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However they couldn't resist something as tempting as killing God's noble servant and prophet so lust who is Asmodeus gasped drooling unable to resist his sin's nature.

" So cool, now I must have his body !!! "

" Your hopeless. "

Samaru responded before charging at him but he was not a foolish sinner as he opened his wings and flew above Samaru's assault saying.

" I'm not so hopeless as to stand in the way of a rock, perhaps greed might've been since he did fall from paradise for admiring the golden streets instead of participating in the rebellion or resistance. What a moron !? "

But in less than a moment Samaru extended his spear and expanded it destroying Asmodeus's physical body and as expected Samaru ate that too.

Wrath who is Satan then yelled.

" God commands that all of this be put to an end, let's call it a truce if you kill yourself now then I will get my kin to return to Tartarus and spare the mortal world. "

As strong as Samaru was he was always sure to obey all of God's commands, however he did not yield to this request instead he responded.

" The greatest lie you ever told ? No it wasn't convincing the world you didn't exist, plenty of people do believe you exist. Nor was it convincing people God didn't exist that would spoil your little game. It was not saying that there is only heaven or hell for the dead... It wasn't leading mankind to those so called pagan deities. It's the greatest lie of saying three words : God commands it, you were amazed how easily it was to lead mankind away with his name and a flimsy excuse but I will not hear you out, you only desire the destruction of creation afterall; wrathful one. "

When the great red dragon heard this said.

" I Hast considered my father's servant Samaru Eiji, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil ? Doth Samaru fear God for nought ? Hast not father made an hedge about him, and about his rock, and about all that he hath on every side ? Father hast blessed the work of his hands, and his strength is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now, and reach out and touch the flesh of the maiden making her your wife as an apology for not heading her warning, for if though hast headed her warning us sins wouldn't walk the earth as a curse. Behold, her flesh shalt be in thine power; only upon us put not forth thine hand. And we shall go forth from thy presence. "

Nevertheless Samaru did not suffer the devil king's words.

" Get thee hence, Satan for how shall I believe you when you are indeed the father of all lies. "

So Satan fled from before his face, the great red dragon filled with eyes admitted defeat sealing himself into a female child causing his soul to reincarnate so he would not experience Samaru's wrath first hand.

" Well I guess there's just 2 remaining but may I ask why haven't you also fled pride ? Sloth is resting but you have saw what I can do and still choose to stay. "

Amazingly though Pride replied feeling insulted that Samaru'd even suggest running.

" Why would I run from someone who's obviously weaker than me, I m perfect the true ruler of creation I do not fear, I do not die, I do not lose I am Lucifer formally known as Heylel a cherub who saw above simply being a musician who sang 24/7 to God for I was more qualified than him since he was foolish enough to ask fire to submit to the dust, thus I led the watchers as Samyaza (Shemhaza) !! "

And 3 other heads appeared growing from his neck, first the head of a lion on his right, second the head of a ox on his left and finally the head of a eagle at back, his main head was that of a man who shined imitating the sun, he had six wings and armor made of precious stones, it wasn't hard for Samaru to tell that he was not like the others although Satan who had left was a Seraphim which meant that he was ranked above the one that remained.

" Such charisma? However your even more foolish than any of the other sins. "

Those words however could not be tolerated by pride who then yelled.

" How dare you, now worship the fire and be spared !! "

And Samaru spontaneously combusted for pride was indeed stronger than any other sin but still Samaru refused his offer instead choosing to suffer through the pain of the burns as his flesh melted away.

" Now praise the Sun and be released !! "

Pride said seemingly causing a star to fall from heaven and it landed on top of Samaru consuming him whole, but again Samaru refused choosing to suffer even further as his muscles also burned away leaving his bones and a bit of flesh.

" A fair effort but your about to die, however if you agree to bow before me I'll cure you of your sufferings and you shall surely not die but live. "

But yet again Samaru refused and his bones began cracking and burning as pride clapped and rubbed away his ppl remains saying.

" I can't believe I was speaking to a rock and a hard headed one at that for he chose to serve a God who could not save him from my wrath, for I am indeed the supreme one who he should've worshipped. "

Miraculously though after that was said Samaru's physical form consisting of his body and spirit began regenerating as his soul the core of his spirit having his sense of self, memories and concepts resided within the air until his body was restored and he returned.

This didn't go unnoticed by the self proclaimed god of the universe known as pride who simply sighed before wiggling his finger once again prompting 3 more stars to fall from heaven hitting Samaru, but this time he remained in harmed by the fire and said.

" Born like a prince you were spoiled although you knew that the number anointed favorite child and so your brother brought an end to your plans to overthrow your father and your family. Saw you a enemy who was jealous of all the attention your dad was getting, what a loser. "

Of course this angered him again but when he tried charging another fire Samaru smirked saying.

" Perfection doesn't exist unless it's my God of course. "

Which angered him even more so he exploded into a bright light escaping leaving with Samaru these words.

