Chapter 3: A Game of Hide and Seek

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Third Person's POV

"Hinahoho-dono! Drakon-dono!." yelled a guard from the distant. Drakon has a dragon-like appearance, with scales and green skin. He is particularly taller than most humans, but shorter than his current partner, which is Hinahoho. Hinahoho on the other hand, has a gigantic physique, like everyone of his race, with long blue hair, which is usually tied in a ponytail. He wears a blue bandana around his forehead. He also has amber colored eyes like Drakon, and carries around a Rampaging Unicorn horn as a weapon. He also has light stubble on his chin. The two generals of Sindria were searching for the intruder however none of the two were getting a glimpse of any hooded figure around the area.

"What is it?." Drakon respond. The worried look on his face meant bad news. The two generals were getting anxious as to what the guard has to report to them.

"It's Spartos-dono! He's in a critically condition right now!" He said.

"What?" The two ask in disbelief. How can someone beat someone like Spartos?. They knew how strong Spartos is so how come he lose to his opponent?. Nevertheless, they knew that with the enemy on the lose, they need to work fast in order to capture him.

"Get Yamraiha as soon as possible to aid Spartos!." Drakon command in a strict manner like the usual. "Hai!" The guard scurried off to where the blue magician named Yamraiha to inform her of her given task. "Come on we need to tell the King!"

"Where's our King anyway?!" The two proceed to rush towards their King. Drakon and Hinahoho wondered what had happen to Sinbad. With the current chaos inside the Kingdom, Sinbad should be aware by now.

"Never mind him let's go searching!"







"I can't believe you Young Master!."

"My patiences is running thin. I have to do that in order to find her this instance."

On the wall where they camouflage themself, Ivy unleash his powers, revealing their true form to the world. Ivy saw a door near them, sensing no presences at the room, he tap his Master, encouraging her to go inside. With no further choice, she complied since they're now being target at the moment by those people. "Now that you thought about it... here she comes."

A smoking black figure similar to a vicious wolf appeared. It has sharp razor-like fangs, glaring violet eyes and claws that can literally tear any flesh. "Good to see your back... " Ivy state while licking his paws out of habit.

"Now tell me... where is Yamraiha?." She ask, being always direct to the point. She's always the impatient woman, as most people would describe her. Then again, she really new to hurry, or it's gonna be to late.

The wolf like creature howl then burst out of the door, running at the right side of the hallways, opposite to where the two were once running. "Come on!." she said. The two rush outside, following the smoking black wolf to where he'll lead them.

Turning from corner to corner, the two continue to trail behind the giant black of smoke. Encountering guards, maids, and cooks on the way, the wolf itself just pass though their solid bodies, since he's just made of black smoke. The two however just dobge the people, and sometimes knocking them on the process.

"I can feel her presence! We're getting nearer!." (F/N) state. She's running in a much faster pace than before she entered the palace. Finally, after years of searching she'll finally meet her friend. Now the black wolf of smoke, turned a corner but suddenly stop on his giant paws. It growl at something on his front, they turned a corner, until they saw what it was growling at.


Two men were blocking their way.
One was an average-sized man with pale skin, short white hair and black eyes. He also has freckles around his nose. He wears a long drape that covers his entire body, and a green Arabian keffiyeh on his head. The other one was a tall muscular man with red hair and eyes. He has a piercing on his lower lip. He wears a gold armor that covers his chest with a sash around his waist and nothing on his arms and legs. He has a metal bracelet on each wrist and leg. Both of them wear the same serious stone face expression on their faces.

(F/N) remember the other guy. The one who almost kick her on the ceiling from the guest room. "Surrender." The short white haired male said. The smoking black wolf just continue to growl on him, drools of poisonous saliva drip on the floor. But the wolf doesn't care as he continues to glare daggers on the men who remain emotionless. Ivy was on guard, no way they will lay a finger on her young master, he won't let it.

The 5 of them just stared at each other (in Ivy and the wolf's case, glaring). Then suddenly groups of footsteps were heard running at the same direction as the five of them. Without a second, the Sindrian guards surrounds the wolf, Ivy and (F/N). Without fear they face the enemy like real men. This put on some high alerts on Ivy, he was getting quite nervous at the moment. As the guardian of (F/N) he should protect her at all cost.

"Guards has surrounded you, the forces of the Eight Generals are hunting you down. I don't know what is your purpose as to why you invaded our peace here in Sindria but just give up. Surrender your aggressive pets and yourself or else... we might have to use brute force, we don't want that now, do we?." Again the white haired man said, voice as emotionless as his expression.

