Chapter 3: the monster of mewni

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With a traitor in the castle, I couldn't trust anyone...I was still convinced that toffee wasn't the rat

In St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses.

It shows a grand Victorian-style castle, with a large stone building with pointed roofs surrounded by several stone towers. The school is surrounded on all sides by tall, indestructible walls made of haveltroth stone and lined with barbed wire. It is also maintained by Gemini and guarded by robot sentries.

And on the outside of the castle, as robot sentries were patrolling the castle keeping a look out for any princess trying to escape.

But...on the outer castle wall, as a robot sentries passes by, a creature in camouflage mode was crawling on the wall.

And as it climbs inside a widows it presses a button on its wrist and by turning off camouflage mode, it revealed to be Maximus.

He ran inside the castle, sneaking in without being spotted and thanks to his special stealth training, he is able to get in grab some files get out without being detected.

He hid behind a plant when two robot sentries were coming, he get gets inside the office, he opens the cabinets, he goes through the files and he found something marked new arrivals and when he read the file, he found something shocking.

Then on his right wrist com, toffee came in.

"Maximus...stop what you're doing, you're needed back at mewni, I need you...we got a problem"

Then at butterfly castle, the queen was having a meeting with the Magic High Commission who were going over something terrorizing the citizens of mewni.

A farmer was shaking scared, "go on tell the queen what happened" Mina demanded.

"I-I-I was ou-ou-out picking some corn when something attacked the crop" the farmer shows the basket has been slashed.

The queen and king were horrific by it, "it's nothing I ever seen" the queen says.

"Me too, a new monster perhaps" the king added.

Then mina gets an idea, "I know what might've caused this"

Then upstairs moon heard everything, while back in the monster camp, toffee was in his office when Mina came bursting through and standing on his desk.

"Alright monster, we know it was you causing the attacks" Mina threatened him as queen comet tries to stop her.

Toffee looks at her deadpan then he gets up, "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about"

"Something is terrorizing the city and I think you might have something to do with it"

But toffee chuckles softly, "now why would I do that when we are in agreement, besides whatever is attacking your people is attacking the monsters too"

He walks them to a medical tent where a Septarian solider had his arm treated it was slashed with three claw marks more gruesome then the basket.

"Oh dear"

"See my queen something is threatening both our people, sources say it came from the dark forest"

Everyone muttered about the dark forest, it was the most dangerous part of mewni, no one goes in...or ever comes out alive.

"I'll go see what is the cause of this" toffee volunteered himself to go in the dark forest.

Unfortunately mina agreed, "good let's sacrifice the monsters, since that's what their after"

"Mina no!" Queen comet scold her.

"But sir, the dark forest is dangerous" buff frog warns him.

"If I don't go, we could all be in danger"

"Then we will go with you" buff frog says as Rasticore stands next to him.

"Well my best wishes to good luck to you toffee"

And as toffee and his men gets ready to pack for their mission, moon peeked form behind seeing how toffee was going to risk himself for both united beings brought hope to her.

Then deep in the woods, toffee Rasticore buff frog and Maximus were staring at dark frost which is dark trees surrounded by a think layer of fog, they were loaded up for the expedition.

Dark, gnarled and creepy woods was toffee's first thought as they move through.

"Sir you think the monster might've gone through here" buff frog asked.

"I don't think....I know"

"Well we can only hope that-"

They heard a snapping branch, haunting his men.

Toffee turns to look back moves through Underbrush, keeping low profile, then he hears a horse snorting, toffee forges on, pushes through branches, fearful...

He comes up behind a Figure In a Gray Cloak on unicorn, his tail reaches to his back grabbing his sickle, he raises his weapon.

"You there, stop where you are, state who you are before I-"

The Figure stops, pushes off the cloak hood. It revealed to be princess moon.

She for a white dress with gloves, toffee lowered his weapon down, he was shocked that he nearly hurt princess moon.

