The Stars

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The blue light enveloped us as we stepped in, blinding us momentarily. I could feel a strong wind blow and my breath was stolen, until the wind settled, the light dimming. Once I regained my breathing, my eyes fluttered open, to find ourselves in a new place. A massive tree was to our right, and to our left were some doors that lead somewhere. In front was another room and I could see a pedestal where a sword laid dormant.

• Sealed Temple / Grounds - Faron Province ; Skyward Sword

Grass and moss was around the whole temple, time having worn into it.

"Come out this way." I looked to my side and noticed that Link was no longer there. I turned and found him behind me, at some large doors. I caught up to him as he opened the large doors, joining him outside.

The view was breathtaking.

The Statue of the Goddess Hylia towered over us, trees and small greenery at her feet. The skies were slightly cloudy, but the stars twinkled brightly. Fireflies blinked in the skies around us, illuminating our surroundings with the soft light the moon gave.

Link started walking towards the statue of the Goddess and I followed, much more slowly, taking in the view. As we stood at the foot of the statue, Link brought a hand to his lips and whistled, sending the sound to pierce the skies.

After some silence, a flapping of wings could be heard. I looked towards the source of the flapping and through the dim light of the moon I was able to catch a glimpse of a very large bird making it's way towards us. It gained closer to land and landed behind Link. The giant bird cooed at Link and he chuckled, bringing his hands up to pet the large crimson bird.

"It's... A Loftwing." I said breathlessly. Link looked over to me and nodded.

"Seems like he's mine too. At least in this timeline." He chuckled. "Want to pet him?" I nodded and took a couple steps towards it. The large bird watched me approach, bobbing its head side to side. As I rose my hand, I hesitated slightly, fear setting in. What if it snaps at me or something?

The Loftwing sensed my hesitation and rose it's beak to my hand, my hand lying flat on its beak. I let out the breath I was holding in, sounding like a sigh of relief and a chuckle of astonishment. The bird's tail swayed as it paced in its spot, happy to be the center of attention.

"You probably have one of your own too." Link said, ruffling more of his bird's feathers.

"My own Loftwing?" I was so entranced by the crimson bird that I made my statement sound more like a question.

"Try whistling. It will come to you." Link looked up to the sky. I rose my fingers to my lips before blowing out a tune that rolled so naturally off my tongue. Not before long, a blue-purple bird began to circle above us before landing in front of me. I gasped happily and went to it, the Loftwing nuzzling into my cheek.

"You're so beautiful." I hummed, running my hands along the bird's bill and over her head. The bird cooed at me, her tail wagging.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" Link asked. His bird wagged its tail more, excited to go out for a late night fly.

"Can we?" I asked, looking at my own Loftwing reacting the same way as Link's.

"Why not? We just can't get caught." He winked and his bird kneeled, allowing him to jump on. Mine did the same, being patient as my nerves caught me again and I nervously got on her. The birds began to flap their wings and kicked off the ground. As my Loftwing wavered in the air, I clutched the harness for dear life. We slowly started to gain altitude and began to fly around the Statue of the Goddess.

"Follow me." Link called to me, although I think he meant it mostly to my Loftwing. The crimson Loftwing glided over Faron Woods, a land so vast and full of life, with a large, beautiful tree overlooking the land. In the distance was Eldin Volcano and the other way, the Lanayru Desert. We continued to glide upwards until we were up in the clouds.

• Skyloft - Skies

We glided through the clouds and up in between the islands of the skies. As we kept a constant speed, I slowly eased my grip on the harness, raising my arms up to feel the clouds. They were wispy and ran through my fingers, leaving dots of dew between my fingers.

I brought my hands back down to the harness as the Loftwing began to gain moment, coming to soar above some islands. It was a town, with a school building, a town market, a light house and even a small lake.

This was Skyloft.

"Zelda, this way, hurry!" The Loftwings suddenly dived downwards, going under the floating islands. A ray of light shone across the skies in front of us and our birds skidded to the stop. "Other way, other way!" My heart rate began to increase as we hurried away from the eerie light.

"Link, what is it?" I called in a hushed voice as our Loftwings flew away.

"Night guards! If we get caught, they'll send us to the island." He mumbled the last bit.

"Sounds like you've gotten caught before." I chuckled.

"Trust me, I had to escape at sunrise and the freefall down was not fun." He rubbed the back of his neck with an embarrassed chuckle.

Skyloft soon faded out of our vision and my heartbeat returned to normal. We arrived at a small island that had what seemingly looked like a flying shop that was closed. We landed and I noticed that there was a small fire that was still warm.

We both sat down by the fire, but I soon laid down, looking up at the vast sky.

