Act 3) Change Of Plan

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Sakura: ok, Luna. I think we need to change the escape plan a little. You did saw it like the higher ups had already took some action, although that auntie Amethyst combat capabilities are lower than me, but her cheating abilities can't be underestimated, she can paralyze mind and stop her target's movement temporarily. What if there are more of them blocking the path at the higher floor, that will be tough. You also saw that what happened just now, the gemstone energized battle gear users have some mysterious abilities. I was almost being defeated by Amethyst, not by combat capabilities but by unique mysterious abilities that each gemstone energized battle gear users has. If they already have some sort of backup plan to capture me when I had awakened. It is not wise to continue this plan.

Luna: yup, I saw that. The higher ups must have at least one gemstone energized battle gear bounded with their bodies just like us. The one that has the mind paralysis manipulation gemstone called Amethyst is the proof. So what are we going to do?

Sakura: we will be going to get your body first, with my crimson blood manipulation, I am able to manipulate mind and soul through a person's blood flow. I had also sensed there are more people like me and you are going to awaken soon. So we might have more people joining us on the escape later. Most importantly, for now is to get ur body back to you. Do you know where your body locate at?

Luna: my body will be located at basement 30 of the base, the lowest floor of the base.

Sakura: ok, before we go, I need to do something, Luna do you know what's the name of your gemstone energized battle gear?

Luna: it is Beryllonite.

Sakura: crimson blood duplicator, Luna.

A crimson blood aura dimensional gate appears, a clone that looks like Luna us heading out of the dimensional gate. Once the clone walks out of the dimensional gate, the dimensional gate disappears and the crimson blood aura slowly faded.

Luna: you have this kinda ability?

Sakura: yes, that's crimson blood duplicator, the ability allows me to duplicate any people by providing a certain amount of blood attribute energy to duplicate the actual person. I will going to transfer your soul to the clone. Then we will head to the lowest floor of the basement to get your real body back.

Luna: thank you.

Sakura: well, thank you for guiding me, well right now all I know is I am going to escape out of the base, if able to get your body back before escaping out of the base, I will definitely get your body back for you, besides I can't escape successfully with only my own power, you saw that too. Now let's transfer your soul to the clone I had duplicated.

Luna: ok.

Sakura: crimson soul transfer.

Sakura releases Luna's soul from her body and transfer her soul to  'Luna' which Sakura had cloned.

Sakura: how are you feeling, Luna?

Luna: I am feeling good, it is like I am back to my original body, that's impressive and I can feel that I am able to use the abilities I have in this body too.

Sakura: yup, crimson blood duplicator not only clone the person as well as the abilities of that person as well as the clone gains an additional blood attributes power.

Luna: ok, let's go then.

Sakura: the elevator doesn't head to the lowest floor straight.... That means we will have to battle the patrolling combatants while heading to the next elevator. Looking at how the elevator works here, there will be total of at least 5 elevators.

Luna: Ic.

Sakura: let's go down to Basement 10 and find the next elevator to Basement 15.

Luna: yea.

Sakura and Luna head down to Basement 15 by the elevator, after reaching Basement 15, they are heading to the elevator that leads to Basement 20.

They continue to walk to the elevator, Sakura senses there are about 60 combatants patrolling around the Basement 15 and there are lesser corners at there, Sakura analyzes how she can attack the highest numbers of combatants with one strike, as she is trying to make the battle short, so she can save more energy to fight beryllonite if they need to fight her in order to get Luna's original body back to Luna.

Sakura: ok, there are 12 groups of 5 combatants patrolling around this floor. There are 2 groups of 5 guarding each sectors of this floor.

Luna: oh Ic.

Sakura: ok I will clear this floor.

Luna: ok

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 10 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 10 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies, until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the path to the elevator is cleared Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura: one sector cleared.

Luna: that's good.

Sakura: gd I have find the next room to launch my eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike at.

Luna: that's nice. After we clear this floor, can I clear Basement 15, I want to use my power too.

Sakura: sure, you can.

Luna: yay.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 10 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 10 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the  next path to the elevator is cleared Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura: two sector cleared. 4 more to go.

Luna: that's good.

Sakura: gd I have find the next room to launch my eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike at.

Luna: that's nice.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 10 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 10 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura: one sector cleared. Three more to go.

Luna: that's good.

Sakura: gd I have find the next room to launch my eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike at.

Luna: that's nice.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 10 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 10 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura: one sector cleared. Two more to go.

Luna: that's good.

Sakura: gd I have find the next room to launch my eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike at.

Luna: that's nice.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 10 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 10 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura: one sector cleared. Last one to go.

Luna: nice finally, that's so fast.

Sakura: yea. I have find the next room to launch my eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike at.

Luna: that's nice.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 10 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room.

