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Then following all that had happened and all that were said Samaru pulled out his holy secret treasure the rod of God and let go of it causing it to extend and expand as he said.

" Hold this won't you ? "

Causing the singularity to collapse onto the spear due to the fact that when Izanagi's ability started holding it, it's mass began to approach infinity therefore pulling in the black hole towards itself freeing Samaru from it's effects.

Samaru : " Are you watching from the past ? Your laws were made to be broken Izanagi. "

Izanagi : " Did he just change fate ignoring my laws in order to make the one the main character of The Legedary Super Society the melancholy of Izanagi someone else besides myself ? From the moment when I reopened my eyes all I saw before my sight was unpleasant. Someone was clinging to me trying to grant my wish, not going away. Just what is this you rock, your body should've been heavy, hard to move. I only desire infallible peace, completed whole with your deaths. "

Samaru : " Izanagi... Even if I have to turn this world back into hell, I'll defeat you !? "

Sloth : " That is why you are always burdened with such responsibilities, but still I agree, don't give up. It's not over yet I took will lend you my strength until the sublime miracle of salvation grant you it's blessing from the saviour you can't die !!! "

The vast and wide oceans stretching around the world then began to violently roar as Samaru swiftly jumped towards Izanagi engaging him in hand to hand combat, at first they seemed to be evenly matched but the more they began to throw punches at each other the more of their skills and abilities they began to apply.

Immediately it became obvious that Samaru was forgiven for all of his sins because he wasn't being stricken with weakness as Izanagi's law ability was supposed to enforce upon all those who were disobedient, still he knew that randomly throwing out laws to beat Samaru would be foolish since he's only able to paint a max of 613 irreversible laws on the mortal realm that all beings and things existing within the realm must follow without any exceptions, but reaching that limit would render him unable to speak just like when Taka attempted to overstep his limit.

It was almost like Samaru and Izanagi were dancing but the wrath of Samaru's fist began to shatter the desert sands beneath their feet and shake even beyond the earth itself causing the moon to wobble as Izanagi began to utilize his control over inertia to slowly begin to steal speed from Samaru so the more Samaru made contact with his body the faster he got whilst slowly halting Samaru's motion slowly but surely.

Using his gravity ability he was warpping the laws of physics and motion to manipulate Samaru's inertia which was his resistance to physical change in his position, so Izanagi was trying to force Samaru into maintaining predictable trajectories with his fist while he reversed Samaru's initial motion in particular directions to slow him down causing him to use up more and more energy to even move until he eventually ran out.

By tweaking gravity's affect on anything Izanagi was controlling Samaru's velocity such as his speed and direction of motion in a certain rate with respect to to frame of reference in time, therefore causing Samaru to somewhat miss him while he allowed himself to remain at full speed while in motion as he increase the magnitude and weight of his attacks turning even a light tap into something powerful enough to deflect Samaru's attacks.

Many people around the world were feeling the effects of their battle and trembling while Samaru was beginning to realize that even though he was making more and more combos whilst using more and more of his strength he was still losing kinetic energy so he opted to use the light of his eyes to stun Izanagi so he could regain his edge just for long enough for him to make a full combo.

First it was a kick to Izanagi's face then a punch to his rib cage followed by a kick to his chin, then immediately a elbow strike to the chest and knee strike to the gut then Samaru turned around and began walking towards Eve as the shockwaves of all of the attacks blew Izanagi backwards off his feet.

Halting in his tracks Samaru then turned around to face Izanagi who was currently standing on his feet seemingly unharmed by any of those powerful attacks, curious to how that was even possible Samaru began staring at him expecting Izanagi's overwhelming ego to enable him to explain the reasons to him.

Izanagi : " Were you expecting me to tell you why even direct attacks in which I didn't stop with my abilities are no use against me ? Well it's safe to say that you don't have any special abilities so I'll tell you. This orange clothing I'm wearing is called my Divine Garments and I received them from angels shortly after I was created, they're ability is to double my natural durability and they're incapable of staining or naturally decaying. Not bad, right ? "

Samaru : " I'm no fool, even if that's the case you would've surely been scratched at the very least if that's all that saved you ? "

Izanagi : " Yes your more perceptive than I had originally thought, I guess I can't trick you that I'm that much stronger than you are, after all ? This white robe I'm wearing over my Divine garments is called my Divine Mantle, as long as I have enough energy it'll automatically neutralize all damage that otherwise might hurt me ( I also have a matching pair of gloves that neutralizes all recoil while I'm using any of his skills but I'm currently not wearing them). "

After hearing that Samaru began to realize that Izanagi had special eyes in which enhanced his perception giving him slight precognition that allowed him to see moments into the future whilst also tracking the soul which usually moves before the body due to the fact that it was beyond 3 dimensional time.

So Samaru now knew that Izanagi's eyes were similar to his own possessing similar capabilities thus he decided to step up his game and whisper.

" Spear of the heavens expand and extend, let your mass surpass the infinite mass of the black hole and overtake it completely. "

Then the radiating light of the full moon then began to shine upon them, on this particular evening the full moon was blood red as the clouds in the sky cleared out of its way an it began to rise higher and higher, suddenly seeing what Samaru had done Izanagi ran away prompting Samaru to wonder.