" Pity, I don't have time for this I have to rule over creation afterall, I'll return even stronger then we'll have our rematch. "

So Samaru had won at last, approaching sloth who is Abaddon he prepared for the final round until sloth said.

" So you've won, by the way I wasn't sleeping I'm incapable of sleeping however I can rest which is what I intend on continuing to do so please don't try fighting me ? "

However Samaru had other plans so he said.

" I ave a job for you sinner, you will guide me to where I can find hell's entrance. There's someone who doesn't belong there. "

But as you'd expect sloth promptly refused distrusting him but mostly not wanting to move an inch being lazy an all., Samaru was having none of that though as he said.

" If you don't agree I'm going to have to fight you. "

So sloth reluctantly agreed an they journeyed to the entrance on foot bringing as much supplies as possible since Samaru didn't know what to expect only had been sent with knowledge about the heavenly realm.

They gathered as much resources as possible but first sloth who is Abaddon had to put on a disguise since he was literally an eyeball with wings an famous as one of those monsters who was responsible for the ruining of the world but luckily enough when he wished Abaddon could appear in the form of a man so Samaru ordered him to remain as such until his true form would be needed since it had broke the minds of many men since the mind of men could not fully fathom such a creature.

Wearing a traditional Japanese kimono under a authoritive knight armor Samaru reached the entrance an wearing a business suit pants running shoes and a long furr coat with a black t-shirt inside Abaddon arrived aswell declaring that, 'He would go no further for inside is not a pleasant place.'

Even as much as Samaru insisted Abaddon declined pushing Samaru inside the narrow tunnel which lead him down into the great deep which is hell due to the fact that Samaru wasn't expecting him to do so he was incredibly upset intending to get back up there and kick Abaddon's ass however he wasn't aware that the terrain would be so havodous since is flesh started to boil as his organs began to freeze since the air within hell was below zero degrees and able to somehow coexist with the flames which burned like lava as his mind became confused as he couldn't recall who he was, what he was or where he was due to the difference in how time flowed in hell.

First his body began rapidly aging then he passed out having his jet black hair become as white as snow and that's when a voice said.

" This is no place for mortals, I shall rip thy soul from thy body even if by force. "

Although Samaru had no defense for this he raised to his feet awakening from Leviathan's healing knowing full well that he couldn't keep this up forever, during this time the spirit of the most high who is Samaru's God breathe life into Samaru's spear causing it to speak to Abaddon saying.

" Thou is a lazy sinner who hasn't seen the errors in thy ways and attempt to mend them but I do say God will be pleased if thou do good and accompany Samaru in his journey through the great deep. "

Realizing this was the work of the father he removed Samaru's boulder from covering the entrance and kicked the spear within causing it to yell.

" Wait aren't you coming !? "

So Abaddon sighed saying.

" No I got banished by that God remember, besides I got exactly what I wanted now no work, no duties just rest. Tell him not to bother me again !!! "

Which caused the spear to tremble as it lost sentience falling deeper into the great deep.

The spear then landed at Samaru's feet and he picked it up causing the spirit of his God to come upon him and say using his mouth.

" Take form Sheol and reveal yourself. "

Immediately recognizing the voice Sheol responded.

" Established shall be the word of thy mouth, irresistible shall be thy command. "

As he pulled together debris and souls forming a physical body for himself as a tall man with dry skin and boney body clothed in the armor of the dead but unfortunately for Sheol the damagd souls he had used seemed to had took control over his physical form saying.

" Nice try Sheol but the damaged souls you had absorbed is none other than the seven deadly sins fastest legions of demons who had previously went to join our masters in conquest and now by our will we will assist you in killing this mortal who happens to have found his way here to the great deep!!! "

Before Sheol's physical form attempted to crush Samaru under his boot being that it was 56ft. Tall the creature that is.

It stepped on Samaru and for a moment there was silence in the great deep until.

" I might not be able to experience pain like mere mortals but it's still pretty annoying nonetheless. "

This surprised the creature so it asked.

" Who the hell are you !? "

of course not

Not seeing a reason to conceal his identity he replied answering.

" I am the rock of the ages Samaru Eiji who've defeated legions and caused the seven deadly sins to submit to me. "

Hearing this the creature said.

" Well it was fine meeting with you but I gotta go !!! "

Lifting it's boot off Samaru but it was already too late since he had became angered since Sheol had aged him up into having white hair and rusted his armor before breaking it with his boot so Samaru leaped into the air shattering Sheol's feet before swinging his spear causing Sheol's head to explode aswell.

When this had happened Samaru's God said.

" You've conquered Sheol defeating the great deep itself so from today onwards not even the grave will be able to hold you rock of the ages, Samaru Eiji. "

And receiving this blessing Samaru's hair returned to black as he passes out from exhaustion unfortunately though Greed and Lust seized this opportunity...


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