"Moon? What are you doing here...I could have killed you"

But before she could answer, she flinched when she saw Maximus, toffee turns to see she was looking at Maximus.

"I see you met Maximus, don't worry he won't harm you...but what are you doing here, it's too dangerous for you to be here"

"no one else would go with you and I was a bit worry, I wanted to be sure if you were ok"

Toffee smiles a little, "well i feel much safer now that you're here" toffee takes her hand.

"It is your magic"

And just like that, that one thought made moon smiled warmly, as she holds his hand.

Just then....

"Uh...Pardon my intrusion general"

Toffee and moon look to see buff frog has backtracked.

"but I think you'd better come and look at this"

Toffee guilds moon's horse as they follow buff frog.

And what they saw shocked them, they see a tree cover in a strange white sticky substance web and it had the same claw marks from the basket and monster but it was much larger.

Toffee goes to examine the tree, "it's not anything I ever before, whatever we're dealing's not any kind of monster we dealt with"

Then Maximus grabbed moon by her waist and helps her down.

"And it's nothing I ever seen either" moon asked.

Toffee gets up and smiles, "I'm humbled by your bravery princess, but wouldn't your parents worry about your disappearance" toffee asked.

"It's ok, i got someone on that"

Back in butterfly castle, queen comet was checking up on moon, she opened her door a little to see she was sleeping.

She smiled but when she left, underneath the covers was unicorn cat with a blue wig sleeping in her bed.

Then going back to the woods, "and we should be ok with the princess magic like yesterday" Rasticore says as he reminded moon.

"Oh I Don't know if my magic will help" moon says.

"well we should probably split up...lazuli" toffee says.

Jumping out of the trees was a septarian blue jay hybrid with a bow and arrows, he wore a emerald green archer suit.

"Yes general" the blue jay says.

"I need you to scout the area She what you can find"

"Yes general" lazuli flew in the air.

"Rasticore, buff frog get a look out and come report to be back"

Buff frog and Rasticore bowed a knee down, "yes sure" buff frog says.

"Now Maximus I need you to keep a close eye on the princess while I'll go search for the monster"

As he walks on his own in the woods, moon was bewildered.

"What? But toffee-" she catches up but he turns and cups her cheeks.

"Don't worry I'll be back I'm not going to abandon you and besides I gave your mother my word that I won't let anything bad happen to you"

After he left, moon turns to see Maximus staring at her, she felt a bit terrified.

But hiding behind the trees was the creature, it was watching moon then it flew off leaving a mark on some trees.

Buff frog and Rasticore were wandering around.

"Say do you think we might run into the monster" Rasticore asked.

"I don't know, but we better be prepared"

"I wonder what the monster of mewni is?"

"From what I heard many years ago a mewman wanted to eliminated the monsters so they used witch craft to transform them into a flying monster but it went on a rampage and attack the mewimans so the late queen before comet had vanished the monster to the dark forest never to be seen again, so be prepared we don't know what we're dealing with"

Then something flew passed Rasticore scaring him.

"Ah...did you feel that?" Rasticore asked.

"Feel what?"

Then the same thing happened to buff frog, "that?" Rasticore says.

They were being surrounded by the sound of swooshing sounds.

Then up in the sky, lazuli was flying using his bird eyes to look close through the fog and trees.

When he sees an unfamiliar figure stalking, he dives down, pulls his arrow ready to attack whatever was out there.

He walks stealthy then he sees glowing red eyes staring at him in the dark trees, he gets a closer look but he get attacked.


Then with moon she heard something, "did you hear that?" She asked Maximus.

He aims his wrist put to the trees, and when moon hid behind him.

She heard chittering sounds, "huh?"

Turning around, she sees two bushes shaking, carefully as she was away for Maximus, she pushes the tow buses and saw a moth creature with cute black eyes.

"Aw" she cooed at the moth creature as it purred, "where did you come from little one"

But when she tries pet it, it snarled stop her, its mouth foamed with razor sharp teeth.

