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When the 3 glowing men heard Samaru's words they began to silently weep and gnash their teeth before saying.

" We also serve the living God, our apologies we've been spying out the land under sir Taka's orders !!! "

Hence Samaru told them.

" So it's treachery, I'm also sorry since I'll have to knock you around a bit for the innocent blood you've spilled. "

Before he attacked them, however he fazed through them and they vanished telling him.

" We are spiritual beings capable of changing forms, concealing our presence and passing through physical objects so how will you do as you have said ? "

Immediately without any hesitation Samaru's eyes glowed as he said.

" I can see you. "

As he swung his head around in their direction with a smile on his face as he used 'sight beyond sight : spiritual eye's then Samaru unwrapped his spear from it's linen and it grew spikes as he said.

" This is a heavenly treasure so it'll have no problem knocking you around. "

So they started to move around him like lightning and it created static that zapped boulders and they shattered, it even created a electric fire that burned down the tents while turning the entire area hazardous because of the fact that merely entering the area would send 77,000 volts of electricity through people's body's.

This however was cut short when Samaru said.

" Expand and Extend, Rod of God !!! "

And his spear engulfed the entire area propelling them away before Samaru moved like lightning creating the same static as he blitz behind one of them warning.

" prepare for retribution, since even the seven deadly sins could move faster than you all combined. "

So naturally they panicked the and one who Samaru went behind flung himself around using his wings and he summoned fire from his hands engulfing Samaru as the others went into the skies and said.

" Fire and Sulfur, rain from heaven !!! "

And Taka heard their requestand gave his approval so 10,000 angels opened heaven and rained down sulfur at Samaru since he was walking through the fire the other angel was summoning, in order to aid his brother one of the 2 angels came down and said.

" Strike this man with blindness !!! "

And Taka allowed his ability to overcome Samaru's eyes blinding him physically and spiritually thus Samaru stopped in his tracks before saying.

" If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. "

Then he blew with such force that the flames being summoned turned back at it's summoner before being put out, and the angel who struck him with blindness started to be mildly pushed away as it appeared that his skin would almost remove itself because of the force.

The ones who felt the wind then became very much afraid and screamed out to the one in the skies who had halted the others from tossing sulfur for fear that his brothers might've been hit.

" How long , brother, until he is destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah !? "

After they said that a mountain fell on their heads and Samaru's eyes were opened once again as his sight beyond sight returned allowing him to see spiritual beings and he saw that the skies were darkened by means of the 10,000 above the glowing man who were preparing to throw the sulfur.

Then the glowing man in the sky said in a loud voice.

" strike, strike, strike again and again, rain down until there's nothing left of him !!!! "

Sulfur then began to rain down in the entire area outside the towns and Samaru knowing full well that the town might've been swept away if he ignorantly chose to advance against them without doing something, he decided to stand his ground instead and he deflected all of the sulfur balls as if they were rain droplets he grabbed them and tossed them into another preventing every single one of them from passing him by.

This caused the sky to be darkened by the smoke and dust but he had already thought of that and sent his armor suit to cover his town like a snow globe which protected all of the inhabitants inside although his massive spear stood between him and his town in case he missed any of the sulfur.

This infuriated the glowing man in the sky so he threw fire and lightning at Samaru while the sulfurs were raining down hence Samaru stepped up his game and moved so fast that the sulfur balls appeared to be moving in slow motion and in that instance he swung his right hand with force and all the sulfur balls were obliterated by winds that reached the gate of heaven and destroyed the sulfurs in the 10,000 angels hands before they could've thrown them.

The thunder and fire that were thrown at Samaru vaporized and he began to free fall realizing that the angel who had thrown the fire and lightning had managed to summon a heavenly treasure shield and spear on time which he used to block the shockwaves from knocking him away.

