uninjured arm. 

He smiled at the baby, in spite of his pain. "There there little one, I won't let her take you."

"UGH!! You just PISS ME OFF!!" screamed Arachnoyoto as she brandished her whips again.

Crashhopper at that moment, leaped down in front of the Lady, the earth rupturing under his very powerful feet as the woman began to slash her whips at him. 

Ben felt fierce conviction in his heart. Conviction that the loss of Gwen had before hidden, and buried away, but now was reawakened by the sight of Iroh's own convictions to help the innocent. 

And in the heat of that moment he thought something strange.. 

He wanted to crush the alien before him.. to become an armored shield for the baby she was aiming for, and for the old man who had earned his undying respect.  An armored bunker lined with weapons ready to stay back the tide of cruelty this woman  brought forward. 

"Request heard.." The Omnitrix said. "Unlocking appropriate species. New Alien DNA unlocked.  

"KAAAZAAAM!" A green light shrouded around Crashhopper as a new alien form took his place. 

The Lady staggered back, blinded and shocked by the sudden green light. "UGH! Wh-what the HELL is THAT!? B-BY THE GREAT MOTHER!"

Ben now looked like a walking suit of gray samurai armor. A horned helm, a white mask, large robotic legs, segmented plates adorning his hips and shoulders, golden highlights,and even a white cloth down the middle waist.. green eyes glowing from underneath the samurai-like mask. 

The omnitrix burned on the new robo-samurai alien's chest as it looked at itself. 

"Whoa.. " said the Armored Samurai bot.. I look like a something from old japan."

"Hmm, like an old Fire Nation General." said Iroh. 

"Hmph a Japanese General more like.. a  Shogun.. what a pitiful look for such a creature I've never seen." said Arachnoyoto. "Though I suppose since the Fire Nation's culture is drawn from the remnants of Japan from before the Great Disaster, it's fitting that you, Dragon of the West, should have this particular creature die at your side!"

Arachnoyoto lashed her whip at the alien bot, only for the biomech being to let the whip wrap around his wrist without any sort of harm and grab it tightly. 

"Nuh-uh-uh." said the alien. "No touching."

"Wh-wha-?!" The woman barely let out a cry of shock before the alien yanked her forward with his enhanced strength. 

The bot made to punch her as she flew forward, but instead, his hand morphed, splitting apart as multiple mechanical parts clinked together till they formed a modern M16 rifle, firing a barrage of bullets. 

"POWPOWPOWPOWOPOWPOW!!" The Lady was riddled with bullets, a few holes peppering themselves into her mask. 

She fell down as the shogun alien looked at the gun coming out of his wrist with slight shock. 

"I a Shogun with a gun.. huh.. guess that's something." said the alien. 

And so ShoGun was christened. 

"SLLLLLURRRPP! clink clink clink.."

Bullet casings fell to the ground as the Lady rose from the ground, her blood slithering back into her robe as she hissed wrathfully. "I'll END YOUUUUUU!!" 

The Lady stomped the earth, bending massive boulders at the ground and hurling them at ShoGun. 

"What else can I make!?" ShoGun exclaimed. "LETS SEE!"

Shogun's M16 disappeared, and his shoulder pauldrons retracted like hatches, as his inner gears began shaping themselves rapidly in a blink of an eye. 

Two military rocket launchers now lurched out of his shoulders, firing and blasting the boulders into rubble. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" the Lady screamed, slashing her fancy shoe across her in a disk-like motion and clapping her sleeves to the ground, causing waves of earth to rumble towards ShoGun. 

"If I can make human weapons.. then maybe.. I can try a few alien ones I've seen before.." ShoGun's legs suddenly gave a burst as they morphed into a set of plasma stability projectors commonly found on starships, carrying him high into the air like Iron Man. 

Both of ShoGun's hands morphed, turning into Three Barreled plasma cannons, firing a barrage of explosive white plasma rounds that erupted all over the surface of the canyon, throwing up dust, and sending the Lady flying. 

"Y-you.." The Lady rose from the dust, coughing, her sleeves in bloodied shreds, her mask cracked. 

"PEEWWW PEWWW PEEEEWWW!" Hatches opened on ShoGun's shoulders as multiple heat seeking missiles exploded from newly formed barrels, painting the landscape in orange heat filled clouds. 

