The Bug Off and Carnival

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• Telma's Bar, Castle Town

"How long are you staying here?" I asked Link. We were sitting at Telma's bar counter, waiting for the Carnival to begin. He brought a hand to his chin, humming slightly.

"Well, originally I was going to stay only three days, the three days that the Spring Festival usually lasts, but Telma told me that the Princess extended it for a couple days longer and so I guess I'm staying until the end of the festival." He replied.

"Are you going to stay for the ball?" I poked at him, knowing what his response was going to be.

"I don't dance." He answered, giving me a look, giving me a flashback of the Musical Parade. I giggled slightly.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He shook his head.

"Nope. I always leave the last day of the festival. I've already pushed my plans back by two days. I can't push it back any longer." I pouted slightly.

"No fair. What plans do you have?" I asked him. He hummed thoughtfully.

"Well, I have to go home to pick something up, then I want to go travelling again."

"Travel? Where to?" He shrugged slightly.

"I want to go down to Lake Hylia again, enjoy the lake waters and some peace. Probably visit my Zora friends again."

"You've actually made friends with the Zoras?" I asked excitedly. He chuckled at my enthusiasm and nodded, beginning to explain to me how he became friends with them.

Let me retrace a couple of our steps, shall we?

• Hyrule Castle, Castle Town ; Flashback

The day of the Musical Parade, I made my way back to the castle in time for me to take a shower and get dressed for dinner. When Cyder came in, he brought me my dinner and stayed, striking some conversation from me, sitting at the end of the bed.

"Are you feeling better, Princess?" I bobbed my head side to side.

"Slightly better. I do feel rather tired however." I replied to him.

"Do you always stay in the castle?" He asked after a while. "Like.. Do you ever get to go outside?" I exhaled a little bit, realizing that even the servants have noticed that I am not allowed to go out.

"Not usually. Peace has been so good around Hyrule, however this peace keeps Impa on edge, keeping her paranoid that if I get let out, some evil is going to come and get me." He nodded silently, not looking up at me. He probably didn't want to show me any of his pity. "Cyder, where are you from?" I asked him. He looked up at me startled, probably surprised as to why I'm questioning him about his life.

"I-I'm from Kakariko Village." He replied after a while.

"Is it pretty there?" I questioned him. He nodded slightly.

"It's a really bland town, seeing as it's at the bottom of Death Mountain, so it's like a town in a canyon. Dirt and tumbleweeds everywhere." He didn't look at me, but I could tell that he missed his home by the way he spoke about it. "The townspeople are so nice, even the Goron people come down and sell us some of their goods and relax at our hot springs."

"You've met with the Goron people?" He nodded.

"They're quite strange, mostly males, but they're strong, tanned, built people with a tribal looking tattoo on their arms." He made motions with his hand that made me laugh slightly. He continued to tell me about his hometown, telling me that he came to work in Hyrule Castle to earn some money to support his family back at home.

"Well, I hope that one of these days, you can get a day off and go back to Kakariko and visit your family." I smiled. He blushed but nodded.

"Yes, I hope so too." He smiled with me and looked at his watch. "Looks like I have to excuse myself, Princess. Eat your dinner at your own leisure and I will be back in the morning with breakfast. Have good evening, Princess." He stood up and bowed, excusing himself from my bedroom with my lunch tray.

The next morning, Impa didn't even bother coming upstairs to notify me that I was still having my sick leave.

"Impa told me to pass on to you that she needed to run some errands and couldn't come up to see you. She said to eat as much as you can and rest as much as you can." He placed my breakfast tray in my bed and took up my dinner place. "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to stay and chat today. There's some chores I have to run, but I'll be able to talk tonight after I bring dinner, is that okay?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, of course, thank you." He excused himself and the hours dragged on until he brought me my lunch. As for lunch, he didn't stay either, so I ate what I could and headed down to Telma's.

• Telma's Bar, Castle Town ; Flashback

"So it's a Bug Off?" I asked. Telma and Link nodded.

"Agitha is the 'Bug Princess'. Any little bug you find, she'll accept it." Link said.

"I heard that there's a point system that's based off of how large the bugs you catch." Telma added.

"Also, there's the thing about the golden ones. She extremely prefers the golden ones, although those are really hard to find." I hummed thoughtfully.

"Will this be like in teams or every individual for themselves?"