After the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce. Sakura starts to moans unexpectedly and she starts to pee uncontrollably as her pink panties is totally soaked and her urine rains down to the ground as well her breast milk dripping from her nipples to her tummy. After 15 seconds, her breast milk and urine stops dripping, her dragon bracelet shines as a towel appears, Sakura starts to cleans and dry herself, after she had deactivated her dragon vein bloodstone agate armor and stripped off her dirty clothings, while throwing the clothings to the floor, since they are slightly tight for her that makes her feel uncomfortable as well as this sector is the last sector to cleared and there no combatants are able to go near her for the time being. When she had finished cleaning and drying herself with her towel is automatically dried and is stored back to her dragon bracelet. Then the dragon bracelet shines again, it starts to display the clothings, undergarments sets, socks and shoes for her to choose to wear. Sakura has chosen blue undergarments set, violet tank top, black leather mini skirt and white short sleeves jacket black socks and combination of blue and black shoes, then she put on the clothings, socks and shoes. After that she starts to press the button of her red bloodstone gemstone energized battle gear and her dragon vein agate combat bracelet, as the combination of red, black and crystal blue aura emits out of Sakura. Within a second the aura fades, Sakura is wearing a crimson red and black armor that cover parts of her jacket and tank top with her belly button can be seen, red armor skirt that cover parts of her black leather mini skirt, black combat boots, crystal blue armored dragons on her shoulder blades, arms and black combat boots.

As for the 10 combatants that are near the room with the wall destroyed are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna runs to where Sakura is, she is worried of what happened to Sakura as she heard Sakura had moaned a few seconds ago, as she reached there, she sees Sakura has changed her clothes and her gemstone battlizer armor, while Sakura starts to examine at the soiled clothings that she had thrown to the ground. She is surprised to find orange powerful jump eggs attached to the soiled bra and panties.

Luna: Sakura, are you ok?

Sakura: yes, it is just a little rough just now. Well this floor is cleared, also I had found something unexpectedly interesting just now. Take a look of the soiled undergarments that I had already worn before awakened. There are sex toys attached to them....

Luna: what.... they attached that kinda things on our undergarments....

Sakura: yea, I didn't expected that too.... I don't want to know why they attracted that things on our undergarments.

Luna: yea..... Let's go then.

Sakura: ok.

Sakura and Luna head to the elevator that lead to Basement 15. Within 15 seconds they have reached Basement 15.

Luna: can I fight the patrolling combatants?

Sakura: sure.

Luna: thank you.

Luna charges towards to the closest groups of patrolling combatants with electromagnetism aura emitting out from her both hands, she turns the floor of Basement 15 that is in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism range and the group of patrolling combatants that are in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range into the south pole of the electromagnets as well as turn the ceiling of Basement 15 that's in radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range as the north pole of electromagnet.

The 10 patrolling combatants are being repelled off the ground as they are sending flying upwards to the celling of Basement 15 with their heads attract to the ceiling of the Basement 15. They struggle to get their head out of the ceiling of Basement 15, but they had failed miserably. Sakura and Luna then head to the next sector.

Sakura: your ability is so cool.

Luna: so does your too. Well the first sector is cleared.

Sakura: yea, well that will be 5 sectors left.

Luna charges towards to the closest groups of patrolling combatants with electromagnetism aura emitting out from her both hands, she turns the floor of Basement 15 that is in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism range and the group of patrolling combatants that are in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range into the south pole of the electromagnets as well as turn the ceiling of Basement 15 that's in radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range as the north pole of electromagnet.

The 10 patrolling combatants are being repelled off the ground as they are sending flying upwards to the celling of Basement 15 with their heads attract to the ceiling of the Basement 15. They struggle to get their head out of the ceiling of Basement 15, but they had failed miserably. Sakura and Luna then head to the next sector.

Luna: Well the second sector is cleared.

Sakura: yea, well that will be 4 sectors left.

Luna: oh ok.

Luna charges towards to the closest groups of patrolling combatants with electromagnetism aura emitting out from her both hands, she turns the floor of Basement 15 that is in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism range and the group of patrolling combatants that are in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range into the south pole of the electromagnets as well as turn the ceiling of Basement 15 that's in radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range as the north pole of electromagnet.

The 10 patrolling combatants are being repelled off the ground as they are sending flying upwards to the celling of Basement 15 with their heads attract to the ceiling of the Basement 15. They struggle to get their head out of the ceiling of Basement 15, but they had failed miserably. Sakura and Luna then head to the next sector.

Luna: Well the third sector is cleared.

Sakura: yea, well that will be 3 sectors left.

Luna charges towards to the closest groups of patrolling combatants with electromagnetism aura emitting out from her both hands, she turns the floor of Basement 15 that is in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism range and the group of patrolling combatants that are in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range into the south pole of the electromagnets as well as turn the ceiling of Basement 15 that's in radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range as the north pole of electromagnet.

The 10 patrolling combatants are being repelled off the ground as they are sending flying upwards to the celling of Basement 15 with their heads attract to the ceiling of the Basement 15. They struggle to get their head out of the ceiling of Basement 15, but they had failed miserably. Sakura and Luna then head to the next sector.

Luna: Well the fourth sector is cleared.

Sakura: yea, well that will be 2 sectors left.

