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Then afraid that she might be restored to her previous state of being a fallen angel, the girl whose body was being used by the sin of wrath cried out to the beautiful maiden in hopes that she might not die such a death.

And therefore the maiden who was weeping in a giant round orb which was resting in heaven beheld Samantha's voice from coming from the earth and she seized to weep knowing that this could be her chance to obtain her freedom by granting other's wishes, so she started focusing on the wishes of everyone else who was inhabiting her home town.

" Everyone's feelings, everyone's wishes, I want to protect them, I want to embrace them. Of it's from here, I can certainly do it, everything's going to be fine, I will certainly hear and embrace everyone's wishes if it's from here in heaven !? "

The maiden yelled bursting with light which drew the attentions of numerous angels in heaven as she began to draw out the absolute max potential of her wishing ability in order to grant the wishes of multiple beings from across a separate plane of existence.

Inexplicably the maiden's attempt to grant everyone's wishes had seemed to summon the holy one called Fukurokuju who was causing Samantha to fear, so back on Earth because Fukurokuju had suddenly vanished without any sign and his virtue was no longer causing Samantha to age backwards because it only activated for those within his presence, so Samantha was able to regain her composure and got back to her feet and dust herself off even though it seemed that her body was still being inflicted with severe pain in which caused her skin to bleed.

Although she was now in the form of a 12 year old child her invincibility seemed to have enabled her to casually resist the pain as if ahe wasn't even feeling anything, even if it could've been assumed that Samantha was no longer as powerful as she was previously, it was still true that the holy ones the sins were up against had now lost 2 of their comrades and none of the 5 sins they were up against weren't killed.

" My fellow brethrens Shichifukujins I know that we have only seemed to have suffered lost since we got here, although my other half has seemed to have seized to exist just now I urge you to please remain patient since we will soon turn the tides against our foes, if we aren't able to remain patient then my virtue will inflict us with further suffering and loss. "

One of the 5 holy ones who had the appearance of a short old man resembling Fukurokuju without the large forehead, warned his comrades causing Bishamonten to reply.

" Very astute of you Jurōjin, but my virtue forbids me from being angered by my opponents unless I seek to be weakened the angrier I get. "

Then another of the remaining 5 holy ones said to his comrade beside him.

" This is Rather unfortunate for you Ebisu, the first born son of Izanagi. You had probably came here hoping to simply stand around and let your virtue do all the work since ever since your birth you were a weak and boneless individual. You must've been really happy when your father and mother remembered your grandfather's words when he decided that you should be the one to possess the 3rd virtue of reticence in which permanently takes away the voices of those who reveals unnecessary emotions, but then again it was because of that virtue you were never able to ask your parents why they had abandoned you in a boat refusing to accept you when you were born. "

It appeared as if he was trying to get under Ebisu's skin but knowing that he couldn't reveal emotions that were unnecessary in this situation Ebisu promptly told him.

" Shut up Daikokuten, we're only here for business and nothing more your 10th virtue in which punishes selfish and greedy individuals by taking away their memories is only useful if the sin of greed is in no rush to engage us in battle displaying his sinful nature so you and I are basically in the same boat. "

Thus Daikokuten whispered in deep sadness.

" Hey I just wanted to know how you feel, we've been friends for so long and I feel as if your intentionally suppressing all of your emotions because you've been born the way you have ? "

Because of all their chattering in the air they had all become somewhat distracted so when Jinsei the deadly sin of Gluttony made his move leaping in the air towards Jurōjin who he had concluded to be a easy opponent to deal with, but quickly snapping back to focusing on the battle Jurōjin easily prepared to parry his attack however due to the fact that the attack was delivered using Gluttony's unholy secret treasure pitchfork as soon as Jurōjin made contact with it he turned into a roasted pig which Gluttony easily devoured with his ability which allowed him so eat absolutely anything.

Seeing another one of his comrade perish at the hands of a sinner caused Bishamonten to blitz towards Jinsei and swing his spear at him to slice him in half however Jinsei was somewhat able to survive the slash although the spear had caused a deep wound Jinsei was still able to regeneratespecially since...

