Chapter 10: Nothing But Utter Chaos

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Third Person's POV

"Must you always come at a wrong time?" The girl groan at the sight before her. There standing in the front of her is a gigantic human face made with the water lake she's currently bathing at. The water figure seem to be displease once she saw the girl.

"We need to talk."

"I'm currently in the middle of a bath. Maybe some other time." (F/N) surely wasn't interested in chatting with anyone but she seems to have known the figure quite well.

"I don't care (F/N), as much as I'm concern, your father wants you back."

"And my answer is still the same."

"(F/N), you should remember that your family had been dying anxiously searching for you endlessly. Why did you have to bring Ivy with you? His parents are furious. If you just sit tight like you we're suppose to do, then none of this would've happen."

"Wait? Hold up, why are you pointing the blame on me?" She stood up from the cold water, barely caring about her exposed body as she points a finger at the water figure.

"Remember who's fault was it that disturb the cosmos? Remember who fucking mess up with an experiments. These space worms are suppose to be dead! Extinct! But why did your people have to mess up that order?!" The figure remain silent as she stared down at a visually annoyed (F/N).

"Science is vast like the space. It's undiscovered and unlimited properties is what serves a purpose in my people's existent. An spoiled brat like you wouldn't understand. And (F/N), even though my people did mess things up, we never intend to have them scattered here on this planet, specifically in this dimension."

"I don't need to understand anything. But because of your foolishness, I have to clean up everything you mess." She grit her teeth in annoyance. It was the first time since 3 years since she had contact with people of her kind. First time and it was quite a bad one too.

"Is that why you've ran away?" She ask.

She didn't answer he question but said,"I believe you won't even spare a second and neglect this pitiful place like you always do." If there's one thing (F/N) is aware, is that these people only think of their own selves instead. A trait only these people, posses.

"My child, it's been three long years and yet you still linger in this cheap planet. Haven't you thought of going back to where you rightfully belong?"

"How can I? If guys hadn't locked up my original magic, then I could've finish this already. I have to steal one of the ancient magic books just to replace what I've lost." She sat herself under water, enough to cover her bosoms. The book she always carry does not really belong to her, it belongs to one of her family's archive. She took it in replace of her lost one.

"This planet will fall into destruction if I won't take action immediately."

* * * * *

"I hear voices."

"It's coming from that direction." Both Sharrkan and Spartos were leaping from one branch to another, moving from a fast pace heading towards the direction of that blinding light earlier.

Armed with their signature weapons, ready for whatevers out there.

* * * * *

"(F/N), stop being so stubborn and leave this world already. You're lucky I'm the only one who knows your current whereabouts, but I won't keep my mouth shut if your father will ask me soon."

"Then do it." As stubborn as (F/N) may seem on the outside but deep in her mind, she was worried if the figure will definitely spill it to her family.

"(F/N), I was nice enough to plead but you leave me no choice. For the following days I will send some of my trusted people to come fetch you, forcefully." Her eyes widen to a fraction, soon followed by a scowl. "You can't do this! Innocent lives will be endanger."

"(F/N), it's best if you listen clearly. As your former teacher, I recommend you to abandon this wasteland of a planet and go back home. Instead of worrying the problems of others, worry about your's instead. In the mean time, enjoy your time while it last." And just like that, the gigantic head disperse to the lake where it rightfully belong as the light soon vanish to nothing.

"But this is my problem." (F/N) was deep in thought. If her teacher is serious then she will have to face some serious trouble soon. If only they didn't took away her powers, then she shouldn't have any trouble facing those people. In this world, she never found an equal throughout her journey, just some monster and thieves doing their usual business, but never a real warrior.

"Tsk, what shall I do?" She will have to figure something out before the time comes.

* * * * *

"The light... it's gone?" - Spartos.

Just when they were near at the scene, the light had suddenly vanish and were greeted with visible stars of the night (they weren't visible when the place extremely lit.) He was sure that the light was near to where they stood but where specifically where?

"Spartos over here! Come quick!" Sharrkan said, ushering the red head to side of the bush. "You can not believe what I just found!" The dark skinned male had an excited look on his face. It might be night, but Spartos can see the red tint color on his face. "What is this?" Curious about his odd behavior, he ask but the latter when he was now sitting besides him.

