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(A/N: I do not own any of the pictures used in this ENTIRE story, they were found on Pinterest or Google, they belong to the creators and deserve the credit. Or made with AI art.)

(A/N: I do not own the videos used in the ENTIRE story, they were found on YouTube, the creators deserve the credit)

(A/N: Also I do not own any of the series, animes or games used in this story, they belong to their respective owners and deserve the credit)

The Citadel, 3rd POV

Zakera Ward

Commander Shepard moved swiftly through the crowded marketplace, eyes alert for anything out of place. Garrus walked beside her, his sharp gaze scanning their surroundings with the precision of a seasoned C-Sec officer, while Wrex loomed behind them, his hulking form earning cautious looks from passersby. They have been trying to find any leads or evidence on Saren, but nothing

They had just wrapped up a tense exchange with a local contact when Shepard's omni-tool beeped. She glanced down, surprised to see Captain Anderson's name flash on the screen.

"Shepard, we need to talk," Anderson said,"ome to my office, now."

The urgency in Anderson's voice left no room for debate. She exchanged a quick look with Garrus and Wrex, both clearly picking up on the tension.

"What's going on," Wrex growled, crossing his arms.

"Looks like we're about to find out," Shepard replied, already turning toward the rapid transit terminal.

Anderson's Office – Citadel Tower

When Shepard and her team stepped into Anderson's modest office, they found him standing by the window, looking out over the expanse of the Citadel. He turned as they entered, his face set in a grim line. Anderson has been stressed the last few days since after Eden Prime, the attack by the Geth and Saren getting off on charges like nothing has made him trying anything to get him

Shepherd grew worried for the man, in the military he was her superior, but outside it she considered him to a father figure. He taught her everything she needed to know about the military, how to handle a situation and know when to go head first into a fight. So this entire thing is making her worried for him, but she needed to stay professional, and get this bastard

"Captain," Shepard asked, stepping forward, as Garrus and Wrex lingered by the door, silent but watchful.

"Shepard, I don't have a lot of time, so I'll get straight to the point," Anderson began, gesturing for them to sit,"you're not the only ones investigating Saren and his connection to the Geth."

"Go on," she asked, her full attention was now caught

"There's a group that's been tracking Saren for longer than anyone on the Council realizes. They've been operating in the shadows, gathering intel, and I trust them. The leader of this group...I've worked with his father, good man. You'll meet them tonight, they might have information we can't afford to miss."

"Who are they," Garrus asked, his voice low, but his curiosity was obvious.

"You'll find out soon enough," Anderson replied. "They're waiting for you at the Presidium Gardens, 2100 hours. Go alone, and don't mention this to anyone else. We don't know how deep Saren's influence runs on the Citadel."

"You think they can help us bring Saren down," she asked him

"If anyone has the information we need, it's them," Anderson said, then his jaw tightened,"but be careful, Shepard. These aren't ordinary operatives."

"We'll be there, let's go you two."

"This is gonna be fun I can tell," Wrex said as they marched

"Wrex I'm sure your definition of fun may be vastly different," Garrus said

"Hahaha bite me Turian."

Presidium Gardens – Citadel

The artificial daylight of the Presidium Gardens bathed the area in soft light, casting long shadows over the greenery and sleek architecture. Shepard entered the gardens, flanked by Garrus and Wrex, all senses on high alert. The appointed time had come, and they scanned the serene surroundings for any sign of their contact.

As they rounded a corner, they spotted them, a small group near the edge of the gardens. A tall Sangheili, paced near a bench, occasionally throwing a sharp glance at the Huragok floating near him. The Huragok moved with quiet efficiency, its tendrils reaching out to examine a nearby lamp post before the Sangheili swatted them away with a quick, authoritative gesture.

Seated on a nearby bench was a massive Jiralhanae warrior, his Gravity Hammer resting across his lap like a menacing, silent companion. He watched the others with a quiet intensity, seemingly disinterested in anything beyond his immediate surroundings, though Shepard could sense the tension rolling off him.

