Answers to the 100 Question Warriors Quiz

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Here is is! The answers to my 100 Question Warriors Quiz!
(Note: This will go through every question, so be prepared for many pages.)

1. Who is the main character in "Into the Wild"?

D. Rusty

2. Who are the main characters in The New Prophecy?

B. Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, Tawnypelt, Crowpaw, Feathertail, and Stormfur

3. Who are the main characters in The Power of Three?

C. Lionkit, Hollykit, and Jaykit

4. Who are the main characters in Omen of The Stars?

B. Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Dovewing, and Ivypool

5. Who were Bluestar's kits?

C. Stonefur, Mosskit, and Mistystar

6. Who is Firestar's mother?

C. Nutmeg

7. Choose the correctly named cats.

C. Ivytail, Eaglekit, and Thornclaw

8. Who was a deputy?

A. Whitestorm

9. Which cats are deceased?

C. Spottedleaf and Mousefur

10. What is the first rule of the Warrior Code?

B. Defend your Clan even with your life.

11. Which of the following is the correct progression of names of cats from the series?

A. Bluekit, Bluepaw, Bluefur, Bluestar

12. Who was the first Clan leader to be a kittypet? (either before or after coming to the Clans)
(I have to check this one)
B. Tallstar
C. Pinestar

13. What berries are poisonous to cats?

A. Yew berries and holly berries

14. Who was the first cat to die in "Bluestar's Prophecy"?

B. Moonflower

15. What Clan did Tigerclaw help in "Tigerclaw's Fury"?

D. ShadowClan

16. Which of the following is a CANON prefix?

C. Deer

17. What do the cats call "Twolegs"?

D. Humans

18. What is the human term for "moonhigh"?

B. Midnight

19. Which medicine cat was "lazy"?

F. Goosefeather

20. What is the correct order of Clan ranks in the Allegiances of the books?

B. Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Warriors, Apprentices, Queens, Elders

21. What is the first prophecy of The Prophecies Begin arc?

B. Fire alone can save our Clan.

22. Match the correct cat (fixed word) with his or her death.

C: Snowkit: killed by being taken by a hawk

23. In The Last Hope, what is the order of deaths? (I have to check this one)

C. Redwillow, Shredtail, Snowtuft, Hollyleaf, Mousefur, Spottedleaf, Ferncloud, Brokenstar, Hawkfrost, Tigerstar, Firestar

D. Redwillow, Shredtail, Snowtuft, Hollyleaf, Mousefur, Ferncloud, Spottedleaf, Brokenstar, Hawkfrost, Tigerstar, Firestar

24. Who was the first cat mentioned in the series?

D. Oakheart

25. What was the last prophecy of the Omen of The Stars?
(I might have to check this one)

C. Fire alone can save our Clan.

26. How many books are in each subseries?

C. 6

27. Who was not mentioned during the Great Battle between the Clans and the Dark Forest?
(I might have to check)
A. Thornclaw