"Did you found the where that light came from?" Facing Spartos, the red head was taken aback by the red blood dripping on his nose along with that weird excited face he's emitting.

"Ohh~ I found something way better than that." Spartos look at the place where Sharrkan is pointing at and dear Solomon, his face had completely share the color of his hair.

Out there alone, was a naked girl, bathing on the lake under the moonlight. Unaware of the indecent stares she's getting, (F/N) continues to scrub her back with some flawless rock she had found as a mean to remove the dirt out of her body. It's a good thing her bottom is covered with water and her back is facing the duo so her private area is still innocent from the male's eyes to stare. With her mind, busy overthinking about what had happened with her and her teacher, it can't be help that the normally guarded female, is too distracted to even notice some peeping toms gawking at her, one filled with happiness and the other, filled with regret.

Spartos immediately broke free from staring too much (if thought it only lasted 2 seconds), silently asking his dear God to forgive him about his indecent behavior with crying crocodile tears in regret, then eventually smacking Sharrkan on the head for being too happy about the situation. He was definitely angry at him this time.

"What are you doing?! This is so immoral. Let's go!" He demanded. His mind had already been tainted with the women at the brothel earlier, he doesn't need to see a naked girl in the middle of the night or else he'll never forgive himself for being low like Sharrkan.

Sharrkan on the other hand, was clearly enjoying this. He doesn't know why but with all the luscious women he had seen before, her's had already crave in his mind. "Eh? You're so stingy Spartos. Just a moment, it's not like you've never seen a naked girl before." Spartos face had became even redder than his hair and whispered back. "That's because I haven't!"

"Come on!" He tried to pull him away but the male refuse to obey his friend and keep tugging his arm back. The two are unconsciously unaware that their little argument had caught the eyes of the bathing girl.

And she is not please in the slightest to see two men peeping at her.

Due to the dark, she had troubles identifying the two men but somehow their voices ring a bell in her mind, she couldn't tell if she had met them before or not.

"Come. On. Before. We. Get. Caught." Spartos whispered-yelled but alas, Sharrkan was too persistent when it comes to women. "No way, you didn't even let me enjoy at the brothel and now, you won't let me enjoy this too?!"

"Ugh, where's your decency Sharrkan?"

"I forget about it since I met Sinbad."

(F/N) watch back and forth, getting tired of their stupid quarrel. She's in an awfully bad mood right now and seeing two men gawking at her had lit the small fire into a giant one. She could not simply let this pass, especially her teacher, who had prick a nerve at her earlier, time to let out her anger on these buffoons. She took a deep breath, her eyes glows a dangerous (E/C), and her temper slowly boiling in.

A dark aura began engulfing her body after she teleported her book right at her hands.

"By my burning fury for tonight,
I call upon the creatures of the night.
Help this poor soul as your means,
As you punish those who have sinned.
Use my rage as your body," she pause and look at the idiots still arguing about something. Are they planning to do something to her? Are they arguing about who's gonna do it first? Well not tonight.

"And make everything bloody." With her final enchantment, the course of the wind had change. She teleported next to her clothes. Once she got them, she teleported back at her room. Now it's time for the full course meal to be serve.

Back at the two still bickering generals, the tan male had had enough of Spartos and his lecture of morality, and push the latter away. "Hey, no one's stopping you from leaving Spartos. Just go already."

The annoyed red head just huffed and said, "Fine! Have it your way." The red head stood up from his kneeling position and march away from Sharrkan, silently praying that will get his karma soon.

Which somehow, had been granted by the heavens.

"Ah... Spartos?" He called. Still irritated while walking away from the swordsman, Spartos face his fellow general with a bitter expression on his features. "What?" After turning around, his annoyed expression soon turn into on shock. His eyes dilated after seeing a huge shadowy giant in front of them. It was a giant figure composes of nothing but darkness, shaped like a woman with piercing red eyes and shark like teeth, ready to gobble up anything that surrounds it. It's head and torso were only visible and as for the lower half? It had none. The figure was obviously more than mad when she started releasing a low but threatening growl.

The red head look at the lake to see that the young lady is now gone. Could it be?...

"Spartos, it looks angry." Spartos replied, "Of course it's angry stupid! That's probably the woman you were spying idiot!"