The Sangheili noticed their approach first, stopping his pacing and straightening to his full height. He gave the Huragok a final warning look before stepping forward to meet them, his movements graceful despite his towering frame. The Jiralhanae huffed as he saw the Sangheili stand up, his hands gripping the handle of the gravity hammer, in case anything happened

"Commander Shepard," he greeted, his voice low and measured, though there was a sharpness to it that suggested urgency"I'm Ryka 'Suhamme, a Zealot of the Covenant, this is Bramok."

He nodded toward the Jiralhanae, who nodded at them but went o look at his hammer

"And that," he gestured to the Huragok still hovering nearby, "is Floating Mechanic. I assume Anderson told you why we're here?"

Ryka 'Suhamme:


Floating Mechanic:

Shepard nodded, but her gaze flicked to the rest of Ryka's team.

"He said you've been tracking Saren," she said,"we need all the information we can get."

"Then we're on the same page, but before we start, we should be clear. You're stepping into dangerous territory, Commander. Saren's reach extends further than you think, and the Geth...they're just the beginning. We've been following Saren's movements for months. He's been using a local operator here on the Citadel—someone small-time but with a dangerous connection. Fist."

"Fist? He's a low-level thug, runs Chora's Den, involved in smuggling and petty crime," Garrus said, his mandibles twitching,"but Saren...that's a much bigger game than what Fist usually plays."

"Plus doesn't he hate humans," Wrex asked,"why work with a Human when you killed an entire colony of them?"

"Don't know, maybe he keeps him around to punch," Bramok said with a laugh

"Fist has been tasked with handling something...delicate," Ryka said as he shook his head,"he's been working with a Quarian. She has evidence of Saren's involvement with the Geth, information that could expose his role in the attack on Eden Prime."

"A Quarian," Shepard asked as she crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing in thought,"why would Saren let someone like Fist get involved?"

"Saren doesn't trust him, but he uses him because Fist knows the underworld well enough to clean up messes. We've intercepted communications, Fist has orders to eliminate the Quarian before she can pass the information to anyone who might expose Saren."

"So we take out Fist, save the Quarian, and get the proof we need to bring Saren down," Wrex grunted, leaning against a nearby pillar.

"You've been tracking Saren and the Geth for months," Garrus said, tapping his chin thoughtfully,"that's more than the Council seems to know. How long have you been on this, and why?"

Ryka's posture stiffened slightly at the question. He glanced at Bramok, who gave a low grunt of acknowledgment but remained silent, the Huragok just floated as it fiddled with a small device it some got its hands on. After a pause, Ryka turned back to Garrus, his expression hardening.

"We were assigned to this by my father, Zoka, the Arbiter of the Covenant," Ryka began, his tone carrying the weight of personal history,"the Geth first caught our attention when they began appearing in the Terminus Systems, far beyond their usual territory. It was...unusual."

He paused, as if choosing his next words carefully.

"Saren's involvement became apparent when we tracked several of the Geth operations back to him. He's been using them to pursue something—something tied to ancient artifacts, perhaps even Prothean technology. My father, the Arbiter, recognized the danger Saren poses, not just to the Citadel but to the entire galaxy. Saren has ambition, and he's been gathering power in the shadows for far too long."

"And your father sent you to investigate him directly," Garrus asked , ever the investigator, leaned in.

Ryka nodded. "Zoka believes that Saren is after something far greater than power—something catastrophic. He tasked my team with finding out what Saren is really after and stopping him before he can act. We've uncovered several leads, including this Quarian and her evidence."

He paused, a flash of frustration crossing his face.

"But the Geth are always one step ahead," he growled out,"we're lucky this Quarian is still alive."

"So this isn't just about Saren using the Geth," she said, her mind racing,"he's after something bigger, something ancient."

"Exactly. And if Saren finds it, the consequences could be disastrous for very single one of us."

Floating Mechanic, seemingly oblivious to the weight of the conversation, continued to examine a small control panel on a nearby terminal, its tendrils fluttering in the artificial breeze. Bramok finally stirred from his silence, his gravelly voice cutting through the air.