"Teams. The team size varies, depending on age. Children can go in groups of four or five, but adults can only go in with a pair." Telma answered. I looked over at Link.

"Would you like to be my partner Link?" He gave a little smile.

"I'm not bragging but you picked the best partner."

"That's bragging Link." I said, laughing.

"Nets will be provided at the town square so off you go!" Telma said, shooing us out of the bar.

•Castle Town ; Flashback

We went to the Center Square and there was a small green tent. Inside, there was a girl with short, blonde pigtails, a cute pink dress with bugs sewn on it and am umbrella to shield her from the light.

"Wow! You look like a big, green grasshopper!" The girl exclaimed about Link's green hoodie once we arrived. "My name is Princess Agitha. Would you two like to helps gather the pretty bugs of Hyrule's Castle Town?" She asked, giving a little curtsy. I gave a curtsy myself and Link gave a formal bow to her.

"Yes, we would like to be a part of your event." Link said. Agitha smiled and reached behind her, grabbing two nets from a vase of many nets.

"How lovely! Here are two nets for you and your partner. Try and catch the biggest bugs you can. Golden bugs give you extra points. If you catch three golden bugs.." She dangled her three fingers in front of us. "You win first place."

"What's first prize?" I asked.

"The golden bug trophy!" Agitha showed it to us, hugging and rubbing it against her face.

"It's so beautiful." She whispered. Link and I silently looked at each other then back at Agitha, laughing quietly. Agitha regained her composure and put the golden trophy down. "The Bug Off starts in half an hour and it ends in four. Good luck, and may the odds be in your favor!" She gave another curtsy, dismissing us.

The Bug Off soon began and the crowds all over Center Square began running with loud commotion everywhere. It wasn't until they realized that the bugs are sensitive to sound was when they all quieted down. It was probably the quietest day of all in Castle Town that day, besides the small chatter and music around the Center Square.

Together, Link and I had gotten ten bugs, and two golden bugs by the end of the Bug Off. We didn't win first prize, but we got second prize, which Agitha didn't want to let go either, the silver bug trophy. First prize went to some children and bronze prize went to a group of three girls who kept oddly staring at Link and would make a little "kyaaa~!" sound whenever Link noticed them.

That night I had to disappear on Link while he was checking up on Epona, but Telma said she would pass on my apologies.

•Hyrule Castle, Castle Town ; Flashback

Cyder visited me again that evening, staying to chat.

"If you could go any place, Princess, where would it be?" He asked me. I shrugged slightly, humming thoughtfully.

"Probably Lake Hylia. I just approved some construction there that I would really like to see."

"I've never met a Zora person before. Do you still think they look like fish and stuff?"

We passed about half an hour talking about how Zora's might have developed and changed over time, just like the Gorons did. We came up and laughed about a bunch of theories, but in the end, we couldn't really stick to one.

"It was nice talking to you, Princess." He was standing now, ready to leave. He held the lunch tray in front of him, looking down at it.

"It was a pleasure talking to you as well, Cyder." I smiled. He peeked up through his hair as I smiled and he jumped slightly, a blush covering his cheeks.

"W-Well, good night Princess."

"Good night Cyder." He dismissed himself from my bedroom.

The next day, it was the same like the previous one, Cyder telling me that Impa wasn't going to be able to see me due to errands.

"I think they're prepping for the Masquerade Ball."

"Are you going?" I asked, trying to keep my excitement down to a minimum.

"Yes, but I won't be able to dance. I have to serve the guests. And you as well." I frowned slightly.

"I don't even think I'll be able to dance either." I gave a sympathetic laugh.

•Telma's Bar, Castle Town ; Present Time

"I bet it would be fun to travel." I leaned my chin into my hand as my elbows rested on the bar counter.

"Well, why don't you come with me?" Link asked me. I looked over at him. He was tracing some shapes on the bar counter, his fingers no longer bandaged up.

"I would love to." I said quietly and his electric blue eyes caught mine.

"Well, come with me." He whispered. I felt like his blue eyes were hypnotizing and could look into me, so I broke away, looking down at the bar counter.

"I-I can't." Now I started to trace some shapes on the bar counter, my face feeling flushed. There was a silence between us, until Telma came out of her pantry.

"Why don't you kids go to the carnival? It's outside of Castle Town's south gate." Telma said, coming behind her bar counter.

