Ocarina of Time In 1920's Part 2

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Random Guy : I SAID TO ROUGH HIM UP, NOT GODDAMN MURDER HIM! DID YOU ALL JUST FORGET WHO HE WORKS FOR!? CAN'T YOU IDIOTS GET ANYTHING RIGHT?! God Hylia, just look at him, he's practically a corpse. You bastards are lucky it's raining.

Time : 'Tch.. That Ganon made me almost died and now wanted me to be in their group.. I didn't wish for any of this to happen... This is... Like that time...?' *slowly passes out*

Random Guy : Hey kid, can ya hear me?

Time : ...

Random Guy : ...Kid? Aww, shit.

"At The Hospital"

Time : *twitches* Ghhk.. *blinks up an eye open*

Time : *gasps and sits up* Ganon- !!

??? : He's not here. Good morning, though~!

??? : Saria and the others should be here any minute. Though you probably only remember her... It's sorta funny how a hospital brought you back, when we lost you there first.

Time : *is confused at her*...?

??? : *slows turns at him and smiles* I'm sure your confused, Link. But you are safe, I promise! You were taken into the hospital last night, but we brought you home... These past seven years... You grew up so handsomely, Link!

Navi : *starts to tear up with a smile* Oh, you probably think I'm some crazy person! I'm not usually a cryer... That was usually you! I should... "Re-Introduce" myself, shouldn't I? I'm Navi!

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