'This is bad! What should I do? I didn't expect they'll caught us so fast.' Ivy was being a nervous wreck. He saw what that red haired guy did earlier from the guest room. That speed, that power, he's very sure that he's no ordinary man, or is he even a human to begin with?. Whatever he is, Ivy knows that (F/N) can very well handle the likes of him however he also knows that these guys hides some kind of trump card up on their sleeves in situations like these.

"Is that so?... "

Came the respond from the hooded figure. This shock the two generals and Ivy himself. The two were convice that the hooded figure was a male, they didn't expect that 'that' voice belongs to a female. As for Ivy, he knows her young master (F/N) never talks to anyone especially the enemy, since (F/N) usually is the type of person to never waste her breathe on someone she's not really interested on. Ivy look over at the face of his young master, as usual her eyes doesn't have any emotions. She just plainly stared at the two generals in front of her and their army. Like she doesn't care about the power they had or the weapons they pointed at the three of them. Like the plain (F/N) she remain calm on their situation.

Of course, what was Ivy thinking. His Young Master had encountered more dangerous places with dangerous people within their years of being on a journey together. Something like this will never faze her, not even the slightest bit of fear will invade her senses. Maybe Ivy was just overreacting. Again.

He knows her as one of the most powerful beings that ever exist at their era. Ivy shouldn't even be worried at her since he knows how much power she has... but then again, (F/N) was sometimes the reckless fighter. Like from earlier when she did a reckless move and call the spirit from the other side to find Yamraiha. That's one of the reasons why he worries so much like a big brother. "If you're going to put on a threat try to be more convincing next time." she added, Ivy knows that beneath that mask of her hides a smirk.

"Hmm." Jafar was far from being amuse by her words. This person has cause so much trouble at the palace, including all the damage at the guest room. Jafar haven't really calculate a plan to catch this person and her 'pets'. He doesn't even know what her purpose is. As the right hand man of the King Sinbad, it's his duty to handle the Kingdom if the King is absent.

'Now that you think about it... WHERE THE HECK IS HE?.' Tick marks appear at his pale forehead as he remembers that Sinbad should be aware that an intruder has trespass his Kingdom.

"Uncle Jafar! Uncle Masrur!." an all to familiar voice of a boy were heard at the distance. The group excluding (F/N) turned their heads at the source of the voice to see three people running towards them.

One was a young man with an average height with blonde hair and golden eyes. He has a short, thick ahoge on his hair, which he appears to have inherited from his father, and wears a small red rope tied around his neck, which is quite weird. He wore a traditional Arabian outfit with a sash around his waist to hold his knife, black boots with blue stripes, and he wears two red earrings at the top left of his ear.

Then the 2nd new comer was a young girl which has red hair and eyes. She wears a short white dress with a rope tied around her waist. Her eyelashes are long and unique. She wears her leg chains, which are now a Household Vessel, on her wrists, and a backup vessel, which is a necklace, around her neck. She runs towards them barefoot. She has a sturdy yet petite build.

Then the final one was a boy that has large blue eyes, and a long, thin braid that extends down to his back. He wears a small blue open vest with bandages wound around his chest. He wears long puffy white Arabian pants (Sirwal) with no shoes then a ruby rest itself on his forehead. On his neck was a golden flute and on his hand he held a staff.

(F/N) soften at the sight of the young boy. However the boy seem nervous at her. The hooded figure is aware that he sees her as an enemy.

"Alibaba! Aladdin! Morgiana!."

'That's my cue.'

(F/N), who isn't really fond of the idea, made a sprint, catching Ivy off guard but eventually followed her master as well. The wolf just charge at the opposing enemy. The guards back off to run but realize the wolf just went through their bodies like a spirit on loose. The female in her hood suddenly jump, her knees were brought tight on her chest as she maneuvers her body that rotates her figure in an acrobatic way. While passing her enemies in mid air she can see the shock faces of her enemies then smirk. 'What? Never seen a flip before?.'

Ending her front flip with a nice landing, she made a head start, running as fast as she can in order to escape those humans. Ivy followed her master then suddenly jumps and landed on her shoulder, holding tight as to not fall on the ground.

"Oh no you're not!." Wires warps itself on her body, stopping her from her tracks. The hooded female just stood on her guard and stared at the person responsible for this. The freckled guy. On his arms were strings that warp around his arms. He seems to an expect when manipulating the flow of string to it's desire use.

"Just surrender already!. Don't make it hard for yourself!."

"No can do sir!." Ivy said. To which surprise the people around. "He can talk!." Ivy, within his power, transform into a creature who possess the The Type A Element. A Fire lion. One of Ivy's most powerful form.

It's body was blazing with fire, it roar loud enough for the whole island of Sindria to hear. Ivy charge at the white headed male. He was suppose to give the surrounding people a gonatic ball of fire however...

