Chapter 1

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As Willow packed her old acoustic guitar into its squeaky case, and stood up from the street curb, she took a breath. Looking at the night sky, with stars dotted around like notes on a stave. Today's work had been relatively successful, she had made about 50 yuans with her street performances, and she took off back home, to the pro bending arena. The fire ferrets had a match on tonight and she didn't want to miss it, after all, Mako and Bolin were kind enough to let her stay with them in their home for help with rent.
And besides, Republic City isn't a very safe place at night.

Upon entering the arena through the back door to get to their room, Willow could already hear the crowds roaring in anticipation and excitement for the match to commence.
Willow threw her guitar into her room and bolted up to the Fire Ferrets changing room, just in time to see them before they head off.
But Mako wasn't there, Bolin was there ready in his uniform, but there was also a new girl,
She was fairly tall, and muscular, wearing clothes that also seemed ready for action, and she had her hair tied into three ponytails, two covering her ears.
As the two people turned to face Willow, she noticed that this new girl had piercing bright blue eyes that caught her attention right away.

"Willow! You made it!" Bolin cried out in excitement, pulling her into a hug and lifting her off the ground with ease.
Willow hugged back and laughed,
"Of course I made it, wouldn't miss this for anything!"

As Bolin put her back down, he stepped aside and gestured towards this new girl.
"Willow, this is Korra. Korra, this is Willow"

Korra stuck her hand out to shake and smiled hugely
"Heya, nice to meet you" she said, still with those beaming blue eyes.
"Hi, you too" Willow gave a small smile back, shaking her hand.

"I met Korra downstairs, she was sneaking around" Bolin said. Willow glanced over at Korra,
Who threw her hands up,
"Hey, I'm new here and I just had to come see what was here"

The three people smiled as Mako entered the room, putting on his helmet.
"Hey Mako" Willow smiled, and he nodded towards her
"Bolin, you have to stop bringing your fan girls in here before matches" Mako sighed.

"Wait, you're Mako? I'm such a huge fan of yours!" Korra exclaimed,
But Mako seemed unfazed,
"Let's go Bolin, come on" he said flatly, walking past Korra, who looked miffed.
"Wish me luck! Not that I'll need it" Bolin have fingerguns to Korra as he walked past her too.
"Good luck!" The two girls shouted.

As the fire ferrets walked out on to the stage, Korra turned towards Willow and asked
"Do we have to go somewhere else to watch?"
"Nah, we can hang out here and watch" Willow responded. "And hey, don't mind Mako, he can be uptight, but he's a great guy" she said as she put a hand on Korra's shoulder.
"Thanks" Korra smiled.

As the match continued and the Fire Ferrets were put in disadvantaged positions, Willow and Korra screamed words of encouragement towards the team, in attempts to help them.
Eventually when all but Mako was knocked off into the water, everyone was on their seat,
But he kept his cool,
And waited for the perfect moment to strike, before managing to knock all three of his opponents off, clutching the match for his team.

As the arena erupted into cheers, Korra and Willow were already jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. Even though Willow was not a bender herself, she found pro bending extremely interesting and was an active fan, especially of the Fire Ferrets.

As the victorious team walked back into the changing room, Mako and Hasook were already at eachother's throats.
"You almost cost us the match!" Mako yelled
"We won didn't we?"
"Just barely!"
"Get off my back Mako" Hasook grunted as he stormed out of the room. Mako Took his helmet off and threw into the closet, sitting down in a huff.

Willow, Bolin and Korra all smiled at eachother awkwardly until Korra broke the silence.
"Congratulations on the win! You guys did amazingly!" She cried, hugging Bolin
"Yeah! Well done you two" Willow smiled.
Bolin accepted Korra's hug gleefully and laughed
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You have to show me some of your moves! You were incredible" Korra exclaimed to Bolin.
"Sure thing we can head to the gym! Just not sure how my earth bending will translate to your waterbending."
"That won't be a problem, I'm actually an Earth bender"
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to assume just that you're wearing water tribe clothes"
"I know. I'm also a water bender.. and a fire bender" Korra smiled cockily.

Willow gasped and started
"Oh my god, are you-"
"I'm confused" Bolin scratched his head, interrupted by Mako sighing.
"You're the Avatar, and I'm an idiot"

"Both are true" Korra said, earning a giggle from Willow.
"Well let's head down then!" Bolin yelled, as the four walked out to the gym.

Once there it became evident quickly that Korra was a very talented earthbender, picking up Bolin's advice and tactics with ease.

Every time Korra would land the earth plates in the net, Bolin and Willow would laugh and clap, cheering her on.

Eventually as the night grew old, they headed back out.
"So where are you going home to?" Willow asked
"I'm staying with Tenzin at Air Temple Island to practice Air bending" Korra explained "how about you?"

"Oh the three of us live here"

"You live here? In the arena?"

"Yeah the three of us put together can just about scrape enough rent to keep the place, lucky we have Willow to help" Bolin said

As Korra started for the back door, she smiled and waved.
"See ya some other time Korra!" Bolin called and started walking back.
Willow skipped over to her and said
"It was really nice to meet you, Korra.. you should come by again." With a smile,
Which was reciprocated brightly by the Avatar.
"I will! It was nice meeting you too Willow" Willow smiled a little more.
As Korra backed away out of the doorway, they kept eye contact, until eventually Korra turned around and took off over the water back to Air Temple Island.

Once back in her room, Willow decided to pick up her guitar, and play some before she slept.
Sitting on the side of bed, playing a calm chord progression and humming a simple melody, she stared out the window of her tiny upstairs room over at the Island,
Where unbeknownst to her,
Korra sat in her room, staring back at Republic City out of her own window.

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