28. What is the order of deaths before the Dark Forest Battle? (I have to check)

A. Antpelt, Beetlewhisker

B. Beetlewhisker, Antpelt

29. Who killed their own kit during the final battle in Omen of The Stars?

C. Yellowfang

30. Who didn't join TigerClan?

C. Longtail

31. Who was the fourth cat in Omen of The Stars?

D. Firestar

32. Who are Dovewing and Ivypool's parents?

A. Whitewing and Birchfall

33. Who was Sandstorm's mentor?
(I may have to check)
A. Whitestorm

34. Who was the oldest cat in ThunderClan? (I have to check)

A. Halftail

B. Patchpelt

C. Dappletail

D. Smallear

E. One-eye

35. Who was the oldest tom in ThunderClan? (Have to check)

A. Smallear

B. Halftail

C. Patchpelt

36. True or False: Ashfur was an elder.

A. True (ShadowClan Ashfur)

37. What was the first scene in Into the Wild?

B. Oakheart and Tigerclaw at Sunningrocks

38. Where did Tigerstar get his nose scratched?

A. By Sunningrocks from a RiverClan warrior

39. What is Firestar's kittypet name?

B. Rusty

40. What was the first thing Firestar did when he exited his Twoleg nest to go outside?

A. Make dirt under a bush (I kid you not)

41. What is the weather during Rusty's time on the fence with Smudge?
(I have to check)

A. Rainy

C. Cloudy

42. Who is Henry?

A. A kittypet who went into the woods and caught a robin

43. What does Rusty call Graypaw when he first meets him?

B. Graywhatsit

44. What color are Lionheart's eyes?
(I have to check)
A. Amber

B. Green

C. Blue

45. True or False: Bluestar said Rusty's name despite not knowing his name before.

A. True

46. What color are Whitestorm's eyes?
(I have to check)
A. Green

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Amber

47. What color is Longtail's pelt?

A. Pale tabby

48. Who noticed that something was wrong when talking to Graypaw?

A. Smallear

49. Did Sandstorm like Firepaw when they first met?

B. No

50. True or False: Firepaw admired Tigerclaw.

A. True

51. What animal was Ravenpaw called by Tigerclaw?

B. Duck

52. Did Firepaw make his first kill in hunting on his first try?

B. No

53. Which cat was the first cat who Firepaw met who was a non-ThunderClan cat?

A. Yellowfang

54. How did Halftail lose his tail?

A. A badger bit it off

55. What did Yellowfang do when she was found by Firepaw?

B. try to eat him

56. What color are Tigerclaw's eyes?

B. amber

57. Who assessed Firepaw?

C. Tigerclaw

58. What prey did Ravenpaw bring back from his assessment?

C. adder

59. When was ThunderClan attacked by ShadowClan in Into the Wild?

A. After the trip to the Moonstone

60. What are Tigerclaw, Firepaw, Bluestar, Ravenpaw, and Graypaw attacked by near the Moonstone?

B. Rats

61. What is the order of the ThunderClan deaths in Into the Wild?
(I have to check)
A. Rosetail, Lionheart

B. Lionheart, Rosetail

62. What color are Ravenpaw's eyes?
(I have to check)
A. green

B. blue

C. yellow

D. amber

63. What name did Firepaw give Darkstripe?

B. Dirtstripe

64. When did Spottedleaf die in Into the Wild?

A. After Frostfur's kits went missing

65. Who killed Spottedleaf?

B. Clawface

66. Who was Goosefeather's apprentice?

A. Featherwhisker

67. Who was a leader and retired to go to Twolegplace?

C. Pinestar

68. Who was Lionheart's littermate?

C. Goldenflower

69. Who is the only blind medicine cat?

B. Jayfeather

70. Who is Firestar's nephew?

B. Cloudtail

71. Who was Graystripe's first mate?

C. Silverstream

72. Who was Pinestar's mother?

A. Sweetbriar

73. How did Snowkit die?

C. he was taken by a hawk

74. What did Rusty see when he got off his fence?

B. a fox

75. What is Graystripe's favorite thing to do?

C. eat

76. What is a loner?

A. a cat that does not defend its territory, but hunts wherever it wants to

77. Who is Firestar's mate?

C. Sandstorm

78. What is One-eye's warrior name?

A. One-eye

B. White-eye

79. Who mentored Tigerstar?

B. Thistleclaw

80. Who mentored Thistleclaw?

C. Adderfang

81. Who was Tigerstar's father?

D. Pinestar

82. Who was Thistleclaw's sister?

A. Sweetpaw

83. Who was the only tom killed in the battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan?

A. Lionheart

84. Who was Bluestar's first mentor?

D. Stonepelt

85. What territory belongs to ThunderClan?

A. Great Sycamore

86. Who is the third kittypet mentioned?

C. Henry

87. True or False: Crookedstar is Oakheart's cousin.

B. False

88. What is the fifth Clan?

B. SkyClan

89. Who saved Graystripe from drowning?

C. Silverstream

90. Who was taken in by ThunderClan in Rising Storm?

A. Whitethroat and Littlecloud

91. What does "Midnight" refer to?

C. a badger

92. Who is the kittypet that Leafpaw met when she was in a cage in Dawn?

D. Cody

93. Which apprentice fell off a cliff?

A. Sootpaw (maybe; I need to recheck this)

94. How did Shrewpaw die?

A. he was hunting a pheasant and was hit by a monster

95. How many cats were at Firestar's leader ceremony?
(I need to look this one up again)

A. Ten

B. Nine

C. Eight

D. Six

96. True or False: Firestar kills Scourge.

A. True

97. True or False: Brambleclaw had an apprentice.

B. False

98. How did Yellowfang die?

A. saving an elder in a forest fire

99. Who was at Bramblestar's leader ceremony?

B. Firestar, Goldenflower, Bluestar, Mousefur, Lionheart, Ferncloud, Cinderpelt, Feathertail, and Ravenpaw

100. What do ShadowClan cats eat?

B. lizards and frogs

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