It was cloudless. Being up in the clouds had its perks, being able to see a perfect night sky, full of stars and a full moon that shone beautifully in the sky. The moon hung just above us, the dragon on the moon clearly visible. The skies were so open that I could almost see where the world began to curve.

"What do you think?" I turned my head to the side, Link lying next to me. Our eyes met and a smile crossed my face.

"I love it, Link. It's as beautiful as I remember it." The smile he had on his face faded the slightest and his eyebrows began to furrow as the last words rolled off my tongue.

"Say Zelda?" He turned to look up at the stars. "Why is it that you have all these memories?" I watched his eyes narrow and his thoughts continuing to furrow his eyebrows. I averted my gaze, looking up at the stars as well.

"I'm not quite sure. All, or should I say most of my previous selves... The one from this era, the ones after... The memories are all scattered. I can't recollect them all, but being here - It's just all very nostalgic." Our Loftwing circled the skies above us; it looked like they were dancing among the stars.

"Impa said something the night of the ball. She said I was the 'Hero's reincarnate'. Have we met before?" I remained silent for some time, long enough that he turned to look at me.

"It seems like we have." I spoke quietly. I saw his eyebrows furrow again and he looked back up the twinkling lights. "The flow of time is always cruel... Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that doesn't change is a memory of your younger days. However, every time we meet... It's like I'm more of a stranger to you and-"

"I don't know why." He stopped me. "But I feel a deep... Deep need to protect you." My heart thumped loudly in my chest. I rose my right arm into the air, palm up.

"Have you noticed Link?" On the back of my right hand, a figure of a triangle made up of three smaller, golden triangles glowed faintly on the back of my hand. One triangle, the one on the bottom left, glowed slightly brighter than the other two pieces.

"I never paid much attention to it, really." He rose his left arm, holding it up besides mine. On his left hand, the bottom right triangle glowed brighter than the rest.

"Do you know what they are?" I asked. He shook his head. "I hold the Triforce of Wisdom - it embodies the essence of the Goddess of Wisdom, Nayru, the author of law."

"What about mine?"

"You bare the Triforce of Courage - it embodies the essence of the Goddess of Courage, Farore, the source of all life." A silence ran through us as we both looked at the last piece.

"What's the last one?"

"The Triforce of Power - it embodies the essence of the Goddess of Power, Din, the creator of Hyrule."

"And who holds that piece?" Another silence.

"I don't know. I don' know and haven't met them. Usually whoever wields the Triforce of Power wields a great amount of power. The one wields this piece always strives to gain all three pieces and rule the land."


"More than likely." Our hand still hung in the air, staring at our glowing Triforce pieces. Unexpectedly, Link intertwined his fingers through mine.

"I won't let anything bad happen." He whispered, bringing our arms down. Our hands continued to hold each other as the crickets chirped and the flap of wings was hear in the distance. "We should get going." The natural sounds had me so relaxed that I had almost drifted off to sleep. Our hands parted and we stood, calling our Loftwings.

We boarded our Loftwings and glided through the clouds towards Faron Woods, landing once again in front of the Statue of the Goddess Hylia.

•Sealed Grounds / Temple - Faron Province

I stood before her, a flashback filling my mind.

I pulled out the harp from behind me and turned to Link, strumming it softly.

"Oh youth, guided by the servant of the Goddess, unite Earth and Sky, and bring light to the land..." I opened my eyes and the sun shone brightly. Link and I stood before each other as the mortal incarnate of Goddess Hylia and the Hero of the Skies.

I closed my eyes again and when I opened them, night was back, the fireflies flashing around us.

"What do you think?"

"It's a wonderful song..." He spoke quietly. Our Loftwings huddled together, cleaning each other off and cooing quietly. I smiled softly, going to ruffle their feathers gently.

"It was amazing, meeting you two." My purple-blue Loftwing squawked quietly at me and Link joined me, petting his own.

"See ya soon, okay?" The large bird nodded and we watched as the two departed to the skies, to the islands up above.

"Let's go back." I said, turning towards the Sealed Temple. We went inside and Link stands on a platform, pulling out his harmonica and played the Song of Time. While he did that, I went towards the room that had the pedestal with the dormant sword in the center of the room.

I remembered this room clearly.

"Even though I am Hylia reborn, I am still my father's daughter, and your friend. I'm still your Zelda... so I'm going to ask you a favor, sleepyhead. Ever since we were kids, I'd always be the one to wake you up when you slept in, but this time, when all of this is over... Will you come wake me up?"

"Zelda?" I turned to look at the dirty blond before me. "The gate is up. Let's go." A soft smile crossed my lips.

"Thanks, sleepyhead."

A/N: I'm sorry that the chapter is so short but the next one will be longer trust me!

Does anyone get the dragon on the moon reference?

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