Why Can't Keep A Secret? & Remember Me!!

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"Can't Keep A Secret"

Sheik : *sitting by the branch* Link

Time : *nods*

Sheik :  *lands down* I need to tell you something important.

Time : *looks at Sheik* oh! It's Sheik! *makes a childish look and takes out his ocarina* Are you gonna teach me another song? Cause I'm getting real good now! And I wanna be the best student ever. So Sheik, go ahead and teach me!

Sheik : *shook* . . . 'this guy...'

Zelda : *from the inside of disguising as Sheik* 'He should figure this out for himself.. but I really must tell him!'

Sheik : No, this is no music lesson

Time : oh...

Sheik : Listen carefully, because I'm only telling you once. *rummage* "Sheik" is only my disguise

Time : *in suspense*

Sheik : I am actually... *takes out the Deku nuts and throws them on the ground with a sparks popping out*

Time : Ack! ><

Sheik : *whispers* Zelda..

Time : *is in the ground* my beautiful eyes...

Sheik : Ah. Finally got that out of my system!

"The Tragedy Of Time"

Sheik : *finishes teaching a song* . . . and that's the Minuet of Forest.

Time : Okay! *realizes something* 'Yooo wait a sec... Isn't that.. Zelda!?'

Sheik : *nods* Uh oh, why's he starring at me?

Time : *is staring* 'Yeah, it is her. But she doesn't recognize me? Could it be...' *begins to tear up with his hand on his cheek* 'That after 7 years I've become too handsome to recognize!?!' Zeldaaaa... Remember me!!

Sheik : Uh 'Ah sh*t he knows.. What now!?'


Time : Wait a minute, why do I have Twilight's hairstyle?!

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