The Intruders (Pt. 2)

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"¿Sabes lo que has hecho? ¡Nos has puesto a todos en peligro!"  

¡Que tenía que salvarla, no podría dejar que se la lleven!"

"Debería darle vergüenza, Mateo. Todo esto para una chica!"

I hear two voices as I begin to come to. One sounds feminine, the other deeper and much more masculine. My head is throbbing, and I feel a little dizzy. Regardless, I try my hardest to open my eyes, the blurriness slowly vanishing.

"¡Está despierta!" Says a third voice.

When I open my eyes, three figures hovering near my bedside come into view. As my eyes focus, I'm met with the faces of Santiago, Cecilia, and Mateo. Santiago looks concerned, Cecilia looks disgusted, and Mateo appears angry.

Very angry.

"Ugh," I groan, trying to sit up. When I finally do so, I lean back against the headboard. One glance around tells me I'm in the infirmary. The sun has gone down, and the room is dimly lit by a lamp by my bedside.

Santiago walks away and returns with some water. I take it from him and nod my thanks, grateful to have something to soothe my dry mouth and burning throat.

"Santiago, Cecilia, leave us," Mateo commands, his eyes never leaving me.

Santiago purses his lips and gives me an apprehensive look before following Mateo's command, turning and heading towards the exit. Cecilia hesitates, eyeing me, and shaking her head depreciatingly before she follows. When the door shuts behind them, Mateo stands up from the stool he'd been sitting on.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily, tossing the covers off of me and swinging my legs over the bed.

He shakes his head, disregarding my question. "I could seriously hurt you right now."

Well, okay then.

I frown. "Those guys did a pretty good job of that already, thanks."

"Yes, they did, but only because you couldn't follow a simple order! I told you to stay in the damn house!" He scolds, getting more heated with every word.

"I was just trying to help!" I snarl, standing up from the bed. That turns out to be a mistake, though, because my head spins, and I stumble forward.

Mateo is there in an instant, guiding me back on to the bed.

He sighs. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you... as long as you're in my pack, you answer to me."

I cross my arms over my chest as I lean back against the headboard again, refusing to look at him. "You should've just let them take me then."

The room is silent after my words. I didn't really mean them, but the fact that he's angry at me for trying to help protect his pack is aggravating beyond words.

"Maybe I should've," Mateo mumbles several moments later before turning on his heel and leaving the room.


The following day, I wake up in the same infirmary bed except, now, it's Lucía and Parker standing at my bedside.

"Hola, chica, welcome to the party," Lucía says as I sit up in the bed. My headache is gone, and I no longer feel dizzy, but I'm still tired.

I give her a weak smile.

"Do you remember what happened?" Parker asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed by my feet.

I nod. "Every detail."

"So you remember how unhinged my brother had become, and how he wouldn't leave your side until you woke up?" Lucía questions with a raised brow.

"Uh... no, I don't recall that, actually," I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Huh," Lucía smirks, nodding her head.

I ignore the teasing look she gives me and sigh, memories of last night washing over me. "Lucía, this is such a mess. The intruders last night they... they were from Saint Ives. Somehow, they were able to get through the barrier, and if they did it once, they can do it again. What's to keep more from coming back? They were here looking for me. I've put you all in danger. I have—"

"Savannah, calm down," Lucía cuts off my rambling. It's okay. Mateo's handling it. Or, rather, he's handled it. The wolves that invaded were all killed. The ones you fought had come through the hollow in the east barrier after Mateo and my cousins had exited it. They saw where they had come out of, and while they were fighting the others, they slipped through."

"Wait, there were others?"

"Yes, several others, but it doesn't matter. They're all dead now. It's not like they can go back to Saint Ives and report anything back. We're safe. It's okay."

I let out a breath of relief, the weight on my shoulders easing up a little bit.

Las Estrellas is safe. Saint Ives can't get to them.

"Thank Goddess. I don't know what I would've done had I put you all in danger."

"You need to have that mindset when it comes to your own safety. You put yourself right in the line of fire, girl," Parker teases.

"Yeah, the sirens went off and scared the shit out of us, and then Mateo mind-linked me and told me to get everyone to a room and lock us in. You left dinner early, and we had no idea where you went. I was so worried," Lucía adds.

"I'm sorry. I was with... I was with Mateo when the sirens went off. I followed him, and we were told somebody was trying to get through the barrier. I tried to follow him outside. I wanted to help eliminate the threat, but he had me restrained. I was able to get away from them and run after Mateo, but I came across the three intruders that had gotten through the barrier instead... I'm sure you know the rest."

"Yep," they say simultaneously.

The side of my lips tilt up. "I was just trying to help, but I will admit... I fucked up. Mateo had it handled. Clearly. He killed those people with ease."

"Well, if you think about it, had you not gone after them, the three that slipped through the barrier could have gotten much further into pack territory and have possibly reached the cabins. Instead, you deterred them. They wanted you, and they got to you without having to get too close," Lucía deduces.

I lift a shoulder. "I suppose you're right."

"Okay, vámonos," Lucía says, clapping her hands. "Enough wallowing in self-pity. I don't know about you two, but I'm starving."

I chuckle as Parker gives me hand getting out of the bed, and the three of us head to breakfast.

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