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     I had no other alternative, I had to do it, even if it was considered a violation of the law. I was at the police station, and no, they hadn't arrested me, although if they caught me maybe they would. I had infiltrated the hidden cabin of the cold and unsolved cases of the Wellington and Claudial police, you will wonder why, well, in a moment I'll confess to you.

     The stench of dust, humidity and loomyness were some of the factors that characterized the gloomy room I was in. It was a place of a considerable size of approximately twenty square meters and was full of long and huge shelves that went all along the room.

     I didn't know exactly where to start my search, I barely knew in what order the different boxes, that contained loose clues of the cases that the useless police unit had not turned out, were parked. It was all full of boxes everywhere, some on the huge shelves and others neglected and abandoned on the ground.

     I raised my left hand and took a look at the watch that adorned my wrist, it was already six and two minutes, there was no time to waste, it only remained a short time before they began to arrive, I had to hurry. Being in a period of panic, I set out to read the headlines of each box quickly to see if I could find those who had some relationship with what I was investigating, or some simple link with it. I turned on the hand spotlight that I had and quickly, ignoring the fact that the intensity of the light had damaged my sight since I stupidly turned it on in the direction of my face, I began to illuminate the boxes while in turn I read their headlines.

     Ten minutes passed and because of the damn fuck I wasn't finding what I was looking for, the anxiety was eating me up since I was already delaying, I checked the time once again, it was six fifteen in the morning. Before I could look up again and continue from where I stopped, the door of the place was suddenly opened by the damn devil. My heart gave a sharp heartbeat, and I began to get nervous, so much that I pulled a small box from the shelf and it fell out making an undisguised noise.

     "Is there anyone there? "asked a being with a voice that was so monotonous and dimsing that I couldn't even manage to distinguish whether he was a man or the opposite.

     "Fuck, why are you so unlucky?" I mentally repressed myself. I immediately hid behind the adjoining shelf and at the same time tried to turn off the flashlight that for the damn fuck didn't wanted to stop emitting its luminescence. I covered it with my hand so that I could stop the blissfily light that emitted like rays of the sun at noon and kept as much silent as possible. I wasn't ready to serve a sentence, or die in prison, there were more important things to do in my unbearable, but at that moment, graceful home.

     The voice asked again, "Is there anyone there?". By then, I noticed that it was a man, he had such a guttural voice that generated a turbulent echo that rumbled all over the place giving a feeling of disturbance and shudders. My nerves increased just by hearing a vowel of his speech, it seemed that he was in front of me. By the voice, that man sounded like an animal, a predator about to hunt me, his prey.

     My heart was beating vigorously to the extreme where it seemed like it was going to detonate in me, my feet were shaking, likewise my hands and I could feel the severe heartbeats even in my temple.

       That man still kept asking the question unfoundedly while he was tenaciously approaching where I was. I had already reached the end of the shelf and I was already on my back touching the rough wall, there was no escape, I thought of jumping the shelf, but I discarded the idea, since he could see me if I did.

     I kept looking through the depths of my mind, searching in a sea of knowledge and although one or another idea went to my head, nothing was intended to work, unless I lived in a world of fantasy or science fiction.

     His steps became more constant, every step he gave became more audible, and his voice was heard deeper and closer, that question was heard more and more clearly. Question which I wasn't willing to respond.

      I was scared to death, so, I vainly bent down and shrink at the vertex between the shelf and the wall, trying to camouflage myself uselessly among the many boxes that were everywhere, and bingo, some eternal seconds passed and nothing was heard anymore so I got up and turned around.

     The face of a confused and furious man was the one that greeted me.

     "What are you doing here?" the man asked me in a hoarse voice, he wasn't so short and he looked something old. I couldn't remember very well at that time who he was. The nerves clouded my mind a little, making every information I had studied about the staff disappear.

     "Emmm... well, I'm a forensic and I came because I'm looking for the case of Allegra Reynors, murdered by the Secret Society in Claudial. There are certain fingerprints that I must compare since there is additional information which must be corroborated" I said with an imposed and serene voice showing a false cover letter which the man lit with the spotlight he had in his hand while he examined it carefully. Even I believed I was a forensic for some time.

