Chapter 5: Problem Ahead

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Third Person's POV

"What's your plan now?" ask a certain white haired adviser. Currently Ja'far and Sinbad were on his office, discussing matters about that mysterious girl and why she took Yamraiha with her.

"I don't know, Yet." The King sigh as he stared at his right hand man. "Clearly, her objectives remain unknown to us. But there's this thing that keeps bothering me."

"What is it Sin?" Sinbad was hesitant. Wether he can tell it to his old friend however he was not sure himself. When he first met the female, her aura felt off. Especially when he physically came in contact with her.

"Nothing." Sinbad was sure something was definitely not right with that girl. Even if she's friends with one of his comrades, he still needs to keep an eye on her.

"How about Yamraiha? Clearly she's in her captive. But I don't think she's much of a threat considering they are friends from the start." The white haired man said.


"By the way, how are things going on with the other two?" The King ask.

"According to the guards, they didn't saw the black wolf, but we did capture this little fella." as if on cue, a guard came in, holding something that was covered in thick black cloth all over it. When he was near enough, he bowed his head in respect then remove the cloth to reveal a small cage.

"Apparently it seems to be a comrade of the female." Ja'far said as he stared at the unconscious condition of something inside the cage.

"I was doing some research about it. But none of the books help either. It's being doesn't have any history about it's species however it does resembles one of your Djinns though." Ja'far said.

"Good. 'Take good care' of it, if some circumstance happens, we'll use it as a trump card against her."

"As you wish Sin." Inside the cage, was a beautiful furry white animal with blue ancient markings on his body. It's body remain unconscious as if it's just sleeping peaceful like nothing had happened.


Near the palace of Sindria was the peaceful scenery of it's forest. Exotic animals of any kind were peacefully living in there, where no signs of human can be seen.

"Well. I'm sure you have a good reason why you just suddenly 'kidnap' me in front of my King." A woman with blue haired said. However the female in question paid no mind to the older woman as she just stared at the moving snail on ground as if the snail was the most interesting thing in the world.

"This little fella's so slow. I didn't know such an minuscule and plodding animal exist?"

"Are you even listening?"


"Thought so... " The older woman sigh as she rub her forehead ease her stress. The she spoke "I thought you will never come back. Why did you come back? Or did you run away again?"

"Oh I see that Yamraiha isn't really pleased on standing in the same area as I am. If so I will be leaving then as to not annoy you anymore."


"Kidding..." (F/N) said as she held a peace sign, her face void of any emotion as Yamraiha just sweatdrop at her antics. Seems like old habits never die.

"(F/N) please stop. Anyway about my questi-- "

"I need your help." The female in black firmly state. A face full that said nothing total serious. No funny business this time.

"My help? About what?" Yamraiha ask. "Is there something wrong?" she added.

"Indeed there is." (F/N) turn her back at her childhood friend and avert her eyes at the blue sky. Blank eyes staring at the white clouds along with a few flying birds, possibly immigrating to another land of sort. "Three years ago, when I went back to my motherland, I notice something strange... "

"I notice portals of different dimensions kept appearing from my home. In fact, different kingdoms unite to demolish the reappearing of these portal. And despite their rivalry, Scientists and Magicians are force to work together to find a suitable solution."

"So what happened next?" Yamraiha ask.

"They took notice about the powerful disturbance between time and space possibly cause by an anomaly from the great space itself. I let some of my people to investigate, it's not the safest but it's best to end this now... or else... " she pause for a moment before continuing.

"They've found out what is causing the abnormalities."


"Dimensional Space Worms." Puzzled, The blue haired witch somehow perk up at the strange name. Her ocean blue eyes sparkling in curiosity. "What are those?"

"Apparently they're the reason for the abnormalities that had been occurring from my home. They a type of worm that only exist through spaces. I don't know how they end up in my world though. But the most confusing part is... they're suppose to be extinct now, hundreds of billions years ago."

"Wow. That's amazing! How an extinct animal can be alive all these years!"

"Not amazing at all Yam-chan… If you're not aware of, which I guess your country men as well, these dimensional space worm are considered to be a universal pest.

My ancestors once destroy their race. They cause dimensional imbalances from different worlds out there."