Samaru then smashed into the earth while calling his armor and spear and when the dust cleared he appeared holding and wearing them as he observed the town from a distance to see if it had been damaged but turning away from the battle for a second cost him since immediately as he did so the glowing man came down like lightning and striked his head with the spear causing it to bleed.

Samaru felt the blood and caught some in his free hand that wasn't holding the spear, hence he realized that he had been injured and he turned around to face the angel but the angel retreated like lightning as Samaru then began to approach him as the winds blew his hair and they then stood face to face.

" Your head it's as hard as a rock. "

The glowing man commented so Samaru replied even though a answer wasn't solicitated.

" Well I am a boulder after all. "

Following these words the gate of heaven closed as Taka gave a order.

" You can go all out, shake the earth with the sound of your battle. "

Then the glowing man's clothes turned into clouds and a rainbow appeared above his head as fiery pillars covered his legs and he proclaimed.

" second phase !!! There will be no more delays, I'm going full force. "

And all forms of animals started charging towards Samaru with their faces glowing as the angel's was and still is, so feeling a sense of honor Samaru told him.

" I will also go full strength, the body of a man may have restraints that only unleashes during an adrenaline rush but I'm able to unleash mind whenever I please with the help of my master. It's tedious though since it breaks bones and tears muscles so I may need to heal after an attack giving you the opportunity to deal the finishing blow if you can get through my armor suit thats as durable as all seven of the original sins combined plus it also regenerates. "

However growing impatient of Samaru's excessive ramblings the glowing man striked Samaru full force piercing his armor suit a little bit, this upsetted Samaru that he had been interrupted so he pulled the rainbow off from above the angel's head and said.

" Come to me, bow of God placed in the sky as a sign for mankind !!! "

Then he wielded the rainbow as a bow and pulled back the rod of God firing it at the glowing man who in return deflected it with his shield but the shield then split in half and fell to the ground and blood came from the angel's hand so the angel declared powering down.

" I submit, I can now see that your God fights with you. "

Samaru then rested his hand upon the angel's head powering down as well as his armor suit disappeared and he told the glowing man with a kind voice.

" Your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be free from God's wrath. "

Then the glowing man flew away worshipping God Almighty so Samaru returned to the town but to his dismay he found the temple sized Ark of the testimonial covenant completely built yet abandoned as a group of people yelled in the distance, strange words which Samaru's ears couldn't understand so he snapped his fingers several times summoning the six deadly sins and Sesom but Eve did not show up since Samaru had forgotten that she was captured.

" There is the sound of war in the village, why haven't you done anything whom I've left in charge ? "

Samaru stated since it was the sins jobs to guard the people and Sesom's to advise them.

" It is not the sound of victory, it is not the sound of defeat; it is the sound of abominable singing that you hear sir. "

They all answered informing Samaru of his error, so he approached the crowd and the sins followed snickering as Sesom followed with his countenance fallen since when Samaru reached he bore witness to the horrific acts of the people that filled him with dread.

His rock that fell from the heavens was glowing which he usually sat on in the town square but as it was now the people had surrounding it committing great follies such as burning incense and making sacrifices to it as they chanted and danced around it in a evil tongue.

Samaru's anger then burned against them and both him and the rock turned red as the rock caught on fire and burned the man who had made himself a priest making sacrifices to it, then Samaru turned to the sins enraged hoping for an explanation however Sloth told him.

" I had fallen asleep. "

Pride hadn't been found by Samaru so the other 4 proclaimed.

" Oh dare Samaru is upset, but Satan cannot cast out Satans, besides you didn't order us to stop the people from doing evil. "

So he turned and asked Sesom.