"Outside Castle Town?" I repeated, my voice a slight pitch higher as my uncertainty grew.

"It's alright. There will be guards standing all around, just in case. It's not so far outside, just after the stairs on the fields surrounding the town." Telma reassured me. I nodded nervously, trying to gulp down my nervousness.

"Do you want to go?" Link asked me. I avoided looking at him.

"I do.. But I've never been outside the town gates before." I muttered, embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'll be with you." Link reassured me. I looked between Telma and him and nodded. We got up and made our way out the door, Telma calling out for us to be careful.

• South Exit, Hyrule Field

There was music playing as we stepped out of the town gates. A small band had gathered just outside, playing some music similar to the Musical Parade's. We continued down the stairs and I was greeted by a lot of things: a merry-go-round, a Ferris wheel, a photo booth, a popcorn and cotton candy stand, clowns that made balloons and entertainment for the children, and even some games for the adults to play.

"Wow." My breath was taken away. "It's so beautiful!" I said, taking it all in.

"What do you want to do first?" Link asked me.

"I don't know, there's so much to choose from!"

The merry-go-round was adorable and there were horses that moved up and down, spinning teacups and a carriage type box that didn't move. We rode the horses first, next going on the spinning teacups. We both span the center wheel as fast as we could and we couldn't stop laughing, that once we got off, the whole world was spinning faster than it was supposed to.

Next, we tried the cotton candy.

"What is this? Is this even safe to eat?" I asked as a Link passed me a ball of pink colored cotton on a stick. He chuckled.

"It's candy. You mean you've never had any?" He questioned me. I blushed slightly, shaking my head.

"No, I haven't." I said with a pout.

"Go on, try it then!" He said, getting his own baby blue colored ball of cotton on a stick. I watched as he picked a piece off the ball with his fingers and stuck it in his mouth. I copied him, picking some off my own ball of cotton. I hesitantly placed it on my tongue and closed my mouth. It started to fizz and melt on my tongue and I was able to savor the sugary goodness of it.

"Oh my Hylia, this is amazing!" I exclaimed, putting some more in my mouth.

We finished our candy and we started playing some games. There was one where you had to pick up a hammer and you had to hammer down on some pad as hard as you could and hit the bell at the top of the tower. If you manage to hit the pad hard enough to send the puck up to hit the bell, we get a prize.

"Step right up, young man and test your strength!" The man at the game called out to Link. "Make the puck hit the bell and you get a prize!"

"What's the prize?" Link asks, analyzing the puck and the hammer.

"You and your girlfriend get to take some free pictures at the photo booth." He said with a smile. We both jumped and looked at each other with reddened faces.

"He's not..! I'm not..!"

"She isn't..! She's actually..!"

"Yeah, yeah." He said with a smile as he waved his hand. "Just test your strength and we will see if you win! . . . That is, if you're not afraid of losing." He gave a smirk and Link narrowed his eyes.

"I accept your challenge sir." Link said before picking up the hammer and easily swinging it over his shoulder.

"If you win, you walk away with a free photo booth ticket. If you lose, you have to pay the twenty rupees to take the pictures at the photo booth." Link gave a confident huff and steadied himself to it the pad. As if he was a lumberjack who was going to chop some wood, he swung the hammer perfectly and hit the pad with a "boom". The puck shot up and the bell rang with a loud shrill. A miniature alarm rang, notifying the nearby people of Link's success. I jumped excitedly, clapping.

"Well, would you look at that. We have a strong man here!" He called out to the others. Link had a proud smile on his face as he put the hammer down on the ground. The man reached into his little fanny pack he had latched around his waist, pulling out a little ticket. "Alright, as promised, here's your ticket for the photo booth." He gave Link a tanned ticket.

"Thank you."

"Wow, that was incredible Link!" I said, clapping slightly. He rose a hand to the back of his head, chuckling slightly.

"I used to cut wood back at home for the fireplaces." I giggled.

"Well at least that skill came in handy!" I smiled.

"Do you wanna go take some pictures?" He asked, holding the ticket between his index finger and middle.

"Yes, let's go." I said, taking the ticket from him and grabbing a hold of his wrist and walking to the photo booth. As we did, I saw someone who looked strangely familiar.

"Falbi, is that you?" I asked. Red hair combed upwards like a droplet and a short crop green shirt with puffy orange pants. The man turned around, showing me a bare beer belly with tattoos. "Why, it is you! How's the construction going on with your Flight by Fowl?"