"Ivy. Stop this instant!." The booming voice of her master stop Ivy into burning the whole Kingdom. (F/N) is aware of the power Ivy possess, a big blast of his powers can damage the whole Kingdom itself. (F/N) doesn't care about the Palace itself, it was people residing inside it. Especially that boy. If (F/N) didn't see this kid then she will not hesitant to stop Ivy.

"Let's just go." she snap her fingers then the wolf, Ivy and herself disappear.

"Not again."

"Uncle Ja'far?." the young boy haired boy named Aladdin called. "Yes Aladdin?." He ask, still annoyed at the enemy's escape.

"I have a feeling that he's not a bad person at all." He said.


"Actually Aladdin It's 'She'." Masrur corrected.


"But still my guts are telling me that she is indeed a good person."

"That woman?. Her pet almost killed us!." Alibaba said. "Alibaba are you forgetting that you're a Type A Fire Metal Vessel User?."


"That's enough!." Jafar said, he instruct the guards to continue their search, which all of them oblige. "Listen Aladdin, not all people who stop their friend are good. Some just took their moment to unleash their evil schemes." He added.

"And not all evil looking Miss are bad, take Miss Kougyoku for example."



Reappearing from another room, Ivy transform himself to his original nine tiled fox form. "This hide and seek game is getting frustrating. Why did you stop me earlier Young Master?."



"Hey where's that stinking wolf?." Ivy realize that the presence of the black wolf were no where to be seen near them. "It accomplish it's job, so we need him anymore." she calmly respond. The two were in some weird room, books were all pulled up on every shelf, some even on the floor. Different shape apparatus consisting of potions of different colors were stock neatly on the desk, some were even in the process of being boiled, not that it matters.

"Finish?, I don't even see a single person here."

"Who are you?." a sweet but firm feminine voice from behind the two were heard. There stood an average sized woman with large breasts and blue medium-length hair. She seems to wear a long off-white robe and a black hat that resembles a typical witch's hat. She has a red gem on a chain around her forehead and golden cone-shaped shells covering her ears. She also has clam shells on her chest instead of normal clothes. This form of clothing shock Ivy, as a scarlet hue covered it's white fur.

(F/N) on the other hand, was stunned at first but afterwards the feeling of nostalgia hit her hard enough, making her to only stared at blue witch in front of her. She was sure enough she saw that face before in her youth days. And is the time to prove it.


"Yam-chan? What?"

"You're Yamraiha right?"

The female was surprise by the fact this creep knows her name. Especially after hearing the word '-chan' on her name like they're friends from the past.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?." Yamraiha ask again but this time she aims her magic staff at her, making Ivy run in front of her master. If it's true that this is the person their looking for, who possess great magic then he should really be on guard to protect her master. (F/N) wasn't fazed at all, as her emotionless facade hidden in her mask turn soft at the sight of Yamraiha.

"It's me (Y/N)." At the mention of a familia name. Memories invaded the mind of Yamraiha, images from the past of a young Yamraiha during her time in Musta'sim and a female wearing a large cloak, her hair was a beautiful shade of (H/C), while being barefoot. Even though she wasn't able to see her face, the young Yamraiha was sure enough she befriended someone who always wear a poker face. Was it her?

"(F/N), is that really you?." She ask. Yamraiha couldn't help the smile forming on in her lips. If she's 'that person' then it's reunion time.

"Yes it's m--"

Suddenly without realizing it at first, (F/N)'s face were centimetres apart from the ground. Surprise by the sudden attack. Her face was smash on the marbled floor. Chunks of the polish floor were sent flying and dust covered the area. The impact was strong, whoever this person is, needs to pay for damaging her face. Ivy jump out in shock.

The blue witch stared in shock at the man who suddenly appeared at the scene. There stood a tall, attractive man with tan skin and a muscular build. He has golden eyes and very long, purple hair tied in a ponytail. He wears floor-length purple and white robes, a white turban with feather decorations, and pointed red shoes. He's hand was at the back of the hooded female's head, making sure to steady her. He grab both her hands from behind with a single grip to secure her until she was finally immobilized.

"So you're the one who invaded my Kingdom." Ivy glared at the man who attack her Young Master, his cute little fangs became sharper as his eyes became slits similar to a snake's eyes.

The man who held the intruder was known as The High King of the Seven Seas and also Lady Killer of the Seven Seas "Sinbad!." With her head on the ground from the impact, her fragile mind stop functioning as black invaded her consciousness.

"Now that I finally caught the culprit time for-" Yamraiha, who was suppose to be happy to be finally reunited with her long lost friend, held her staff up high then...



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