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Izanagi had seen it, he was now able to see the story from a narrative level, from the inside of the story everything appeared to be true and real to those existing within it but from this narrative level it was all unveiled to be fiction with plot points that were all fated to happen to those within.

At this narrative level, time, space and everything else that existed within the story was simply irrelevant and could not disturb the narrative thus even Izanagi's strength was irrelevant being that he was still a character within the story so even though he was able to view the narrative he was still entirely unable to affect it.

Yet in that moment something  appeared, a humanoid being who had the entire observable universe within itself with stars galaxies, nebula clouds and block holes for it was infact the personification of the mortal realm and it had appeared between Samaru and Izanagi's avatar placing it's hand on top of Samaru causing him to switch his focus away from attacking and towards defending himself from being crushed by the weight of the skies.

Holding up it's skyscraper sized hand was a difficult task indeed so Izanagi was given a chance to rest easy and he raised his head to grasp the full extent of the entity who had come to his aid.

And he immediately recognized the personification as the mortal realm itself which held the earth as it's heart as it proceeded to tell him.

" Don't worry, I have paused the narrative of the story, speak quickly and the narrative will be altered. "

" Whether he knew or not, I've always been watching over you my son because in reality I am your mother. I was there when your tree was only a seed that fell and entered the ground, and in my womb I materialized the plant that grew up and bore 2 fruits within a very harsh climate, I was there grieving over all my children that were being destroyed when suddenly your father Taka picked your fruits and you and your sister were finally realized as 4th dimensional spiritual beings. "

Hearing this all Izanagi was surprised but all ye could've done was stare in awe as she continued talking.

" And as your mother I can not just sit back and watch you die and leave me entering Sheol's belly, so take my power... If you do you'll be completely revived as this realms ruler containing infinite life but if you don't it's all over, you'll probably be killed by Samaru Eiji who changes fates and ends narratives. Make your choice for only you and Samaru are eligible candidates to become the mortal realm ruler although Samaru's also a candidate beside Izanami and Abaddon to become Sheol's realm ruler so I have chosen you. "

Thinking about his options the answer was already so clear, this Izanagi answered

" I accept. "

Instantly as that was said the personification of the mortal realm vanished and Izanagi closed his eyes momentarily as all things within the mortal realm was shown to him including the entirety of his own narrative from beginning to end but he rejected the end of his own narrative and broke it to bits with his mind before starting to create a encore for his now non-existent narrative.

Hence he himself was removed from time which meant he had no origin that could be returned to in order to beat him before he transcended time as a conceptual being, and even his very own encore narrative was now designed to adapt to anything possible it encountered making him much stronger in the process guaranteeing his victory.

Then with his new form power to manipulate the entirety of the story's narrative Izanagi attempted to remove the conceptual identity of Samaru Eiji from the story's narrative itself, in order to remove him from the pass present and even the future since having no narrative meant having no place in the story

Therefore making it as if he had never existed, he doesn't exist and he will never exist !!! So deciding that the battle was already over Izanagi started to think back on his life, flashing back to specific moments such as his birth under an apple tree when he first saw sir Taka meditating on what should be done to cleanse the world which triggered him to take steps in the 4 cardinal directions and utter his first words.

Followed by Izanagi remembering his battle with Eve when she had tried causing a world wide extinction event by spreading deadly plagues, which was again followed by his first meeting with Samaru when he tried holding the spear like staff called the rod of God.

Although Samaru had been aged by Sheol at that time to the point that his hair became as white as snow, Izanagi was still able to recognize him after he had returned to earth and his hair turned back to it's ordinary shade of black so then Izanagi at last thought back to the death of his wife which all came together as 4 simultaneous sights before his eyes which cause him confront the inevitability of mortality, and reflect on all the causes of suffering so he'd have an awakening moment.

Why are people ignorant to things they need to know, why do people get sick, why do they grow old and also why do they die ?

Hence he also decided on grabbing ahold of the concept of life so he could never be killed in the future for being the concept of life in the  mortal realm meant that if he should be killed all life in the mortal realm would also come to an end.

His energy levels were no longer infinite but irrelevant for it had indeed completely transcended infinity itself on a conceptual level, b
but even that wasn't the true extent of all he had managed to get his hands on since he even muttered

" Big Crunch !!! "

To cause the entirety of the mortal realm to compress into a size small enough to fit inside his mouth, but he did this in a way that would not hurt anyone inside the realm since it distorted the laws of physics itself.