"It's almost quite done actually! It needs a couple more tune ups before it's open to the public." He gave a smile, before looking me up and down. "However, I don't recall meeting anyone from Castle Town and telling them my plans.." Oh shoot. I laughed nervously.

"Well, it looks like we have to go! It was a pleasure seeing you Falbi!" I called as I turned to push Link towards the photo booth. He remained silent until we arrived at the photo booth.

"You don't mind if we take pictures, do you?" I asked him. He gave me a little half smile.

"I don't mind." I smiled and put the ticket he gave me into a little slot in the photo booth wall. I pulled the curtains of the photo booth and entered, taking a seat in the small boxed room. Link came in behind me and sat besides me. We were sitting side by side and I don't know why, but my heart was feeling rushed.

The monitor of the photo booth began to speak to us, telling us to look at the camera below the screen, not at the screen itself. It told us to 'smile!' and started counting down from three. As being so close to each other and feeling so awkward, I couldn't help but to simply smile. I probably looked embarrassed. It showed us the picture and I could see that Link was making a face at me and had two fingers behind my head as visible bunny ears. I gasped loudly, looking at him.

"Link! That was not funny!" I rose my hands up to play hit him and he started laughing. I tried to mess his hair up and I eventually hear the photo booth monitor count 'one' and the snap of another picture being taken. We both looked at the screen and I blushed at the image.

There was a smile- a real, actual smile on my face. I didn't know that I was capable of having such a strong emotion visible on my face like that.

"Ready?" The monitor spoke as we were supposed to prep for our next photo.

"Three." Link nudged me with his elbow and I looked over at him.

"Two." He had his fingers pulling the corners of his mouth out and his eyes crossed.

"One." I burst out laughing as he stuck his tongue out and made a noise.

"Smile!" The next image was me laughing, crying at Link's expression. I wiped the tears that had slipped from my eyes and I tried to breath again.

"Last one!" The monitor spoke.

"We have to make this one a good one." Link said, wiggling besides me.


"You mean the last two weren't good enough?" I asked with a chuckle. He smiled at me and shook his head.


"We always save the best for last!" He replied, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"One!" I immediately began to blush and he rose up his hands in peace signs.


"Come on!" In the end, I couldn't figure out what to do, so I covered my face, blushing tremendously.

"Perfect!" The monitor spoke. "Your prints will be out momentarily. Please wait outside the booth." We stepped out, the two of us laughing.

"Why did you cover your face?"

"You were unexpected!" He smiled and we heard the machine call us back. Under where we placed the ticket, two pieces of film paper we laying side by side. Link picked them up carefully and handed one to me. They were fresh and in color and my heart swelled so much seeing them all.

"How about we ride the Ferris wheel?" Link asked. Unable to answer, I nodded and followed as he led the way. I couldn't help but stare at them as we stood in line for the Ferris wheel and until we had to go into the carriage was when I peeled my eyes away from them.

"Watch your step." Link said and he offered his hand to support me as I went inside. The carriage tipped slightly as I went in and sat, but evened out as soon as Link came in and sat across from me. Since we were the last to board, we soon began to ascend slowly.

The skies were beginning to turn a pink orange as the sun started to set, the clouds a white-pink.

"Wow." I barely said with a whisper. My hands were in my lap, holding the film carefully in my fingers. I looked down at it with a smile. "Serves as a wonderful memory for when.. For when you leave." My voice grew quieter as I reached the end of my sentence.

Yes.. This was only temporary. Link was only going to stay for a couple days. He wasn't a resident of Castle Town. That and I can't be sick for ever and always sneak out of the castle. He was going to leave the day of the ball and he was going to go travel Hyrule, while I remained in Hyrule Castle. This was an event that happened just this year, just this once.

"Hey, are you okay?" I blinked and I looked up at him.

"W-What do you mean?" My voice faltered.

"You're crying."

A/N: how's that for some feels?

Hey guys! Sorry I made this chapter reaaaaaaally long but I feel like if I cut it short, I would have too many feels at the beginning of the next chapter.

If you like my writing, I also recommend Rich Boy Blues, if you're a OHSHC fan and To Sensei, with Love if you're a Naruto fan!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please vote, comment and share with your other Zelda loving friends.


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