Chapter 4 I won't Tell you More without Camembert cheese

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    "Plagg, do you think Adrien likes Marinette?" Trixx asks.
        "Yes, maybe a little bit," Plagg answers.

      "Wow, she will be so happy, " Tikki replies.

   "Do our Paris friends who deny their crush on each other ever find it?"  A mysterious voice asks.

         "Yes, I think they do!" Tikki responds.

        "I wonder the same thing," Trixx tells him.

   "If you really want to know then..." Plagg says.

       "What is it?" Tikki asks.

    "Give me cheese!" Plagg demands.

   "Plagg, it is rude to demand Camembert all the time!" Tikki scoffs.

    "Fine, see if I care when the readers complain," Plagg remarks.

     "Complain?" Wayzz asks in surprise.

     "Complain about what, exactly?" Tikki asks.

  "What your eating habits?"  Trixx scoffs.

      Plagg rolls his eyes, "More like not knowing what happens with Adrienette."

      "You would not dare," Wayzz responds in sheer annoyance at once.

           "to withhold," Tikki continues

            " from us," Trixx adds.

    "Actually he would guys," Alya tells the others.

      "Yes, because we all know his weakness is stinky cheese," Luka retorts.

       "Well, what are you waiting for then?" Chole asks.

         "Good point," Kagami adds.

             "Let plagg, let plagg eat." Nino states.

             "Yes, can you not see how hungry the little guy is here?"  Kim asks.

                "You are telling me," Alix says.

                "I know right, he needs his nourishment,"  Natalie agrees.

                  "Where will we find Camembert?" Nathaniel asks.
                    "I know where some might be guys," Chloe responds.

                 "Where is it?" Luka asks.

             " Just tell us!" Kagami tells her.

               "Yeah, out with it already!" Nino blurts out.

               "Ok, okay, I will give you some cheese," Tikki says as she hands some to Plagg.

            "Thanks, Tikki!"  Plagg says in between bites.  He finishes the snack a few minutes later.

                  "Look, I will tell you, but in the next chapter," Plagg smirks.

                               Find out more in Chapter 5

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