" Ugh, I've seemed to have lost a bit of my strength just now and a top of that I'm even bleeding so does that mean even I was unable to properly control my anger and remain patient subsequently subjecting myself to the side effects of 2 virtues simultaneously ? "


Fukurokuju was summoned into the giant orb in which the maiden was in, at first Fukurokuju was surprised because of the sudden shift in his location but still he didn't believe he had anything to worry about even though he recognized that the girl who had seemed to summon him was the devil king of Envy.

Fukurokuju : " Am I back in china ? Oh it's you so that must mean... You wouldn't hurt a old man, would you young lady. "

He knew that if she tried killing him she too would meet a fate similar to that of wrath so Fukurokuju smiled not knowing that this would be the end for him since after witnessing his smile the maiden pulled out her secret unholy treasure staff called the bone of leviathan and used it to swallow up his soul in the presence of many angels.

Previously Fukurokuju held a scroll within his possession attached to his walking cain, written within the scroll was the dates of death in which each living thing would would die so after picking up the waking stick and opening the scroll the maiden quickly realized that he was the messenger who was responsible for hearing the dates of men from the angels and writing them down before delivering them to the kitsunes who would inevitably cement that fate.

Witnessing such a atrocious deed being committed in heaven multiple angels flying in the air began charging lightning fire based attack hoping to eradicate such a foul creature from their presence, sensing their attacks the maiden rose her head to look at them and immediately their abilities in which they were charging began to devour them.

" This is impossible, we are holy ones of heaven yet a mere gaze from a sinner has turned the violence we intended to deliver to her back towards us ? "

They pondered which prompted the maiden to explain.

" I am the leviathan, king over all the children of pride, I am ranked ranked among the absolute top of the creations of our creator, so when your powers realized that it was outclassed it became intimidated and went berserk. "

Following those words all their abilities that were previously being charged which went berserk exploded causing them to fall out of the air, as this all happened the virtue of pacifism returned to Taka causing him to realize that his grandson Fukurokuju had somehow been killed so he was filled with fear and began to pray for Izanagi's success.

Weeping and sobbing because his prayers didn't seem to be regarded by the God of heaven, Izanagi began to frantically yell in despair losing all his hopes of regaining his eyes and helping his father save face.

" It's that woman, it's the love I possessed for that sinful woman that's been preventing me from being accepted by the Most High so I can be transcended into a higher plane of existence, I know now, I know now, I know now, I know now !!! If only she wasn't there in my heart, I'm already complete as a whole with my previous wife who've died, so I don't need anyone else. "

Perceiving Izanagi's wish the maiden attempted to reach out her hand towards his direction and try to help him but as soon as he felt her power he rejected it and immediately tried crushing her by triggering the giant orb to rapidly shrink with her inside.

" It... It hurts. "

The maiden managed to muster those words while struggling to create space inside of the shrinking orb so she would not be completely crushed, but even with the knowledge of the fact that she might've been in pain suffering, Izanagi still persisted to crush her as he said raising his head.

" You tried to touch me, you won't get away, how unforgivable... I will personally crush you leaving no trace behind !!! "

Grieved by the sight of what he was seeing his son go through Taka decided to sacrifice his higher dimensional state and ability to speak if only for his sons happiness.

" There is no deeper meaning behind why the sins and demons cause misery upon mankind than the fact that they are fueled by their own personal selfish desires, and so I will commit the ultimate act of selflessness and transfer everything I've gain from the supreme one to you my son even if it means I'll never be able to speak again. "

Taka had successfully sacrificed being a fifth dimensional being transferring his extra dimension to his son causing Izanagi to open his eyes and see what had become of him, hence he seized to crush Eve with his gravity ability.

Image of his eyes below.


Meanwhile in sheol Samaru's battle with the Male kitsune had still not concluded since they were merely speaking with one another.

Male Inari : " I'm still impressed that you were able evenly clash with me with only one of my sister's sword tail, Mr. Samaru Eiji are you completely certain you will not join me in my endeavor ? "

Samaru : " It was nothing really, if anything I think I might've held back a bit out of fear that her blade would snap in half rendering me unable to return it in pristine condition. "

Unwilling to believe that Inari requested of Samaru.

" If you are telling the truth then how about a bit of proof, if you can defeat me with your bare hands after handing over that blade then I will submit to you and send you back to the living realm. "

Sensing that Samaru would harken to the Male kitsune's trickery Samaru's spear spontaneously spoke up warning him against the creature's planned hostility.