"But what do you want me do to then?" she ask. The (E/C) eyed female turn her attention from the sky to the now uneasy blue haired witch. "Before I answer that, hear me out first... "

"My people manage to take control of the situation and destroy their kind. However...

A few manage to escape including the queen. The mother of all dimensional space worms. And now, she's here, in your world, laying eggs out there for you knows where."

"What? How is that possible?! How did they manage to arrive here?"

"It's possible since they can cross dimensions Yam-chan."

"And that's the reason why I'm here. To eliminate every worm there is. The very reason why I ran away, but it's impossible... "


"I've been here for the last three years Yamraiha. Three long years and still, they keep on multiplying into bigger numbers. It's useless, even if I manage to cross the whole world, it'll be pointless."

"What are we supposed to do now?" emotionless (E/C) eyes clash with worried blue ones. "Actually there is." and then did the female in black felt her world shaking when the female witch shook her back and fort, demanding (F/N) to tell her now. "Calm down!" she said, successfully making the Blue witch to calm herself and let go of the emotionless female.

"What is it?"

"Remember the worm queen? If we kill her, all of her offspring will be killed as well."

"Ohh~ Somehow, it's similar to an ant… " The female in front of Yamraiha tilt her head to the side, puzzled when she heard an unfamiliar word coming from her mouth. "An ant?"

"Never mind that so... you said you ran away three years ago, right?"

"Yes, what about it?" The (H/C) haired female nod. "Did you told your brothers about this?"

"Nah… " (F/N) shrug, not really giving the subject such seriousness. "Guess they were furious once they knew about it huh?." The blue witch laugh. "Don't mind them. What's important now is for you to help me Yam-chan. I need you to device a tool for me to locate the nest of those pest… "

"With pleasure. But before that, I need a sample of these worms. Just one would do." she said. "No problem." (F/N) raise her hand a little as black light surrounds her hand, appearing on her palm was a small transparent container. Inside of the container was small black worm slowly crawling on the glass, it has no eyes nor nose to breath, but it has one giant mouth for a small worm. "Wow."

"There's nothing to be amazed of Yam-chan. Remember they're still pest that we need to eliminate as soon as possible or else... your world will suffer the consequences." she said, letting out an exhausted sigh. "But (F/N)-chan, why didn't you contact me the day you've arrive here?"

"I did... but you we're gone." Somehow, her once emotionless tone became sad. And her facial expression seem to match her voice. "I look everywhere for you... " she said.

It was indeed true. Three long years ago, when the (H/C) haired female arrive along with Ivy, she began searching for her intelligent friend in Magnostadt but the said female was never in sight. Until one day she heard that Yamraiha had ran away to somewhere far off from Magnostadt. As much as she wanted to continue her search for her friend, she had other important things to do. And time is limited for the female in black.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Something came up and it led me here, To Sindria. But don't worry I'm here now." the blue haired witch said as she welcome her childhood friend with a loving embrace. Warping her arms on the taller woman, the (H/C) haired female snuggles her face on Yamraiha's chest, feeling pearly warm tears escaping her optics.

"I miss you Yam-chan... " (F/N) mutters. Yamraiha close her blue eyes and smiled genuinely at the (E/C) eyed female while patting her hair. "I do too." The two females enjoyed each of one another's warmth when suddenly someone's claps interrupted their inner peace with one another causing them to break the hug and stared at the approaching culprit.

Emerging from the trees was none other than the purple haired King who appeared to be grinning while clapping at the two females. Alongside him was an average height white haired man and the other was a tall emotionless red head. Yamraiha's widen at the three new comers while (F/N)'s eyes glared daggers at the purple haired King.



I'm sorry for my long absence. Well, technically I'm always here at Wattpad but I was busy with some 'things'. It was immature and unreasonable of me to just leave my readers hanging, and I do apologize for that.

So let me get this straight; I don't plan on discontinuing this book and I don't plan on leaving this incomplete. Despite the long awaited Season 3 of Magi is still no where in sight, I will continue it no matter what.

The plot is already planned out, even the ending of this story. And there's going to be a Book 2 of this series once I finish it.

From now on, I will update at least one or two chapters a month to coup up from my unreasonable absence. I'm terribly sorry about it.

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