     "I'm sorry forensic, I'm sorry to interfere in your work... By the way, the cases of murder by the sect are kept in the safe." I was left as confused as possible, I had not heard anything about that safe. I didn't show my bewilderment but rather began to walk covertly and pretendingly towards the exit door while that man was still reviewing my falsified cover letter.

     "What do you expect to do here at this time?—The forensics arrive at eight in the morning," he said. I completely ignored it and began to increase my steps per second.

     "You aren't forensic, right?" he added.

      I quickly started running.

     "Come back here!! Don't escape!!" He shouted convincingly, as if I had intentions to return. " To all units, there is an intruder in the police station, I repeat, there is an intruder in the police station."

     I ran until I arrived at the staff lobby, which was very close to that cabin, I took off my hat, my fake whiskers, and the suit I was wearing and put it in my backpack, I was left with a dark blue Japanese collar sweater and black shorts. I took my computer which was interrupting the signal from the cameras, turned off the interference and also kept it in my backpack. Later, I checked that there was no one and that I had distracted the agent and once I revalidated that yes, I carried my backpack, jumped into the corridors and began to walk subtly as if nothing had happened, contemplating how all the police officers ran before the call of the policeman I had run into, crossing to the left and right, going to see what had happened in the place, without knowing that the accused was escaping.

     I didn't blink or do anything that could attract attention, I kept my composure and kept the constancy in my steps until the exit.

    Right outside, the raindrops collided firmly on my body and the icy wind that hit the place made me feel very cold which made me instinctively carry my umbrella and put myself in the sidewalks to wait for a car.

     In the blink of an eye I took a taxi which left me in front of the house where I lived. I sneaked through the impudic and fetid sewers and then through the narrow ventilation channel and finally I arrived at my room, I placed the screwing grille again and kept the screwdriver in a drawer.

     I was, by then, in my spacious, cozy but tedious room, after another failure.

     My room was huge. Well, not as big as if it were a president's room, but it was. It was approximately thirty square meters, I guess, and was characterized by an industrial and minimalist style, with neutral tones and textures such as wood, metal and fabric.

     You could say that I lived well but that was one of the few good things I could enjoy living in that place.

     Although my room was big, it wasn't crowded with furniture everywhere, it only had what was useful. The necessary thing: I had the bed as the central focus of the room; in front of it a mini living room with two sofas and a small table; on the right I had my desk parked under a large window that let in more light when it was sunny, plus a door that led to my private balcony; and on the left were the doors that led to the lobby and the bathroom, and in turn, the access door to my room.

     I sat on the couch and yelled, "Another failed attempt!!" I held a vase that decorated the table and beat it against the wall with all my furria, making me begin to bleed.

     I had been trying to enter that place for a long time to find information about the murder of Allegra, but gosh, I was always missing something. That time I thought that everything would be fine, I already had everything under control, I knew that you had to enter at half past five to leave at six and fifteen since that is the moment when most of the police personnel arrived at the place. The sudden schedule change  wasn't in my plans, who would say that the man would get into that cabin?

     "Damn," I said looking at the blood dripping.

     I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at the huge mirror that was above the sink, I caught a glimpse of my face. It was so cloying that it gave off an aura of tiredness, exhaustion and anger, all this for spending the night making that damn plan.

     "That useless plan," I sighed. I had bags under my eye and my brown hair was frizzy and disheveled, it was lackluster.

     I turned on the faucet to remove the blood that was caused by the blessed vase, or my anger, and when I raised the sleeves of the sweater for that purpose, I saw that scar, the scar I had on my left forearm, it was horrible, it was about five centimeters long and two centimeters wide and every time I looked at it it reminded me of that night, that horrible, dreadful and frightening night, and that was overwhelming.

     Every time I remembered that horrible event, my skin got cold, my hair stood on end and my mind tormented me, and that day was not the exception. Since I lost her, my life had become completely cloudy and I couldn't see beyond the twish.

     As the name said, "Allegra" she was the only one who made me happy and made me rejoice every day even when there was no reason for it. But since she left, since that damn sect took her life, mine turned completely over and every time those images returned to my consciousness in the form of sucking shit dreams, it made me suffer excessively like the day I lived them. I couldn't believe she had been killed that way.

