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Izanagi finally decided to advance against the Leviathan easily subduing it with his gravity manipulation ability before he unsheathed his sword from it's scabbard and prepared to cut down the fierce beast 1 head at a time.

However the creature proved to be more resilient than he had expected since it was still able to move even with him increasing it's gravity times 100 so he increased his speed by reducing his gravity by 100 times Earth's normal gravity.

But as he did this the Leviathan began to regrow it's heads 3 at a time so Izanagi decided to use his strong force to burn the wounds close as he chopped off the vile creature's heads and finally it turned back into it's Leviathan form regrowing it's flippers filled with scales which when flapped made the winds thunder and the earth rumble with mighty earthquakes as if armies were besieging a mountain so Izanagi braced himself struggling to even draw nigh or swing his sword at it again.

The mere sight and power of the creature was overpowering his hopes, for this form had strong scales closely knit together so that even air couldn't pass through it, Izanagi quickly realized that this was a dragon as it breath streams of fire from it's mouth and a cloud of smoke sprung from it's nostrils.

Luckily Izanagi's spear teleported him right behind the creature before he could be consumed and he commanded his spear to extend and expand as he used his gravity ability to pull and pin the beast to the massive spear before he landed on its mouth with force, forcing it shut to stop the streams of fire.

This was one of his ultimate technique he called "Nehushtan".

But then it began thrashing tossing him away, so he used his gravity ability to control the Leviathan's inertia, velocity and magnitude to a degree since he knew that the world couldn't remain stable if it continued.

" Why do you intend to destroy the world fierce Leviathan !? "

Izanagi yelled while using his divinity to evolve more techniques mid battle to prevent the Leviathan's harsh thrashing, eventually he came up with singularity which was just him using the Leviathans own gravity own gravity which increased based on the amount of magnitude the Leviathan was generating before sending it right back using inertia to crush the beast.

The only way the Leviathan could move at this point is if it could overcome its own gravitational binding force and the inertia of the force it itself was generating but even through all this the creature refused to answer him so he simply watched it as it violently vibrated trying to move before the force peaked and the creature collapsed into a minor black hole which eventually exploded when Izanagi disabled his ability.

When the dust cleared the beautiful maiden stood in the exact location of the beast bounded to the spear without even a single scratch on her as she glared at him which he immediately sensed and without any hesitation he used his spear to summon a guillotine in its place which grabbed her preparing to chop off her head once and for all.

However each time the guillotine stroke her neck the head of a random woman nearby would instantly implode and a scar would appear on the maiden's neck.

He noticed the futility in this tactic as soon as he realized what was happening and he used his strong force to destroy the guillotine as he sighed approaching her as the strong nuclear force burned her although she didn't appear to be being harmed only glowing a radiant glow and her beauty reached him.

He was blind but he saw her, he had no eyes but he could see and recognize her elegant features hence he immediately stopped in his tracks and said.

" What is this, are you not Samaru's maiden whom I've previously met ? "

And alas she responded saying.

" Samaru has fled and no longer pays any attention to me, I'll kill every last female alive so he'll accept me !!! "

This grieved Izanagi so he told her with a soothing tone.

" Let me kiss you with the kisses of my mouth, for your love is more delightful than wine. Vicious are your intentions yet lovely is your appearance if you didn't know, most beautiful of women. Your cheek flushed pink my darling your eyes are like doves on a sunset. Am I not handsome, choose me and I'll raise your child while embracing you with my fruit for I am faint with love, but I am able to pass the winter, split the rains and summon flowers upon the earth again if you turn from sin and love me from now on ? Show me your face, let me hear your sweat voice seize from bitterness and search for a righteous man with thy heart, oh I desire your scarlet lips and your two breasts which are like Fawns with a twin so it is not alone, I see no flaw in your beauty, you've stolen my heart with the glance of your eyes. Awake, north wind and come south wind !!! Lift up my flawless one and I'll take off my robes and put down my weapons. "

At those words the clouds of the winds lifted them up towards the heavens and the maiden asked.

" What is that sound, is your heart pounding so loudly even after you beat me and bruised my neck ? "

But Izanagi was unable to bring himself to bring further harm upon her so he dropped his white robe and his sword as proof as he continued his advances on her saying.