" What did these people do to you for you to allow such a great sin ? "

" Do not be angry, sir . You know how prone people are to evil. They finished the Ark of the testimony you commanded to be built immediately after you left however everyone who drew near to touch it or even attempt to enter was struck dead so the people went to your home to seek you out for advice and returned with this rock turning to me saying. 'See how it glows after the skies darkened, we shall worship here instead. For we do not know what have become of this man called Samaru Eiji ?' And when I tried to stop them one came forward proclaiming himself to be the priest of the rock and prepared them to stone me all 52 of them infact that worshipped the boulder here while the others went home out of fear of being stoned. "

52 people did evil before Samaru and his God and began to run wild becoming a laughing stock to the sins, so Samaru realizing that Sloth had not joined in on the mocking of the people or sacrifices with the people ordered him to declare these words and he did so declaring.

" Whoever is for the living God come to me, and do not erect a sacred stone, for these my God hates. You must purge the evil from among you. "

And the sins and Sesom rallied to him, nevertheless Lust and Greed wavered in their loyalty and protested.

Lust : " What a waste would it be to kill such able bodies. "

Greed : " I will not lose any of these subjects , I want them all to live. Instead will you not give them all over to me ? "

But without any hesitation the other sins eyes glowed and all 52 of the people's heads all fell off and Samaru approached Lust and Greed and grabbed their throats crushing it as his eyes glowed in anger so they repented offering to dispose of the bodies and Samaru relented allowing them their request as he took Sesom and gathered the remaining people to the temple sized Ark of the covenant.

However a reckless man ran ahead to enter and died upon touching the gold of the Ark, then the man's twin brother yelled grappled by grief.

" Samaru is a false leader, let us stone him and build a cross intercepted wood and it shall be our object of devotion to worship God !!! "

But Samaru looked to heaven before both Lust and Greed returned and Greed saw the man who had touched the Ark and died so he brought out his body while Lust saw his twin brother's body and brought it out also, for he had dropped dead when Samaru had looked up to heaven hence Samaru told the remaining people.

" Did not God confirm me as one of his servants when we all met, oh rebellious people ? "

Then he explained.

" The Ark of the covenant is not to be touched or entered neither shall anyone look inside it by any means, for God's spirit is strong against all who do such irreverence, instead pitch tents around it and worship God in spirit and in truth. Perhaps then he shall forgive the remnant and redeem you all. "

Then lightning struck outside of the village and 11 beings appeared 3 were like men but glowed, 2 of the 3 had wings and flew while 1 of which had 2 swords in his hands while the other had a halo around his head connecting to his neck and the final of the 3 who looked like men sat on a floating stone since he didn't appear to have any wings only a halo like the other and there was a sword hovering beside him as he carried a shield on the back of his neck hovering between the halo.

There were 4 building sized men on the ground beneath the 3 beings that appeared to be men that glowed, the first of which had long muscular arms that touched the ground because of it length it had a robe around it's waist and short legs and 2 large horns that curved forward.

The second of the 4 building sized men had a solid body as armor long arms that touched the ground, a halo and short legs, the third had a hunch back long arms and short legs, the forth was lanky and had tall arms and somewhat short legs and carried a glowing child who stood on its right shoulder.

To the far left of all of the 11 creatures hovering beside a terrifying head was a seraphim flying and giving orders as there appeared 2 massive terrors who were as tall as the clouds from the earth, one of which floated upside down with only it's face and chest visible while the rest remainded in the clouds because of how big it was, the second terror layed on it's right side with only his eyes from his face being perceived just like the first terror, their eyes pierced the souls of everyone who saw them.

Earthquakes, lightnings and thunders followed and filled the presence of the 11 to the point were the village became paralyzed by fear even though Samaru was telling everyone.

" Do not be afraid. "

Sloth then spoke up although he seemed to desperately want to rest.

" Uh... Principalities, Authorities, Angels, Powers and even a Seraphim, someone high up sure must've been pissed off in heaven. "

" Is it peace ? "

Samaru asked approaching them while using his hands to block all the dust and heavy winds emitting from the beings, then the 11 beings declared with booming voices that split the earth and pushed back the town that Samaru had exited.

" Taka has obtained a solid charge against you rock and since the outcry against you is so great and the people's idolatry so grievous, we have come to destroy you all. "


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