     Unconsciously my hand collided with the jet of water emitted by that tap, thus calling my attention and bringing me back to the mainland, so I finally washed my hands. Later, I took off my clothes and got into the shower, because despite being such a cold day, I was very sweaty just thinking about her.

     The hot jets slowly began to impact my body in a uniform way and slowly the water began to go down all over my body, it felt really good, it was an endearing feeling. I took the shower sponge and put some gel, and then I soaped myself and cleared myself up. At the end, I wrapped myself in my bathrobe and got dressed in my room, I put on a black shirt without design and on it a sweater with a hood of the same black tone, plus a long gray tracksuit pant.

     I quickly went to the kitchen at home and fortunately I didn't run into anyone on the way, and by no one I mean Lander Darwell, one of my two brothers. Although we didn't get along so badly, his presence was unbearable, he was like a pin that the only stings you all the time or like a lump in the ass so to speak. Lander was the most active of the three, he had black hair and brown eyes like Dante, my other brother and Thomas, my father. He was the same height as me and Dante, one seventy-five meters, and he had the same skin color as my father and Dante, he was brown-skinned.

     I quickly made a hot coffee and went to my room. I lay on my bed wrapped in the lucid white sheets listening to music while at the same time taking a few sips of my coffee and thinking about what my next step would be, what I would do to be able to access that classified information, and that's when I thought that not everything had gone so badly, since I didn't know about the secret chamber, the safe. But, I certainly didn't thought of any possible entry plan to the place, I didn't even knew where it was located, I had to find out.

     I fell face down on my bed and stayed there for a moment. And out of nowhere came my thoughts about her, the only one who consoled when everything was wrong, I had lost her. I didn't believe it yet, and I didn't want to think about it either, I always ended up the same way, I always ended up reliving what happened that night, and it was something I didn't like.

     It's very difficult to explain. The pain that one feels after having lost a loved one. It's the worst thing that can happen to you, and even more when it comes to the only person you loved, and the only one who valued you.

     Before I realized I fell into those shit live dreams.


     I still felt the penetrating and sharp pain in my forearm and my left leg, caused after the impact of the bullets. I was tied to a chair, with a rope that slightly grabbed my legs and hands to the edges of it and although I tried to move, I did not achieve anything positive, just causing me even more damage in the incisions that my body already had.

     I was exhausted, my eyes were blindfolded and although I could think clearly, it was still difficult for me to remember exactly what had happened minutes before. I felt disabled, I wanted to cough due to the extensive emission of smoke in the place, which I managed to perceive through the nose, but this was impossible since a damn piece of fabric covered my mouth.

     I felt like I was drowning and my breathing became more and more complicated and difficult. For a moment, I channeled death as my end, but then I felt how they redeemed me from being gagged and how they took my blindfold from behind, making me cough in a propase and dizzying way.

     I was in a strange room, very small, it looked like nine square meters or so. I couldn't appreciate it precisely since it lacked good lighting. There was only one bonfire in the center of the room as a light source.

     There she was, exactly in front of me. She was attached to a bed that was slightly inclined towards me so that I could see her. It was horrible to see her in that state, she was asleep and with a tape in her mouth.

     "Tabby" I said, in a broken voice while coughing  slightly, but she remained still.
     "A-allegra... T-tabby... ain't you getting me?"  I yelled some minutes later. Still, she made no movement.
     "Who's here?" I shouted in the hope that someone would respond. But no one answered.
     "Let her go!! " The place still remained silent.

     I didn't give up and I kept screaming until after a few minutes two men arrived. Excessively tall and corpulent, they were dressed all in black and covered their faces with balaclavas so that apparently they were not identifiable. From what I saw, they both had red layers of silk where a strange symbol appeared...

     "What are you going to do to her? Don't touch her"


"Nooooo!!" I shouted, finally getting up.

Author's Note

Hi guys. Hope y'all have a nice day. I appreciate ur reading till this extent. How did it feel? Please do not hesitate to leave your comments and vote if you loved the chapter. Thanks. Peace out.🤙🏿

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