ShoGun landed in front of the heavily injured Arachnoyoto as she rolled out of the dust coughing. 

"Y-you won't win.. my reinforcements should be coming any sec-." The Lady froze as ShoGun's chest suddenly split open, revealing a gun barrel protruding out of a humming core filled with wires, with multiple energy bar attachments that seemed to be spiking. 

In the large barrel of the energy weapon, was a plasma focusing lens shaped like the Omnitrix's symbol. 

"You know what this is?" ShoGun growled.

"T-Tachyon gun, m-made to destabilize all the cells of any being whose DNA matches the locked signature.. wh-where on Earth could you have-?"

"My old friend Kevin was a bit of an alien gun nut, and apparently I can recreate any weapons I've seen in living memory." said ShoGun. "Sort of this alien's thing.  And guess whose DNA I'm locked onto right now.. "

There was a pause. 

Arachnoyoto put a finger to her ear. "Captain, call off the reinforcements, we're doing a full retreat.. don't argue with me just do it!!"

Arachnoyoto glared at ShoGun for a little bit. "You win this round Ben 10, but know this. You and that old man will perish by my hand alone.. and the Omnitrix will be worn on the wrist of the High Matriarch as a trophy for your head!"

"Just get out of here before I vaporize you." Growled ShoGun. 

The Lady glided back, seeming to shift straight into the shadows of the rubble before finally completely disappearing. 

Ben turned back into a human in a flash of green light, turning to see the Nephew already bandaging up Iroh's arm. 

"Iroh, where have I heard that name before?" Ben muttered. "Can't help but wonder if I'm forgetting something."

"Probably not too important." said Iroh with a smile. "The important part is that this little one didn't get hurt? Did you now?"

Iroh smiled down at the baby, who was now snoozing peacefully. 

It didn't take long to cut Ping and Li Ang free from the webbing, reuniting them with the littlest member of the family.

"Oh my sweetheart, I'll never let go of you again." said Li Ang tearfully. 

Ping stared at the little child and at his granddaughter for a moment. 

"I.. I thought for a moment.. that I was about to lose everything.." Ping whispered. "Then you all dove in and.."

"Lose everything?" said Iroh, raising an eyebrow. "I was under the impression that you were seeking out the Spirit of the Death Tree because you had nothing to live for.. how strange hmm?"

Ping bowed his head, as did Ben further in the background, who now had a lot of things to think about. 

"In any case.." Iroh said. "We need not walk any further..."

"What?" Ben said. "B-but we're still at least a day out from the Tree."

"You're talking about visiting the Spirit of Passing so close to the Solstice's end date." said Iroh with a smile. "And much death has just happened here thanks to our battle. She's not going to merely sit back and watch you know."

Sure enough, it took only moments before Ben felt a chill in the air. 

It was not an unwelcoming chill. The chill was that of a freshness that one associated with being clean after a good bath, or having fresh breath after going to the dentist. 

A large white tree shifted through the dirt.. growing and crackling like one of Swampfire's vines, taking root in mere seconds as a beautiful woman with black hair, kabuki-style face paint, and shrouded in white garments smiled welcomingly at the group gathered, her great white feathery wings spreading out from her back. 

"I see, so you who have sought me have instead drawn me here." said the spirit Bai Cherbong, siting on the Yansheng tree amid the bemused and shocked audience. "You're quite bold to kill to get me here."

"We didn't have much of a choice, and to be honest, a lot of the dead are the result of a few accidents when the soldiers were running." said Iroh with a shrug.  "Most of the people we handled were just knocked out for a moment."

"I see, that is indeed the truth. What an odd result for a battle." said the spirit with a laugh.  "Definitely a rare one. Though I think that at least that young warrior over there is not a killer.. most of the time."

Bai Cherbong smiled at Ben. "So, which one of you wishes to pass on to the afterlife early? I can tell that you there green eyes, at least deserves to move on to paradise quickly. You've done enough for the mortal plane. You and that tired and well worn watch.."

Ben lowered his head momentarily and then smiled. "Sorry, I don't think I'll take you up on that offer."

"Pity, you're quite a handsome one." said the woman with a shrug. "How about you old man? I could hear your cries for death from miles away as you approached, I must admit that I actually prepared a banquet in the halls of the Spirit quite early in preparation for your well deserved rest.. though.. I don't seem to hear those cries now, odd."