" Outstanding among ten thousand, sixty queens there may be and eighty concubines, and virgin beyond number on earth but my dove, my perfect one, is unique and called blessed. Who is this that appears like the dawn, as fair as the moon, bright as the sun, majestic as the stars in procession ? Your graceful legs are like jewels, how beautiful and pleasing, I belong to my love, let me give you my love as an apology for the harm I've caused you, I'll even bring you to my house to recover. Your love will replace mine for death and it'll make she within the grave jealous of my unyielding love for you which burns as a flame which many waters fail to put out, for you are as fair as the moon, bright as the sun and majestic as the stars, your my evening sunset, no longer shall you'll be called unloved but from henceforth Eve, for you are as the sunset to my eyes my love, I will have compassion. "

The maiden's rage then subsided after hearing this and she smiled asking as she flushed a light shade of red.

" Am I really that beautiful, have a holy one such as yourself truly fell in love with me, am I Eve as you've said while simping so heavily for a sinful woman such as myself ? If so then please say that you wish I could also kill all the men who got in my way along with the women. "

Izanagi was appalled at her request and turned his face away ashamed of her disgraceful display of characteristics, this infuriated her so she reached out her hand and conjured her unholy secret treasure a staff with a circle ring at the top end with several ring interlaced within it and at the bottom end of the staff was a semi circle resembling a quarter moon.

Then her Leviathan's horn and tail appeared as she dashed forward passing through Izanagi with her weapon in front of her.

But Izanagi didn't dodge her attack he only smirked as blood dripped down his lip and thus he commented.

Image of him below.

" So that's the dragon staff of the sea, previously known as everlasting sun moon staff or Leviathan's bone. I hear it was known for swallowing up sinners in the sea and commanding other sea monsters back in it's prime, guess it was right ? If it wasn't for the fact that your unable to harm males I would've been a goner, but still... "

Then suddenly the earth and sea split in half killing a third of all who dwelled in them swallowing up their souls as well since they were all female, Eve then whispered.

" Krakens tails. "

And octopus tentacles bursted from under her dress holding the world back together before Izanagi whispered.

" Increase Earth's gravity. "

Which stabilized the world, however Izanagi had realized just how dangerous she had become since even men were almost killed off by her attack so he summoned his spear and teleported her away.

The heavens then opened up as Izanagi then began plunging back down to the earth but threads came down from heaven grabbing him by wrapping around his body before pulling him up into paradise.

Image of him below.

But they received a unexpected visitor as Samaru leaped through the opening in the sky yelling.

" Give her back !!! "

Due to the nature of his entry he was immediately surrounded and met with resistance by Angels but he wiped them out with a single punch shaking the entire heavenly realm before he then landed on what appeared to be thick ice like glass floor which showed the path of the stars of the earthly realm underneath.

Uriel then reprimanded Izanagi yelling with what sounded like many voices.

" Why did you spare the girl let alone confess such love and devotion to her, do you really intend to recreate the nephilim and the times of Jared to Noah on your own, son of Taka ? This crime is unexcusable so you shall be executed at once, any last words !? "

Then many swords were pointed at Izanagi however Taka jumped in the way hugging him which puzzled Uriel so the holy angel asked.

" Why do you do this, sir Taka ? "

And he responded.

" You'll deprive me of my children, Izanami is no more and Izanagi is the only survivor. And now you want to take him !? Everything is against me but plead I will that you have compassion for God's sake , for God is love and my son only loved ? "

This touched Izanagi's heart and he confessedhis sins in mourning as he wept in his father's arms, Uriel heard and saw this and said.

" If someone sins against you, shows his fault, if he listens to warning he will surely live for his repentance. "

Uriel then clapped and all the swords vanished and a tea table made of wood appeared and they offered sacrifices on it to their God but the fire did not burn the table itself.

Izanagi then turned around realizing that many angels were trying to cast Samaru back to the earth so he said in a loud voice so all of the heavenly being doing this could hear him declare these words directly to Samaru Eiji the man who leaped into heaven.

" Samaru friend of heaven, you are invited !!! "


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