Sharrkan stared at him in disbelief. "Huh?"

"Watch out!" Sharrkan instinctively jump aside, seeing that the figure had attempted to hit him with it's palm. It's movement were sharp, barely scratching his clothes and also strong, as it make a huge dent with dust and debris flying everywhere.

"Kill... Kill... Kill... " It mutters, to their shock it started chasing them by clawing the ground and moving at an alarming pace towards them. Both the two prepared their weapons, ready to fight as it seems that the beast have no intention of letting them go. If they can't stop her then they're afraid that it might aim the whole island next.

"Kill... Kill... KILL!" It roar at the two after it launch it's big sharp teeth at them.

~ The Next Morning ~

"What happened to them?" Pisti said. All the remaining generals (excluding Yamraiha) were currently inside the room where both Spartos and Sharrkan laid weak and unmoving full of bandages warp around their torso.

"Apparently they were both attack last night with some unknown monster." Drakon said.

"Giant woman? Was there a fight at the brothel? I can understand that indecent Sharrkan but Spartos? Really?" Ja'far said question. He can tell that when trouble occurs, it's mostly Sharrkan to blame.

"Actually it's different this time." Replied the only giant of the group. "Masrur and I both saw what happened. It was a dark figure of a giant woman, and it looks like it's only interest is Sharrkan and Spartos. We tried to fought with it but it only ignored us and keep going after them."

"They both were overpowered by that unknown creature until they pass out. And that's when the figure suddenly stop and disappear." Masrur said.

Ja'far continues to ponder over the matter with that creature. It seems like he needs to investigate this matter first. The whole island will be in danger if there's an evil creature like that lurking around. "We'll ask them once they've waken up."

"I have a hunch... " Drakon started. "Do you think that girl is involved in all of this?" From the tone of his voice and the way he emphasizes the word girl, all of the generals were quick to follow.

"You don't mean (F/N), do you?" Yamraiha ask, clearly offended that Drakon would suspect her in that way. "I know (F/N) and she would not do such a thing." She defended.

"Yamraiha, I'm only stating it hypothetically. I don't mean to think of her that way but that creature who attack Spartos and Sharrkan is somewhat similar to that girl's black wolf." He pointed out, careful not to anger Yamraiha.

"From what Hinahoho said, that creature is made of nothing but sheer darkness and so is that wolf we saw with (F/N)-dono. I assume that their composition of their bodies are made from the properties of dark magic." He pause and look at Yamraiha dead in the eye. "I assume (F/N)-dono is possibly the one who created that creature." He said. This made Yamraiha to think deeply over the matter, what he said

"That's possibly true but maybe it's just a coincidence? Anyone can learn dark magic."

"But not as strong as the one who attack these two." He remarked.

"Then maybe Sharrkan had offended a dark magic user, different kinds of travelers always comes to Sindria to have a great time, they might've anger that person that's why they attack them?"

"Yamraiha, I know you love your friend but if my assumptions are correct, she'll have to face King Sinbad soon." This made Yamraiha to snap.

"Excuse me Drakon, but these are only assumptions, you don't have solid proof that she's the culprit. What motives does she have against Sharrkan and Spartos? She never officially met you guys. And why is it that whenever something's wrong? You're all quick to put the blame on her!" At this point, the two generals we're already glaring at each other.

"Quit it you two!" Ja'far place himself at the middle, as Sinbad is currently absent, he needs to address the matter with his own for now.

"Opps! I'm gonna stop you two right there!" Pisti interrupted with a smiling face, unaffected by the rising tension between the two generals. "Both Spartos and I are in charge on keeping an eye on (F/N). I assure you that even when I'm alone because Sharrkan took Spartos with him, (F/N) never left her room after she departed with Yamraiha." She said.

Yamraiha couldn't help but expressed relief. She knew that (F/N) is innocent in the first place. She trust her. Good thing Pisti was there as a witness.

Drakon sigh and quickly apologize to the blue haired witch. Yamraiha was a little tsundere at first but gradually accept his apology and make up.

"By the way where is King Sinbad? Does he know about this?" Pisti ask, curious as to why their king is no where to be found in such crucial situation. Ja'far could sigh in frustration, "Yes but Sin is off limits right now."