Thus Izanagi was now be floating in the plain of none-existence all alone before he summoned his golden sky castle called the hall of the eight fathoms which they were fighting inside of, and he promptly shrunk it's entire state and form in to that of his golden throne which began to exist as one with him.

Because of this he and his throne was both able to function as a plain of existence within the plain of none-existence and his first order of business was to accelerate time within the mortal realm by three days inorder to complete the bet he made with Greed to cement himself as the victor.

Izanagi : " To suppress the notion of self is to become one with all. Yes this place is true emptiness, I'm now enlightened to the all the knowledge of the mortal realm, liberated from suffering death for in this place nothing exists, no laws, rules, physics, abilities, realities or even logic. "

Wanting to grow infinitely stronger so he could defeat Samaru, Izanagi grabbed and absorbed the concept of life but due to the fact that he was created bound by the concept of duality this was always fated to happen on some degree since his wife Izanami possessed the concept of death as the realm ruler of Sheol.

Izanagi : " Is this why you helped me Izanami my wife, even though you had said you were going to invite those within the mortal realm to death you still allowed me to borrow some of your energy to create a apparition of your will, form and abilities. "

The plain of none-existence is the area outside the mortal realm, the spirit realm and the heavenly realm thus it has no time, space or matter, this plain is the reason why anti matter is sometimes found within the mortal realm, after Izanagi and Izanami expanded the mortal realm the low density of the space within was why anti matter could be found leaking into the mortal realm faster than the speed of light although the mortal realm would quickly correct it by popping new matter into existence to fill its place.

Obviously the 3 realms are the only things that can exist within the plain of none existence because they were established by a omnipotent being who gave them the authority and ability to resist being erased completely on a infinite degree by the non-existence surrounding them.

" Perhaps now you realize it Samaru the bonpu, the only reason you were the strongest man on earth was simply because I wasn't born yet. "

In that very moment after he had spoken Samaru's miracle armor activated and completely resurrected him but being there caused Samaru to immediately be ripped and torn apart, as he was being erased from existence itself but yet again his miracle armor chimed in to save him allowing him to also function as his own plane of existence outside the world's laws, rules, logic, physics, realities and concepts.

Even though concepts such as cardinal directions didn't exist here making things like movements inaccessible Samaru was still able to hit Izanagi with his attacks since his attacks were conceptual and didn't need to travel to impose damage upon his opponent.

So he continued to engage Izanagi in battle as their attacks affected the past, present and future in the mortal realm shaking them on a conceptual level while transcending annihilation itself causing the plane of non-existence to momentarily rumble although only temporarily since it was immediately erased down to the conceptual level due to the fact that nothing was supposed to exist in the plane of non-existence, nothing seen, unseen, physical or even conceptual.

Nevertheless Samaru still had the edge since Izanagi's orange outfit was being torn apart and cracks were beginning to form all around his body while his white robes was heavily waving so realizing that taking Samaru on in a physical battle was still not the best idea for him Izanagi used a new skill in hopes of erasing Samaru completely effectively ending the battle once and for all.

Law : creation of all things which can manipulate literally almost anything such as space while bending time enabling him to enforce his will upon the mortal realm and paint new laws all throughout the realm.

Extreme version, Big bang : A skill that captures or gathers atoms into a specific concentrated area and pumps a infinite amount of energy into them in order to duplicate the atoms creating almost infinite varieties and types of matter in the space of a single subatomic particle before immediately decompressing it subsequently creating a entire infinitely expanding 4th dimensional universe with quasars, black holes, star dust, stars, planets, moons and asteroids.

However because this is a skill performed by using creation of all things, it not only creates atoms by using energy but it also transmutes matter it comes into contact with by rewriting it into the version specified by the user, but if he doesn't specify a change everything around will be unchanged therefore saving him heaps of energy.

When it rewrites atoms it comes into contact with it treats them like a canvas and he completely covers them with it's paint, therefore once it's begun it can't be stopped, undone or painted over by any lower dimensional beings than the caster since they are akin to fictional works of his creation to it, but the functionality of this technique can also be changed to also rewrite spiritual beings and imaginary matter also.

Creation of all things can only operate on this level because Izanagi after waking as a 5D being later infused his cognitive capabilities with the mortal realm allowing him to perceive the entire composition of anything and everything he had seen before within that realm, so he can see the materials anything or anyone is made out of and how much power they have left passively by merely opening his eyes, so these effects are all done subconsciously.

