Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Rosie Evans, yeah you probably recognise my last name. Yes, I am related to Lily Evans, all-around-good-girl, or James Potter's Lilyflower. I sometimes help James, just for the fun of it you known. Anyways me and Lils are in our 5th year (we're twins or well triplets I guess, because of Petunia oh my gosh I'm getting off track inside the brakes. Yup I get distracted a lot, a lot). Anyways, I was walking to Transfiguration and I was late because I had very important things to do, alright you caught me I slept in don't judge unless your like the your I don't know, sleeping in police. Sigh distracted yet again oh well. As I was saying I was on my way to Transfiguration knowing that I was going to meet a very, very, very x100000000 angry McGonagall, but then I get stopped by my friends, The Maranders (well I'm basically friends with everyone but whatever).

"What would you like Maranders?"
"Can't talk to you without wanting something?" Asked Sirius Black the popular, (apparently) hot player.
"Well yes but how likely is that?"
"True. Anyways back to me and my Lilyflower. Could read this in front of everyone?" Asked you guessed it James Potter leader of the Maranders, number 1 Snape hater, Lily Evans lover, pranking king (along with the rest of coarse) giving me a piece of paper. I guess I should probably introduce the two others as well. There's Remus Lupin the smart, book lover, chocolate lover, all-around-nice-guy. Oh and I almost forgot, Peter Pettigrew the biggest odd-ball the school has to offer and a bit of a coward if I'm honest.

"Hello, Lils. Bye bye Lils."
"Where you going it's dinner?"
"Just talking to Dumbleydore." My sister rolls her eyes at my nickname. "Don't you roll your eyes at me Lilian Evans!" So I go up to Dumbledore and ask if I can borrow where he stands to make speeches, he says yes because I'm that amazing and annoying. And surprisingly I've got black mail on him. In fact on the whole school, I even black mailed the librarian to let me make secret chamber in the library, and no it's not like the Chamber Of Secrets. Don't ask how I got into it. Anyways, I go up. "Hello everybody. Oi listen up." Now that gets their attention. "Thanks. Anywho, James Potter my future brother in law asked me to read this so. 'Dear Lilyflower, My sweet angel I love you so much and I know that one day you will be my wife and have my children. Your amazing, sweet, fun and fierce. You have a real fiery temper. Just what want for a wife, plus your name is Lily Evans. The best name in the world. So will you my one and only and Rosie Posie,' I told you not call me that! 'Press the button'" I press the button and Severus Snape had goo all over him. "I'm sorry I didn't know that would happen 'Ha, ha,ha. Can't wait to see your face Snevilluis. But Snevilluis before you go blaming sweet innocent Rosie Posie, I would like you to know she knew nothing about it. Anyway where was I? Ah yes love you Lilyflower! Love, your future husband, James Potter.' Have a nice life bye bye."

At the moment I am in Charms, and I am so, so, so, so bored! We're changing seats today! Yeah new friends! I was sat next this random girl named Molly Prewett.
"Hey are you that girl who read out the letter by James Potter?"
"Yup. No biggie."
"No biggie? But how did you persuade Dumbledore to let you."
"Black mail. See I have black mail on everyone in the school."
"What even me?"
"Why of course." Now that's how you start a beautiful friendship. Anywho it was after class and I had the biggest bestest idea in the world. I call it 'Operation Molly Weasley'.
Yeah I totally believe that Molly will be married to Arthur Weasley. Oh in fact they'll probably have a ton of kids! "Molly! You are about to meet the love of your life!"
"I'm not so sure it's a good idea..."
"Nonsense." People started blocking our path. "Oi move it!" I yelled. Then the cheek of it Sirius Black refused. "Oh my gods you inconsiderate people this girl is about to meet the love of her life. So if you don't move then I'll set Lily, my sister on you Sirius Black."
His face paled, "Y-You wouldn't. Surely not."
"Watch me. Lil-" He interrupted me, "Fine." So I dragged Molly to the Great Hall. "Arthur Weasley, meet the love of your life, Molly Prewett. Molly Prewett, meet the love of your life, Arthur Weasley!" I yelled. "Miss Evans quiet down at once." Said McGonagall or rather shouted. "Yeah Lily shut up!" I yelled to get on her nerves because why not? "I meant you Rose."
"Alright I will." I whispered. McGonagall just sighed. See told you I was annoying.

It's about a week later, and 'Operation Molly Weasley' is on the way. Step 1, meeting each other complete. Now for Step 2 get them on a date with each other. "Hey Molly. Hey, Arthur. Hey you know about Hogsmead right?" They both nodded. "Great. Well let's go together, the three of us."
"Sure." They said at the same time and blushed.

All right so it's time for Hogsmead, and I persuaded Lily to make me look ill. "I'm so sorry I can't with you and Arthur but carry on as planned anyway."
"Okay if your sure."
"Of course I am. Bring me back sweets." I also got James to give me his invisiblity cloak. So I secretly follow Molly and Arthur. About half way through when they leave Honeydukes I get bored so I buy some sweets and go back to the castle.

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