" Samaru this one does not speak truth to you, harken not to his request or great power may fall into his hands. "

Yet Samaru smiled upon hearing that and threw the K blade to Inari since he knew that if worse came true he still had another power hidden inside his armor suit which he hadn't taken out for a spin as of yet, but Inari instantly absorbed the K bade which allowed him to grow a second tail sprouting it out from the back of his shogun armor.

Then following that development Samaru saw that his spear had spoken the truth to him but he still let go of it, prompting Inari who had not intended to play fair to quickly summoned a cruel winter breeze which did blow the spear wrapped in linen into his hands before he proceeded to unwrap it from the linen.

This however was instantly regretted since the Kitsune's arms immediately tore from his body because of the weight of the spear when it was unwrapped.

Inari : "H-huh...? "

Samaru : " How disappointing you aren't worthy to lift the ageless, timeless spear that embodies the concept of comfort ? I was expecting more from the previous co-leader of the Kitsune village but it might appear that even the grim reaper can't handle lifting a conceptual secret heavenly treasure that has a mass that continuously approach infinity for those who aren't worthy to wield it's might. Your grandfather Izanagi managed to once hold it while breaking a sweat, but I guess even with his energy your still weaker than him, right ? "

Shocked and terrified by this revelation Inari pondered to himself out loud.

" His strength is seemingly infinite just like my grandfather's, no way... There's no way I'll be able to beat someone like him ? "

Seeing him in such a condition made Samaru decide to just end their battle there and then so he reached out his right hand and his spear immediately flew into his grasp, then pulling back his spear Samaru prepared to thrust it at him with a final attack as he told Inari.

" I'll show you the power of the one worthy of wielding the spear of the heavens dubbed the Rod Of God. "

Notwithstanding the fact that Samaru would've surely defeated him with that attack the Male Inari didn't move or it was more like he didn't think that attempting to dodge the attack would change anything so it was only when someone else arrived yelling a few words, the Male kitsune was saved.

" Then I'll be your opponent then, I didn't remember saying that you could get back one of your tails twin brother "

The female Kitsune stated as she jumped through a portal that led back to the living realm, and seizing the opportunity Samaru turned around and jumped through the portal saying.

" Thank you, I apologize for not being able to return your K blade to you Inari but I must leave the rest to you. "

But she didn't seem very upset since she simply answered telling him.

" There's nothing to worry about, it's my fault for not performing his executive my self when I had the chance. I'm actually grateful that you gave him back his tail since I immediately sensed that he was still alive, so now I can deliver the coup de grâce myself. "


Samaru had returned to the living realm and quickly reached the battlefield where he left the five deadly sins engage with their new foes, but upon reaching he quickly realized that all of the sins had been defeated and sitting in the middle of the battlefield on Samaru's boulder was none other than Izanagi-No-Mikoto with Eve hovering in a spherical ball in front of him.

So enraged by this sight Samaru immediately yelled while running towards him causing the desert sands behind him to split open in two.

" Give her back !? "

Not even slightly fazed by Samaru's sudden arrival Izanagi simply muttered under his breath while using his gravity ability.

" Singularity. "

And the gravity of Samaru's boby was immediately increased times 20 million causing him to fall face forward, but wanting to have ended up bowing to Izanagi, Samaru used his spear to break his fall holding himself up.

Delighted by Samaru's attempt to remain standing Izanagi went over to him and sat on his back causing Samaru to immediately fall to his hands on the ground.

Izanagi : " Oh a seat... I was getting a little tired, I hope you don't mind if I sit here ? "

Far too stubborn to accept this Samaru struggled trying to move which caused the entire earth around them to shatter as a small black hole was formed around them and the gravity of Izanagi's singularity skill increased to 1.7 trillion as Izanagi sighed saying.

" Oh my, this seat... Is tough... "

Before asking Eve.

" Is this the man you love ? "

Eve : " I... how'd you ? "

Samaru : " Get the hell off of me, this fight isn't over yet !!! "

Then opening his eyes Izanagi said.

" What a noisy seat you are, I'm afraid that this battle is over... Now, don't mind this rock Eve, what were you about to say just now ? "


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