The Alien Child

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"We're coming to you live from north Mustafu where an alien craft has crash-landed in the middle of the highway in the city. Authorities and heroes alike have been notified and the craft appears to be perfectly spherical and not radioactive according to authorities. I have just been informed that Number 1 Pro Hero Pinnacle has arrived on the scene! We are going to go silent to witness this, this is history in the making." A new reporter says in reaction to an event that happened not 10 minutes ago.

It was a quiet morning on July 18th, people were making their morning rounds and heading to their jobs, heroes were on patrol and villains were in hiding. A sudden commotion is heard as what seems to be a meteor drops out of the sky and smashes into the highway in the center of town. The authorities were the first to arrive followed by the heroes and then the press to see what had hit the ground. Soon after a woman in a black, white and yellow hero uniform races to the scene. She is the number one hero Pinnacle, a beautiful woman in her early thirties by the name of Nana Shimura. With others being afraid to be the first to make contact with the craft, Nana made her way down the crater and to the window of this starship. She presses her hand to the front of the maroon glass covering the inside and suddenly the ship opens. Nana takes a step backwards as the front of the craft opens slowly and water vapor escapes from the craft. As it fades Nana pears inside and is shocked by what she finds.

Inside the pod is a newborn baby boy, with black hair and a long black monkey tail. As the light pears in, the infant squints his eyes before looking up at Nana who is staring in awe at what she has found. Nana studies the child carefully not knowing if it is a threat but stares into his emerald green eyes and chubby face. The baby now realizing she is staring at him he raises his hands up toward her and beckons her to pick him up. Instinctively Nana complies and takes the infant from the craft. The crowd around her gasps in shock seeing the baby in Nana's arms, and just like that Nana vanishes using her quirk to move as quickly as possible away from there and to the University of Heroes, UA.

"Amazing! Did you see that?! Pinnacle opened the craft and found what appears to be a baby boy with a tail! But the ship of some kind is too advanced to be human technology. We may have just found evidence of alien life and now Pinnacle is the caretaker to this baby from the stars." The announcer says before the camera is shut off and they make their way back to the studio.

As the reporters finish up their news report, Nana makes it to UA and sprints to the office of a former hero Recovery Girl who is the school's doctor. She barges into the room and finds her student, a young man with unruly blond hair and long bangs, laying on one of the cots after a training exercise. RG runs out from her office seeing Nana arrive and then stops and stares at the baby in her arms that has fallen asleep. "Was that what was on the news report?" Toshinori asks from his hospital bed seeing the baby in her arms. "That strange craft in Mustafu is what he was in. The media was already there and now we have to deal with that headache. The government is going to try to order me to give up this baby to them so they can do God knows what to him since he is not of this world. This might be the most impulsive thing I've ever said or done but get principal Nezu and Gran Torino down here and tell Nezu to get me a birth certificate. We need to cover this up and quickly." Nana responds as she notices the infant in her arms starts to get fussy and they hear an audible grumbling sound from his stomach.

"He's hungry. I have a tablet that will make your body create milk for him, I don't have any formula of the sort here and who knows how long he was in that pod." Recovery Girl explains before walking over to a medicine cabinet and handing her a non descript pink tablet and a small cup of water. 

"I'm well aware, since we are covering this up as much as possible it will be for the best that the world sees him as my son and the tail is just a quirk. Let me know if any government officials come by immediately, Wait you're a doctor why don't you just give me a birth certificate for him." Nana says as she takes the tablet and tries to calm down the infant who has started to cry softly.

"That's correct! I'm sorry it totally slipped my mind, but you need a name for him." Recovery girl says as she walks into her office, makes a phone call and opens a drawer before returning with the form.

"I have the perfect name for him. He came from the stars on a journey that we have no way of knowing how long it took. His name means 'Long time coming' and it is Izuku Shimura." Nana says with a soft smile as she feels her son wrap his tail around her arm as he begins to nurse from her.

"I may need to run a few tests to see what his anatomy is and if there will be anything we will need to know of as he grows. He is an alien after all. Did you see anything in the pod? A name or something?" Chiyo explains, observing the full head of hair on the seemingly days old infant. 

"The only thing that I saw was a single word, Saiyajin but that really doesn't help much. But there's another question, the media is going to be all over this and my son. They are going to ask who his father is and I never married." Nana says as Toshinori finally sees it time to speak up.

"Well we could say that he is our child, I'm in my early twenties and you are only 31 so it is believable and it won't raise as much controversy as you saying he doesn't have a father or something." Toshinori suggests, though he was blind folded by the old woman, as Gran Torino and Nezu now enter RG's office. As they do, RG gives Nana a towel for incase Izuku spits up on her as she switches him to the other side.

"Though that may be an option, I don't think that we should go that route. The best bet is to just say that you discovered him after a patrol. I have already gotten the footage of today's events deleted and the government now has no idea that the child exists. I also have confiscated the craft he arrived here in and it is now property of UA." Nezu says as Izuku finally stops feeding and Nana fixes her clothes and takes off the blanket before holding the child up to her shoulder and patting his back to burp him.

"Thank you Nezu, and thanks for the suggestion Toshi, you can take the blind fold off now." Nana says taking a set of baby clothes that was handed to her by Nezu.

"Well we have one thing going for us. He looks like you." Gran Torino says before Izuku finally burps. Nana moves him from her shoulder to her arms as she cradles him in her arms and rocks him back and forth slowly getting him to yawn and then go back to sleep.

Nezu pauses while looking at Izuku's tail, that is still coiled around her arm, in thought. "I believe that we should investigate the pod he was in for any answers before we come up with a name for his quirk. I have a lot of paperwork to do, Toshinori you need to go back to class and Nana you have a new baby to take care of. It looks like all of us have our work cut out for us. That name though, Saiyajin... I don't think it is his name but maybe we can use that for the name of his quirk." Nezu says before walking out of the room and back to his office.

"Come on Izu, we need to get you some things before we go home." Nana says kissing her son on the forehead, before she leaves, RG gives Nana a swaddling scarf to wrap up Izuku in so that she can get the necessities that he needs. "Oh, Toshi? Swing by my apartment after school today I am going to need help setting up Izu's bed and his other things in my guest room."

"I'll be there as soon as classes ends Sensei."

"See ya then." Nana says as she has RG show her how to affix the scarf to herself and place Izuku in it after getting him to let go of her arm. 

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