"AH!!" Moon screamed and feel back.

Toffee Rasticore and buff frog heard moon's scream and ran.

As the moth creature jumped out, it had shown it had white fur, it was moon's size with sharper claws and its eyes stay the same.

Moon whimpered when the monster got close slashing her, Maximus slammed it away with his arm, it hit against a tree.

He scampered when Maximus shoot at him but then the moth creature flies in the air and shoots sticky webs out of this claws and it trapped Maximus to a tree.

Moon screams when she tries to get away from the monster but as it dived after her.

But buff frog pulls it down with his tongue then...

Toffee saw the moth freak when buff frog and Rasticore charged at it, it slammed them into a tree.

They saw general, "general we found the monster, it's a moth man" biff frog says as he tries to block it web shooting.

"Where is lazuli?" Toffee asked.

"Right here sir"

Toffee looks up to see he was tied up in a web in a tree.

Then the moth took Rasticore and buff frog, tied them in the tree with lazuli.

Then when no one was left to protect moon, the moth man flew down and caught moon.


Toffee glares when he sees the moth uses it four arms to grab moon's wrist and arms, it opens its mouth up to eat her.

"Ah!!" Moon whimpered.

Then toffee jumps on the tree then he lunged himself on moth man.

Moth man let's go of moon, "AH!" And as she fell screaming.

Maximus released himself out of the web and he caught moon on top.

Moon was relived but she was horrid to see toffee battling the monster on his own.

The moth bit his arm off, "TOFFEE!"

Her fear took off and when both monster crashed down, with the wand in her hand, she blasted a spell at the monster.

The moth turned to see a blue light glowing, "magic wand hear my power gift me your magical powers. Imbue me with calmness and healing power. Lavender bring me the peace I desire, let me slumber in softness till morning light"

And she blasted a lavender purple ray at the moth and it puts it to sleep.

The monster were surprised by what moon had did, it was no magic anyone has ever seen.

The moon ran to toffee, "toffee are you ok"

"I'm alright princess that was some magic" he smiled at her.

"Oh toffee your arm" She saw his arm was tore off.

"It's ok moon that's the best thing about us...we're invincible" then his arm regenerated.

It surprised moon, "oh"

"Yeah we can generate watch"

Rasticore holds out his left arm, and lazuli
opens his jaws around it.

And he bites off Rasticore's arm off, it disgusted moon.

"Ugh!" Then Rasticore grows a new left arm.

Then toffee wraps his arm around moon, glaring at his men.

"Rasticore please, not in front of the princess, she's very delicate...come on moon, let's get you home before you're parents worry again and we should tell your mother about the monster"

As toffee escorts her back home, she looks back at the moth man to see Rasticore carrying the moth.

"So...what's gonna happen to the moth" she asked.

"I'll be taking it back to camp, locking it up so it wouldn't hurt anyone again and don't worry moon, I promise we'll take good care of it...when it wakes up, or if it wakes up...say how did you do that...that sleep spell"

"Well I got scared when it tried to hurt you, not that I care but we had a peace agreement and I plan to keep that promise"

Toffee smiles warmly, "well it seem some magic are good"

"Not all magic is bad toffee, some of it is very beautiful"

"Yeah but there are other magics that you have on me that I like"

"Like what?"

"You're bewitched magic you gave on me"

She blushes a bit then buff frog looks on the ground and he saw something that stunned him.

"Uh might wanna see this"

Toffee looks back and he pushes moon to Maximus.

And as he takes her moon, toffee walks up to buff frog and in his hand he saw something he never thought he would see in many years when Rasticore saw it, his eyes open wide.

"Is that?"

And in buff frog hands was glistening jelly beans.

"saccharine, the most dangerous virus to a monster"

"A drug to monsters that can turn them primal...I wondered if that's what created moth man or moth girl to be exact"

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