Luna charges towards to the closest groups of patrolling combatants with electromagnetism aura emitting out from her both hands, she turns the floor of Basement 15 that is in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism range and the group of patrolling combatants that are in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range into the south pole of the electromagnets as well as turn the ceiling of Basement 15 that's in radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range as the north pole of electromagnet.

The 10 patrolling combatants are being repelled off the ground as they are sending flying upwards to the celling of Basement 15 with their heads attract to the ceiling of the Basement 15. They struggle to get their head out of the ceiling of Basement 15, but they had failed miserably. Sakura and Luna then head to the next sector.

Sakura: your ability is so cool.

Luna: so does your too. Well the fifth sector is cleared.

Sakura: yea, well that will be last sector to be cleared.

Luna charges towards to the closest groups of patrolling combatants with electromagnetism aura emitting out from her both hands, she turns the floor of Basement 15 that is in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism range and the group of patrolling combatants that are in the radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range into the south pole of the electromagnets as well as turn the ceiling of Basement 15 that's in radius of Luna's electromagnetism manipulation range as the north pole of electromagnet.

The 10 patrolling combatants are being repelled off the ground as they are sending flying upwards to the celling of Basement 15 with their heads attract to the ceiling of the Basement 15. They struggle to get their head out of the ceiling of Basement 15, but they had failed miserably. Sakura and Luna then head to the elevator that lead to Basement 20.

Sakura: yea.

Luna: but your sectors clearing speed is much faster than mine.

Sakura: well your is much less destructive than mine.

Luna: ok. Let's go.

The elevator leads them to Basement 20, as Sakura and Luna walk out of the elevator, they are heading to the elevator that leads to Basement 25. Sakura senses that there are 60 combatants patroling around the 5 corners of the floor.

Sakura: there are 60 combatants at this floor, I am going to attack

Luna: ok, can I clear Basement 25, later on.

Sakura: sure.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 20 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 12 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 12 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Luna: that's a beautiful display.

Sakura: thank you. Ok that's 1 sector cleared.

Luna: 4 more to go.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 20 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 12 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura continues to see when is a good time for her to strike again within 30 seconds she has find the opportunity to strike, she gives the hint to Luna that she going to attack again. Luna take a few steps from Sakura, so she won't get hit by Sakura when Sakura is using her penetrative ramming attack.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 20 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 12 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura continues to see when is a good time for her to strike again within 30 seconds she has find the opportunity to strike, she gives the hint to Luna that she going to attack again. Luna take a few steps from Sakura, so she won't get hit by Sakura when Sakura is using her penetrative ramming attack.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 20 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 12 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura continues to see when is a good time for her to strike again within 30 seconds she has find the opportunity to strike, she gives the hint to Luna that she going to attack again. Luna take a few steps from Sakura, so she won't get hit by Sakura when Sakura is using her penetrative ramming attack.

Sakura starts to eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike, As she is infused with violet lighting with black outline dragon aura which is sparkling intensively while charging towards to ram on the of the rooms in basement 10 that is able to let her eclipsed plasma dragonic blitzkrieging thunder strike to pentrate all the 20 combatants after she had made a successful ram on it with extremely high speed of 55km/sec, as she rams one of the rooms that is near her, destroying the wall of the room, after the Sakura had collided to the room, due to the recoil after the ramming Sakura slides backward with her pink panties is revealed as well as her boobs bounce, while the 12 combatants that are near the room are being penetrated by the intense violet black extremely hot plasma lighting strike that make them scream in great pain as they are continuously being shocked and burn by the shock and burn overtime damage as they are burning spontaneously as well as being shocked by high intensity lighting coils that coil around their bodies until they are totally burnt into thin air. After the next path to the elevator is cleared. Luna heads to where Sakura is.

Sakura: phew.. All sectors cleared

Luna: yea it is.

Sakura and Luna head to the elevator that leads to Basement 25.

Mainwhile at Basement 14

One of the laboratory rooms of Basement 14 is flooded by lava, as a girl named Eva Soul who is armored with a orange lava scaled armor and equiping a lava sword who is out of control due to she was fighting against the 10 groups of 6 combatants to prevent being captured by them.

All of the 60 combatants that are trying to capture her are evaporating into thin air after soaking with the lava for a minute as they are burning spontaneously and screaming in extreme burning pains that they are burnt by the lava.

Eva is giving out a extremely loud scream as she is losing control of her power, she looks like she is shocked that she has the power of manipulating lava. The lava slowly flows out of the laboratory room of Basement 14 as the walkway near the lab is overflow with lava.

The whole floor of Basement 14 except the two elevators and the two exits is going to melt completely due to the overflow of lava. Eva falls unconscious due to her overwhelming power that she is unable to control and her consciousness being drained by her overwhelming power, as she falls to Basement 15 with the overflowing lava protecting her to be crash on Basement 15 hard while she is floating on the lava as the floor of Basement 14 is totally melt by the overflowing lava and slowly 50% the floor of Basement 15 except of the elevators and the exits is going to melted completely by the overflowing lava.

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