The Proposal

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No, no, no, no, no.

This isn't happening.

This. Is. NOT. Happening.

It's impossible.

Mateo said it himself, he can't get me preg—

Goddess, I can't even say the word.

How is this possible?

I mean, I only get my period four times a year, being a werewolf, of course. But I just ended it a few weeks ago.

Exactly three days before Mateo and I had sex.

"No, no, no, no," I repeat aloud in a panic.

I have to be mistaken. Maybe I just imagined it...

Another kick comes, protruding from my already rounded belly.

"Ah!" I scream, running from the bathroom. Flinging my bedroom door open, I run into the hallway.

Sprinting across the house, uncaring of who sees me in my panic, my feet don't stop until I'm at Mateo's office. I'll check here first, and if there's no answer, I'll go to his bedroom.

I pound on the door, but no answer comes. I don't smell him around here, but that doesn't mean anything because he can mask his freaking scent.


I hurry further down the hallway, turn the corner to his bedroom, and assault that door with my fists.

"Mateo! Are you in there? It's me! Open up, please!" I holler.


"Mateo, please!" I cry out, tears forming in my eyes.

Still no answer.

I give up, pressing my forehead against the door. At this point, I'm a crying, sniveling mess.

This can't be happening to me. This has to be a dream.

Wake up, Savannah. Wake the fuck—


I whip around at the sound of my name to see Santiago. He wears a look that's equal parts concern and suspicion.

"Santiago, hey," I greet, wiping at my eyes and nose. "I was uh... I was looking for Mateo."

"He had to go take care of something down at the village," he explains. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You look like you've been crying."

"Yeah, I'm good," I try to assure him, not too convincingly. "I just really needed to tell Mateo something, but I'll wait 'til he gets back, thanks!" I slip past him, making a beeline down the hallway and back to my room.


Hours later, I'm laying in bed asleep (finally after tossing and turning for hours) when I feel the bed dip beside me and an arm slither around my waist.

I blink my eyes open and turn my head to make eye contact with Mateo. He's freshly showered, his curls still damp, and he smells heavenly.

"I heard you were looking for me earlier," he says, lips against my neck.

"Did anyone see you come in here?"

"No," he chuckles. "Everyone's asleep."

With the fear of him possibly being seen coming in here subsiding, a different kind of fear consumes me.

"Mateo," I say, my voice breaking as I quickly become emotional.

His eyebrows knit in concern as he sits up to get a better look at me.

"What's wrong, Savannah."

I shake my head, the tears falling freely now. Goddess, at least now there's an explanation for why I'm getting so easily emotional.

"Mateo, I think... I think I'm pregnant."

He pauses, his face stern as he processes what I just professed. Finally, he scoffs out a laugh.

"That's not possible, Savannah. We've been through this, remember? And how would you just be finding this out now?"

The werewolf gestation period is only two months, and a pregnant female will grow marvelously fast. I suppose it's possible that if you don't know what signs to look for, it could go unnoticed—that is, until it's impossible not to notice it.

Like earlier.

When the baby kicked my fucking stomach.

Instead of answering him, I grab his hand, lift up my shirt, and place it against my stomach. It takes a moment, but I feel the kick, and by the jolt of Mateo's hand, it's clear he felt it too.

His eyes widen, and his body stiffens.

"Was that—?"


Removing his hand, he gets out of the bed and begins pacing back and forth across the room with his head down, stroking his scruff. I sit up, watching as the stages of shock, denial, and finally acceptance flow through him.

He stops pacing and looks up, making eye contact with me.

"This is really happening."

I nod, even though he didn't say it like a question.

He shakes his head, mouth open in shock like he still can't believe it. But then suddenly he's moving, and, in an instant, he's in front of me with my head between his hands, pulling me in for a deep kiss.

We pull apart, and the smile that graces his face threatens to make me break out in tears again.

"You're having my baby," he beams, resting his forehead against mine.

"I am," I blubber. "But how is this even possible? You said you couldn't get anyone outside of Las Estrellas pregnant."

He takes a deep breath. "It's a miracle. Literally. It shouldn't be possible, yet, it is, obviously," he says, gesturing to my stomach.

"So, you're not mad?"

"Mad? Of course not!" He says with a bewildered look like it's ridiculous I would think such a thing.

"But what about the pack? What about your duties as Alpha? What will everyone else think? What—"

"Shh, it's okay," he quiets me. "Everything will be fine. It'll be a tough conversation, but the deed is done, and it can't be undone. Everyone else will just have to support us or get over it."

"I don't think it'll be that easy," I shake my head. "Your mom—love her—but she's going to be furious. Not only did you call off your engagement to Cecilia, but now you've gotten an outsider, who's not your mate, pregnant. If we thought the thing with Cecilia was bad enough, this will take the cake. I doubt the pack will stand for this."

"You're not an outsider. Not anymore. You've been here for almost three and a half months, and you've proven your loyalty. As far as the not being my mate part... well, there's not much we can do about that, is there?"

"No, I guess not..."

"Unless you want to get married."

At his words, my head shoots up, and my eyes lock onto him, my neck practically snapping from the force.

"You can't be serious," I scoff.

He lifts a shoulder. "Stranger things have happened."

"Mateo!" I squeal. "Can you imagine the backlash we'd receive? That's out of the question."

He can't possibly be truly considering this, can he?

"It won't be easy, but I'm willing to face the consequences for you... for our baby."

"Mateo... think about this. Really think about this. Consider the fallout this would cause and the respect you'd lose from your pack members. They adore you. I'm not worth all of that."

"Of course you are!" He argues. "Look... I know we have yet to really sit down and discuss this thing between us, but I care for you. I'm..." he pauses, taking my hands into his and trying to gather his thoughts. "I'm in love with you, Savannah. I fell for you the first time I saw you, and I tried to deny it, but I can't anymore. You're stubborn and relentless and you're still so young, but I love you anyway. And now you're having my child? I can't imagine being mated to anyone else."

By the time he's finished, tears are running profusely down my cheeks and dripping down between us.

"I love you too, Mateo," I sob, and he crouches down, enveloping me in his arms. I sob even harder at the overwhelming feeling of joy and the love I have for this man. He's my safe haven, and he has been since the moment I stepped foot onto Las Estrellas territory. He saved me from a lifetime of running, and I couldn't be more grateful.

We pull apart, and he takes my head in his hand, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. He pulls me and presses his lips to mine in a way that rocks my world, our feelings for each other infusing into the kiss.

"So, I'll take that as a yes?" He asks when we pull apart.

I laugh and nod, tears still blurring my vision. "Yes, absolutely."

His smile grows even wider. "Well, now that that's settled... time to tell the others."

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