"Why?" Hinahoho ask and the white haired general just groan in frustration.

"Unfortunately, he forgot to do the documents I ask the other day. He is not going anywhere until he finish it." He said.

* * * * *

(F/N) is currently the definition of 'sleeplessness' as the latter was too busy regretting what she did yesterday. She just learned that the two pedophiles she attack was, to her misfortune, two of the generals of Sinbad. Rumours always spread fast in this kingdom filled with gossiping servants, Ivy was quick to gather those information and gave it to her master. She quickly faint after hearing the news.

Well who wouldn't? She blame it all on her temper and impulsive behavior yesterday. But it would've have happen if she wasn't so triggered by her teacher.

She is currently at the Kingdom's library, reading some books about everything there is to know about magic, specifically this world's magic. If you're wondering what she's doing there, it's because of her current agenda. If what her teacher said is true then she needs to prepare herself, a basic spell book wouldn't do a thing. She needs the real deal, a deal that is good as her former magic.

She did saw some cool content though, but not about magic, about the thing they call 'Djinn'.

It read; 'Djinn are lifeforms created from the Rukh that retained the memories and personalities of certain people from the different races of Alma Torran. They rule over Dungeons and are able to change the level of their Dungeon's difficulty. They sleep deep inside their Dungeon, until a Dungeon Capturer proves themselves worthy by finding their treasure room.'

'Alma Torran...' For some reasons, that name suddenly ring a bell but (F/N) is not sure where have she heard it from. She just shrug and continued to read.

'Djinn should not materialize on Earth, but they will make an exception if summoned by a Magi. The Djinn, in the end, is a pure power that a King uses, and King Solomon created them for that reason.'

Her eyes suddenly widen after reading the familiar name of the person behind it.

'King... Solomon?' The familiarity of the name suddenly sends shivers down her spine. 'No, it's impossible that they're the same person.' Her train of thoughts suddenly got interrupted when suddenly...


"Huh?" A hourse sound disrupt her from further reading the text. The girl raise a brow in confusion. If she remembered clearly, she was the only one inside library at this moment. Well there was one woman, until she suddenly left after she saw her enter the library.


Okay, now she's positive that she's not alone anymore and whoever's making that noise is possibly sleeping at board daylight. Who does that? More importantly, why at a library?

She tried to focus on the information of the text until it was interrupted once again by another series of snores.


And again...


And again...


And again... until she was fed up.

She close the book with annoyance written on her face, strode towards the source of the that annoying snore, book ready to throw at that scumbag anytime. She took a turn, getting closer and closer at the source. At the last corner of the library, where the last giant shelves of books are currently place, she concluded that the person must be sleeping behind it.

The book is ready as it'll ever be. She doesn't care whether this person is a servant nor someone you held a position in Sinbad's palace. If this person can't respect the number one rule of the library then it's fair enough if she knock on senses whoever the asshole is.

"Can't you fucking observe silenc--?!" She pause, the book was in the middle of being thrown, but she went stiff after seeing who it was but that technically wasn't the reason why she stop.

She was flabbergasted. Her face turned to an intense red, then eventually, her whole body so too. But what made the usually calm and collected but easy to anger (F/N) to suddenly turn into a blushing mess? Well...

It's the fact that the person who she found sleeping shamelessly inside the library was none other than the King Sinbad himself, who, to her intense shock, was naked. His arms were bend beneath his head as a pillow, he's long hair were spread everywhere, his body had showcase how define and muscular Sinbad actually is, especially those well built curves and don't forget about his abdomen and....

As awkward as it may seem but yes, she saw the whole damn thing.


Her mentality got block, it seems her brain had stop functioning altogether, making her a stuttering mess. The stuttering somehow had stir Sinbad on his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw a wildly blushing cloak figure, "(F/N)?"

Having him uttered her name, the girl got ahold of her mind and, with utter disgust, throws the book she was holding onto Sinbad's face. And might I remind you that she throw it with sheer power, knocking him completely.


Drac: . . . . I swear to God, I'm so dirty minded but when it's 'Sin' time, it's sin time.

Also, I got great news. The Legendary Warrior will be updated every week. YEY! As Stay Butterfly would say 'Let's parteh!'

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