Chapter 3

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"What??" Bolin shouted in surprise.
"You heard me, how about I come in?" Korra responded

"Isn't that illegal? With you being the avatar and all?" The earthbender questioned.
"Not if I only use Waterbending"

"I think it'd work." Willow chimed in. "If she only uses waterbending, they will have no idea she's the avatar. Besides, you saw how good she was yesterday in the gym" the avatar smiled.

Mako remained quiet.

Suddenly the door pushed open once more, and the referee came in again.
"Times up, are you in or out?"

"We're in!" Korra shouted, and he left.
"What?!" Mako yelled.
Bolin and Willow were too busy jumping up and down excitedly.
"You'll thank me later" Korra winked, before getting pulled by the arms out of the room by Willow.

"Come on! Let's get Hasook's uniform, it should fit you" she exclaimed as they ran down the hall.

Once they retrieved it from the lockers, the two girls ran to Willow and the boys' apartment.
"You can change in my room, be quick" Willow said as she opened the door.
"Okay thanks" Korra ran in.

A few minutes passed and time was running out.
"You nearly ready in there?" Willow called
"Uh huh! Nearly just.." Korra grunted.
"Everything alright?"
"Could I have a hand? This isn't fitting just right" the avatar asked.
As Willow pushed the door open she saw Korra struggling to put the chest piece to the uniform on, there were some straps at the back she couldn't quite reach.
"Here turn around" Korra turned her back to Willow, who grabbed the straps and helped close them.
"Thanks, and one more here" Korra gestured to the front of the chest piece. As the uniform was made for Hasook, a man, it was quite tight on a woman's chest.
Willow stopped for a moment and blushed slightly.
"O-ok" she gingerly grabbed the front of the chest piece and tightened it to the back, looking down at the ground as she did so.
"Ah, thanks, that's much better" Korra smiled down at her.
"You're welcome" Willow giggled, before snapping out of it and grabbing Korra's arms again and pulling her out.
"Come on! We need to go now or you'll be late!"

The pair rushed out of the apartment and just about made it back to Mako and Bolin in time.
"Are we ready?" Mako huffed.
"Yep!" Willow chimed, presenting the uniformed Korra, who took a bow, to the rounding applause of Willow and Bolin.
"Okay! Let's do this! Just follow our lead" Bolin laughed, as the gates opened to their platform.
Just before they left, Willow jumped into Bolin and Korra with a hug
"Good luck! Kick everyone's ass"
Korra hugged back
"I plan to haha"

"It would seem that the fire ferrets have just about managed to find a replacement water bender, will she live up to Hasook's legacy and help them beat their opponents? Let's find out!" The referee announced as Willow gripped the railing in anticipation.

As soon as the match started, Korra sent a powerful blast of water at one of the opposing benders, knocking him off the side of the ring, before she had time to celebrate the crowd started booing.
The avatar looked around confused as Willow winced.
"You can only knock them back! Not off the side!" Mako yelled at Korra.

As the match continued, Korra struggled to keep up with the three enemy benders, and she slipped up when she suddenly let slip and used earth bending to attack an enemy. The two brothers looked over at her shocked, joined by the entire arena full of people.

"Hold on, did that water bender just earth bend?!" The referee cried out.
After it became known that Korra was the avatar, the referee announced
"The avatar will be allowed to continue playing so long as she only uses water bending"
Much to the enemies' dismay, but the three fire ferrets seemed pleased.

The match continued, both teams taking blows and dishing them out.
Willow grew more on edge as time passed.
Eventually she saw a familiar figure appear in the seating area to her left,
It was Tenzin, with his bald head and blue arrow tattoos, and long red and yellow robe.
Willow was about to wave over at him with a smile when she realized him staring at Korra, and he did not look happy.
The young girl gulped as the fire ferrets started to lose their footing.

Mako and Bolin had been pinned, and were unable to fight back. It was all on Korra now.
Willow started screaming words of encouragement at her from her place, gaining a little bit of attention from the nearby fans, but she didn't care.

As the fire bending Mako had just done yesterday, Korra seemed to keep her cool, and swiftly evade the onslaught of elements being fired her way, as if by second nature,
Willow's eyes beamed watching her slip between attack after attack like a professional. And she noticed Tenzin's glare soften significantly, as he watched her.

Eventually, after the avatar had found herself an opening and attacked,
The Fire Ferrets had won, thanks to Korra.
The crowd erupted into uproarious applause,
And Willow of course, was screaming in excitement, jumping up and down and clapping, grinning hugely.

As the young avatar removed her helmet, her hair brushed out of her face, she wore a massive smile as she looked around the arena, and she caught eyes with Willow, and the two smiled at eachother.

Both teams then retreated into their changing rooms, as they approached, Willow could hear Bolin loudly exclaiming how well Korra had done, when Mako put his hand on her shoulder and said
"Nicely done, you saved us out there"
Korra smiled at him and nodded,
Before being jumped on by Willow, who threw her arms around the avatar.
"You were so amazing! Oh my god you guys were brilliant" the young woman laughed loudly, hugging Korra.
"Haha, thank you!" Korra hugged back tightly.
"Korra you were incredible! Your first pro bending match and you clutched it out for us. You're amazing." Willow beamed.
Korra blushed a little and laughed it off
"Pfft it's whatever"

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