A Past Era Before The Future

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"Many years before everything came to an existence... A cycle that never ends beyond time and the realm itself... To prevent the cause from falling it to the wrong hands... Where will fate be at my side..?"

It was a place filled with hope, all the living creatures as spirits roaming around the floating land along with the flowers and trees blooming freely. Everything keeps in balance between the spirit realm itself.

Long before the land of Hyrule was created, the Spirit Realm was known existed for every living thing to remain in peace as a spirit.

The goddesses Din, Farore, and Nayru were known for living at the Temple with the Goddess of Time herself. She was hoping for a long time to wait for them to create a land one day. But only to find out about Demise's whereabouts if he may ever take over Hyrule within his heart of darkness someday.

Along came with Fi, the residing spirit of the Goddess Sword. Hylia created Fi for a purpose in needed if a hero is summoned when the right time has come. 

As Fi was still getting used to the Spirit Realm and her capabilities as an artificial intelligence while was in her human form that time, she soon finds Hylia at her sacred fountain at the middle of the night. She was kneeling and praying at the same time if Fi ever knew what she is praying about.

"My creator, is there a chance for this land that you speak of will be created for new species to be mortal?" She asked. Hylia stood up as she turned around and looked at her. "It is why it's called life, Fi. For humans and hylians to experience the life cycle as part of being mortal. In order for that to happen, a timeline needs to be guided to keep it in balance in two different ways." She stated clearly at her question. "But isn't Cia already in charge of that?" She asked again. Hylia gave a nod and glanced up the night sky in a soft gaze. "She may be a Guardian of Time, but I want someone else more than that. A new Guardian of Time.. And a child of my own.." She said with her eyes closed softly. Fi became suprised because of this, unaware if Hylia is capable of creating one. "Why do you need a new Guardian of Time..? It doesn't make any sense." She was clueless whether Hylia is serious about it. Hylia went closer to the fountain and bend down her knees. "My child shall be summoned for a gifted purpose to possess the ability such as mine with The Golden Power itself. The Triforce of Courage." She released the Triforce of Courage within her grasp and used her abilities as a goddess to summon the child along with the triforce giving the child's aid.

Hylia managed to create a child of her own and returned the Triforce to where it belongs. Fi came to her and examined the child closely. It was a boy. His hair was blonde and had two sided bangs on top of his forehead. His small ocean eyes started to open and slowly began to look at Hylia and Fi by her side. Fi thought it would be the child that Hylia was hoping but turned out to be small for his own size.

"This child is seemingly little.. Why is that?" She asked confusingly. Hylia soon picked up her child and wrapped him with a cloth. "That's because he's still a baby. I could not skip his age in a such a way. He's too young to know already the essence of this place. And since he has his own abilities of using the Triforce of courage, I will name him.. Time." She smiled at the child in her arms. Fi stared at the child for a moment and softened her eyes. "Time is a strange name for a hylian like him... There's a 50 percent chances that his name will be confusing to others in many ways." She pointed out. Hylia laughed softly and smiled gently. "It doesn't matter if it's confusing.. He is still my child.." She chuckled. Fi nodded and tried a small smile. "I suppose so... But I still don't get the point how this child of yours will be a guardian in the future." She said convincingly. Hylia didn't mind and stared at her child sleeping quietly. "You will know when time comes... Just like your purpose too for yourself Fi." She looked at her. Fi widened her eyes at her appointment. "I.." Fi was about to respond to her but realized it was getting late. Hylia noticed and gave pat on her head. "You should get some rest as a part of the sword. It's better if we discuss this by tomorrow." She suggested. Fi nodded and understood for her concern. "I see. I will see you then tomorrow Hylia." She fled off to where she was suppose to rest inside the temple, thinking about her purpose along with the child.

Hylia stayed at the fountain and sat down on the grass while keeping her child in a deep sleep. She stroked his hair carefully and kissed his forehead. "Sleep dreams my child.."

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