" Did he run away, has he gave up and thrown in the towels ? "

However Eve quickly realized where he was headed running around the world at full speed until he finally reached what he was looking for, locating it in a place that would later come to be called north America.

Eve : " No don't tell me he's been using his eyes to survey the earth to find his weapons the whole time he's been fighting Samaru. "

Samaru : " I guess he was kinda distracted the whole time but still was I really slowed down so badly for him to be able to take his eyes off of me for enough brief moments to find them ? "

Izanagi then grabbed his heavenly secret treasure spear and teleported back to the battlefield and said.

" Although I won't be taking on any damage I can't take any chances when it comes to hand to hand combat against you now that he know what my clothing can do especially since my eyes perception allowed me to tell that you are a super manifestation of the best that mankind has to offer, not only do you possess flawless attributes in which charmed Eve but your immune to diseases, loss of strength through aging, superior physical and mental capabilities. You have indeed reached the peak of mankind just like Adam who single handedly and subdue and had dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

Nevertheless Samaru caused his spear to shrink and come to him as he began spinning and twirling it in his hands slowly approaching Izanagi in a battle of spears moving away from their previous hand to hand combat.

They clash spears and were seemingly evenly matched which was alarming since Izanagi was using his control over gravity to try and halt Samaru's inertia similar to how he was earlier but Samaru fought against it by simply continuing to move faster and faster.

But however regardless of how much Izanagi increased the output of his ability Samaru just kept swinging and swinging his spear slowly getting faster and stronger each and every time as he built up kinetic energy until Izanagi had increased the output of his ability that the inertia had reached it's maximum potential and halted the entire expansion of the universe itself and everything within it.

Remarkably even though this was the case Samaru had output so much energy from his body that the distorted space around him had began cracking which allowed him to bypass it's constraints and continue moving, subsequently breaking a hole in time space itself to be unbound by its effects.

Changing up his tactic Izanagi started reflecting the momentum of each and every one of Samaru's attacks while still attempting to halt his inertia which kept everything in the universe motionless even on an atomic level.

With each and everyone of Samaru's attack's force generated being reflected Izanagi was able to prevent Samaru from overpowering him with his continuous growth and at top of that he was even using his spear to randomly teleport around him to throw Samaru off while dishing out some seriously powerful attacks.

Yet still even though he was matching Samaru's physical capabilities his perceptions were slowly being overcome to the point where that wasn't enough and he was no longer seeing moments into the future nor was the fact that the soul moved before the body still relevant.

Thus Izanagi was having to react at the very moment Samaru made a counter attack to his attacks while he was teleporting around him, and this was especially troublesome since he was no longer able to foresee Samaru's next moves and teleporting around made him unable to constantly track Samaru's every moves to make any concrete predictions.

A last Izanagi was countered and hit since his perceptions were now being speed blitz by Samaru's sheer movement speed, luckily for him his white robe neutralize the damage but he knew that this wasn't good so he tried to lead instead of reacting, especially because he could no longer keep up with Samaru's movements.

Having no other way to fill the continuous widening gap between them Izanagi simply tried leading the clash with Samaru but unfortunately he was easily overpowered and disarmed as Samaru slammed his weapon downwards causing him to drop his spear in response.

Izanagi : " This can't be. "

Samaru : " Haven't you heard the tales from heaven about the rod of God, it's a holy secret treasure used by God himself so it doesn't draw out the users absolute max potential but the user tries to draw out it's absolute max potential. As a conceptual weapon it utilizes the concept of comfort to alleviate the user from distress, suffering, worries and brings them satisfaction during battle regardless of whatever they may be up against just as long as they are able to draw out it's power. "

Leaping backwards out of frustration Izanagi charged an attack in his palm before shoving it at Samaru at full force yelling.

" Strong Nuclear force !!! "

Because this response was unexpected by Samaru he was hit by the attack and it proceeded to nuke the entire area, rapidly expanding until Izanagi clenched his fist inorder to compress the area of the explosion and it's effects into a limited point which would in return have a higher degree of damage.

Even then Izanagi did not let up instead he kept amplifying the power of the attack until the potency of the energy radiating from it was equivalent to that of a gamma-ray-burst, fortunately he was also compressing all of that power inorder to not severely damage the ecosystem with lingering radiation.

Samaru's armor suit while in it's demon skin mode was capable of regenerating in the very instant it was damaged and it did so very quickly that most would've never realized that it was even damaged, but as for it's wearer it simultaneously held all of their muscles and bones in place and helped them keep moving until all of his bones were broken and almost every drop of their blood was spilled so even while they were suffering within attacks they wouldn't yet be killed due to that fact.

Unmistakably enough though Izanagi's strong force attack had a special ability to absorb as much energy as possible from it's target to further power itself until they eventually ran out of energy and died.

Unfortunately for everyone else around because their inertia were frozen it was almost as if time itself had come to stand still so they had no knowledge of what was going on, only Eve and Sloth were able to perceive the current set of events and stared in awe although even their movements were being somewhat limited.

Both Samaru and Izanagi were giving it their all doing whatever was in their power to win, Samaru wanted to bring about peace for Eve since he didn't believe that the Leviathan should be killed before his God judged the whole world, and Izanagi was fighting for the peace of his father's kingdom since his lost would mean that his father would eventually be dethroned and it would all be over for him and all of his descendants when it came to their rein.


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