When It Comes To Time and Wild's Timeline

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Time : *hugs his horse* I love you Epona! You're the only horse for me!

Wild : Alright, who wants to be the one to get abandoned in the wild instant I see a good paragliding opportunity?


Time*taps his chin* A modestly-sized rock, eh? I must find a way to get past it to continue my linear quest!

Wild : *ignores while gliding off* Probably not!

"Scary Enemies"

Time : *runs* Whoah! That ReDead gave me a real scare!

Wild : *is being targeted* There is no god.


Time : *is having a hard time carrying all of his stuff* Haha, wow, I sure do carry a lot of stuff!

Wild : *is all prepared carrying with his stuff*

"The World"

Time : *looks at Hyrule* Wow... look how massive Hyrule is!

Wild : *looks at the Volcano erupt* Holy $#!^

"Weapon Durability"

Time : *gives him the broken sword*

Biggoron : The sword I made for you broke?! I'm so sorry. I'll reforge it immediately so such an unlikely thing will never happen again!

Wild : *his weapons broke* F***ing again?!


Skyward : *sweatdrops* Remember, don't mind Wild's swear swords. It's usually said in the montage. So don't blame us.

Twilight : Isn't funny that Time has a lot of stuff carry and had a hard time while Wild looks manly enough to have a well-prepared armor and inventory? 

Warrior : Wild is the one mostly. ^^

Past Hero : This is nuts. I know Time doesn't look weak like Wild. *crosses arms*

Warrior : Hey don't worry, it's all part of the montage. So don't take things to seriously. 

Twilight : He has a point Past Hero. *sighs*

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