After the activation of this skill immediately a single atom appeared without getting erased even though it was in the plane of non-existent then there was an event that resembled a big bang but it triggered the creation of infinite multiverses by observing every action in the first world of the mortals and creating infinite duplications and variations of that world where each and every action that takes place didn't happen, instead choosing to explore different possibilities and it continued to do so for every action that is possible while placing each and every one of these new universes into a separate time space, and within each of these separate time space there were also created an infinite numbers of pocket dimensions containing worlds with separate laws such as the dream lands, the worlds of void and the worlds of imagination.

But even though every possibilities were being explored within these infinite numbers of multiverses Izanagi had added one restriction which was that within every single one of those infinite multiverses the possibilities of Samaru existing within their history were simply not explored therefore bypassing any durability and regeneration possessed to therefore erase him from history subsequently preventing any and every achievements and gains he sustained throughout his life whilst filling that moment in history with another set of events which in this case was the fall of the first temple up until a time period called the maccabean revolt which was being rewritten to have had happened within Samaru's region of origin since he had no longer existed.

Samaru was hit by each and every one of those infinitely multiplying and expanding big bangs with no way of dodging or escaping since they all appeared spontaneously at random everywhere and nowhere in the plane of non-existence before expanding redefining all it came into contact with, witnessing this all take place delighted Izanagi so he sat there on his throne laughing as Samaru was being battered around by infinite expanding multiverses.

So that being said it wasn't long until Samaru was being written out of history which was supposed to automatically cause him to had disappeared from existence and non-existence however Samaru merely coughed up some blood and swayed a little due to the fact that the miracle armor he was currently wearing was again preventing him from being erased from existence and none-existence completely even after everything he was hit by, thus he was existing in a state of super position both existing and not existing at the same time.

But the fact that Samaru no longer had a history in which contained the primary cause for his current strength meant nothing to the armor since the miracle armor was a suit that absorbs and replicates everything that embodies the person wearing it, so if that person is destroyed completely then the armor was capable of reconstructing their spirit and body in the very planck instant it was supposed to had disappeared making it appear that they weren't even destroyed to begin with.

Plus the more impossible the odds seem to be against the wearer of the armor the more likely it'll be for this armor to activate and initiate a miracle making the wearer powerful enough to withstand and challenge the odds challenging them hence even after all that Samaru also didn't seem to had gotten any weaker which unmistakably irritated Izanagi even further since his eyes were able to figure as such.

Samaru  : " Let's see you try to kill me now. "

Izanagi however waved his right hand putting on his advance clothing dubbed his prime robes which are a set of red and purple clothing gifted to him by his wife after they consummated their marriage, it was specifically created to be heat, weight and decay resistant with the ability to also regenerate if necessary.

This was done as Izanagi chose to continue trying new methods such as utilizing his golden throne that embodied the hall of the eight fathoms which allowed those inside to witness events taking place across the whole world, but at Izanagi's current level it was designed to allow those at higher planes of existence to examine the entirety of what had, was and would take place and not taking place across each and every one of the infinite multiverses in the mortal realm, which would give him all logical possibilities for victory so he confidently declared.

" It is time we wrap up this endless farce, I know what was, is and shall come to pass across all the infinite variations of the mortal realm's multiverses, thus I shall experience deja Vu when I kill yo... What is this, an unknown moment that cannot be foreseen, even the infinite futures are oblivious to possible ways of defeating you. "

After activating the throne Izanagi had originally intended to look into all the futures in order to see how he would possibly be able to overcome Samaru, but Samaru was an anomaly in which could not be perceived throughout all timelines due to the fact that he no longer had a past so all Izanagi could see in the future revolving around him was blackness and darkness since Samaru no longer existed within them.

So changing up his approach Izanagi used the golden throne to aid him mentally by accounting for all of the skills and abilities he had witnessed Samaru utilizing, he did this in hopes of coming up with a suitable strategy to defeat Samaru once an for all.

Samaru : " I had it, what I wished for. I wanted to not be bored and I got it followed by days that were peaceful, so having you rip those I care for away from me and me from them isn't an option. "

Izanagi : " I shall destroy you with the upmost respect in my heart. "

Notwithstanding that Taka was witnessing this all take place an he almost pooped his pants because of how illogically strong they had gotten at this point.


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