"All this talk's fine, but Saren's not going to stop," Bramok said as he roared a bit,"if you want that Quarian alive, you'll have to move fast."

His hand tightened on the handle of his Gravity Hammer, as if itching for the fight. Shepard nodded, he was right, the longer they wait the faster this Quarian may die. They had to move fast to find her, or the evidence she has will be taken and they'll never convict Saren for Eden Prime

"We'll hit Fist before he can silence her," she said,"do you know where the Quarian is now?"

"She's being held in one of the lower wards, under Fist's control," Ryka stated,"if you can get to her before he does, we'll have the evidence we need to bring Saren to justice."

"Sounds like we have a plan," Garrus said as he looked at Shepherd,"we take down Fist, save the Quarian, and expose Saren."

Shepherd nodded as they walked off, Bramok chuckled as he stood up and placed his Gravity Hammer on his shoulder as he walked by them. He and Wrex looked at one another, a sign of tension between, which is normal for them. Floating Mechanic followed behind closely, its hands twiddling with the device as it passed Ryka

Who looked at the others, his mandibles twitching as he recalled the memories of when his father called him to the embassy here on the Citadel.

Citadel – Covenant Embassy, 3 hours earlier

The towering windows of the Covenant Embassy offered a grand view of the Citadel's Presidium, but Ryka 'Suhamme's attention was fixed solely on the holographic display before him. His father, Zoka, the Arbiter of the Covenant, stood on the other side, his imposing figure marked by years of battle and leadership. The intensity in Zoka's eyes was familiar to Ryka, and it only sharpened as they discussed the unfolding crisis.

"Saren's movements have become more erratic," Ryka reported, his voice steady despite the weight of his words,"the attack on Eden was only the beginning. He's after something ancient, and the Geth are following his lead. The Citadel Council is too blind to act in time."

"The Council has always been slow to move, bound by their need for diplomacy and deliberation," Zoka spoke, his expression unreadable, though his voice carried the depth of experience,"they do not yet understand the full scale of the threat he possesses."

Ryka's mandibles tightened, frustration simmering beneath his calm exterior.

"Saren is after more than power, his pursuit of Prothean technology suggests a greater danger," Ryka said as he paced,"we've tracked communications that lead us to believe he's working with more than just the Geth."

"And the human from the report on Eden Prime, Shepard? Can she be trusted to act in time?"

"She's capable, Anderson trusts her, and so do I. She has the drive to bring Saren down, but the Council is holding her back."

Zoka was silent for a moment, weighing his son's words. They were playing a huge risk on this human, though she had a honorable reputation during her time during the Skyllian Bltiz. But sometimes humans do not act the act the same after an experience like that, so they must tread carefully.

"Then you must help her break free of the Council's chains," Zoka said as he turned to his son,"Saren must be stopped at all costs, and the Covenant cannot afford to stand idly by."

Ryka straightened, his resolve solidifying under his father's gaze.

"I will meet her tonight," Ryka said,"we'll set a plan in motion."

Ryka straightened, his resolve solidifying under his father's gaze.. Zoka nodded in approval, but before Ryka could turn to leave, his father's voice softened, carrying a note of wisdom that transcended the battlefield.

"Ryka, remember your team, Bramok's strength is unmatched, but his temper is as volatile as ever," he said,"you'll need to keep him focused. And Floating Mechanic...its mind is not like ours. Don't underestimate its value in this."

"I'll keep them in line," Ryka said

Allowing a small, respectful nod, knowing his father was right. Zoka's gaze lingered on his son for a moment longer, a silent exchange passing between them. Zoka smiled and inch before it went away, he was proud of the warrior his son has become, one he was sure his wife would have been proud of him

"Go, Ryka," he ordered,"stop Saren before his ambitions plunge us all into ruin."

With that, Ryka turned and departed, his mind set on the task ahead. The weight of his father's words, and the trust placed in him noir just by his father, but countless others, pushed him forward toward his meeting with Commander Shepard.

'May the Gods watch over us,' he prayed

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