The elderly Ping sighed. "I don't suppose I'm taking you up on the offer either. I.. I think I've learned that perhaps.. perhaps as long as something still exists in this world that I'm willing to protect, perhaps life isn't so pointless, even if nearly everything is gone.."

"Grandfather." Li Ang smiled tearfully as she placed a hand on her grandfather's shoulder. 

"So, I no other takers?" Asked the spirit. "I've already taken away the deceased spirits in this place, so if there's no other business to be had-."

"I'm good." said the Nephew.

"Hahah! These old bones still got a bit of energy yet." said Iroh. "By the way, have you perhaps heard from my dear son?"

The Spirit smiled kindly. "He told me to tell you that Jasmine Tea's not the only thing in the world. Be sure to give Huo Long a try."

"Of course." said Iroh with a smile and a bow. 

With that, the woman faded out of view as the tree dove back into the earth, leaving nothing behind except a single white lily, poking out of the damp soil. 

"Well what now?" Ben asked.

"I will go to The Fire Nation I suppose." murmured Ping. "At the very least if I'm going to stick around for a few more years, or as long as my body lets me, Li Ang and Ele should be safe there.."

"Quite a fortuitous circumstance that we met then." said Iroh cheerily. "We happen to be on our way there ourselves. We can escort you."

Li Ang smiled at Ben. "Will you join us then? Master Tennyson?"

"I've.. I've got a few friends to get back to, but I'll meet you all there for sure." said Ben. "But thanks for the offer." 

Ben nodded at Iroh and his nephew. "And.. thank you.. both for setting me straight and showing me what it means to be a hero again. I think I might've forgotten after Gwen- well.. maybe I've forgotten for a while since I woke up with nobody else from my time period to help me. But I know now that I still have a family.. and a desire to protect life."

"Hold on to that desire tightly Ben Tennyson." said Iroh. "Those with your kind of power and your kind of kindness and ideology in combination are rare and hard to find. But it is they who are able to affect the greatest change. And I know that the Avatar at the very least, would agree with me on that."

"Thanks. Also.. still.. Iroh, I feel like that has SOMETHING to do with the Fire Lord guy.. but.. ah it's slipping my mind." Ben said. 

"Heheheheh, don't let me spoil the surprise just yet." said Iroh with a knowing smile. "Come Nephew, lets get this camp packed up and move on. I don't fancy risking the rest of the Matriarch happening on this place, and I still have a few more songs for the road.  And I think Ben would like to fly home and settle a few things."

The Nephew grinned and held out a hand. "It's been a pleasure."

"Yeah, for me too." said Ben, clasping Zuko's hand. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Uhhh.. Zu.. I mean er.. Zu.. co.. Zubat."

"You're a pokemon!?" Ben exclaimed, looking amazed. 

"What's a pokemon?" 'Zubat' asked. 

"Um.. nothing, I should go now."

After waving a goodbye to Iroh, Ping, Li Ang and "Zubat" Ben transformed into Jetray and soared quickly into the night sky. 

It didn't take long before dawn started to peak over the horizon and the alien landed in front of the Rust Bucket's door next to the lake.. 

Transforming back into a human, Ben knocked on the door quickly.

Slowly  the door opened as Katara peeked out, her eyes filled with worry and then relief at seeing who it was.

"B-Ben, I wasn't expecting you back for another day.. I. actually wasn't sure if you were coming ba... are you okay? You look pale.. I.. OOF!"

Ben was hugging Katara fervently before she could finish speaking , holding her tightly as tears streamed down his face. 

"I'm sorry. I-I'll never worry you again, I promise."

Katara smiled a little as she patted Ben on the back. 

"H-hey.. Katara..? Whaz goin' on?" Sokka called out from the bunk. "Ben.. whas u doin' back so early..? Got any meat..?"

Ben grinned, wiping away his tears and letting go of Katara. "Ah, not really, but I'll go out and get some if you like. Giant monster? Or Squirrely forest critters?"

"Anything with lots of fat on it." Sokka grunted with a large yawn.

"Giant monster it is." said Ben as he gave Katara a wink and ran out of the Rust Bucket, dialing the Omnitrix. "I'll show you how an alien hunts for food!"

Katara simply smiled with calm relief as she leaned on the RV's door, watching as a strange orange furry dog-like alien creature bounded into the woods in the direction of the rising sun. 

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