Chapter 7: mewberty

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I remember when I went thing first mewberty...and it wasn't was something I could never forget

It was raining hard in mewni, Thunder struck butterfly castle.

Moon was inside, she was sad because her parents had to go on a business trip.

She watched the rain fall, she sighs sadly when Mina came in holding something.

"Hi your majesty are you ok" she asked.

"Not really, do mother and father really need to go"

"Don't worry we'll be back before you know it"

"Then why do you have to go to"

"I know you hate staying with the monsters"

"Uh actually-"

"But don't worry we'll be back as soon as possible and if those monsters dare hurt you I'll ripe them up, it'll be like we never left ok"

"I don't know"

"I know what will cheer you up" Mina takes out a bag of glittering jellybeans.

Moon looks at the beans curious, "thanks mina, I'm good"

"Well see you tomorrow" Mina leaves shutting her door....with a mischievous grin on her face.

Then downstairs, toffee and his men were standing in the castle, soaking wet from the rain as they face the king  BBC and queen who were getting ready to leave.

"Ok general toffee, we're only going to be gone for the day, keep an eye on moon ok"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea comet"

"It'll be fine Lazlo, we are and agreement"

"Fine but touch Anything and you'll regret it" the king threatened toffee as they head outside to the royal carriage.

"So let me get this straight, you have to go on this out of town meeting and you're just going to leave your daughter here by her lonesome" toffee asked.

"I'm sorry to call you on of all days it has to rain but we need someone to look after moon"

"That is if they can be trusted" the king says as he gets inside the carriage.

The queen followed in, "we will be back"

And on the other side of the carriage, Mina meets the king.

"Is it done" the king asked.

"Yes king, she has the candy"

"Good...then good luck to them"

After the king and queen left, the monsters explores the castle, some crawled on the wall.

And toffee approach the throne and he sits on it, taking in the moment.

"I think I will get use to this"

Half of the butterfly guards were left behind ordered by king Lazlo marmalade to keep an close eye on the monsters.

Then Rasticore, buff frog and Maximus approach him.

"What now general" buff frog asked.

"Rasticore, why don't you go check up on moon to see how she's doing" toffee order Rasticore.

He ran upstairs but in moon's room, she ate some of the jellybeans.

Rasticore came in and she turned around, "evening princess" Rasticore bows down and she walks up to him.

"I just came to see how you are doing"

But then he noticed the diamond on her forehead.

"Oh...i didn't know you had another diamond" he asked.

"Huh?" She was puzzled when she looks at herself on the mirror.

"AH" she panicked, "I think I'm going through... mewberty"

Numerous purple diamonds appear on her face, she covers her face.

"mewberty? Huh" Rasticore chuckles, mist be a phase thing, don't worry it's normal, we septarians have this thing where we shredded our skins"

"I got to go" she ran in the bathroom as Hearts appear in her eyes.


"booooy..." she said as her stomach started to turn.

"AH" she fell on the floor as her stomach was hurting.

It might've been the jellybeans she had...something bad was going to happen.

Rasticore was feeling a bit weirded out so he headed back downstairs.

But as he walked down the dark hallway, he heard something fluttering and rushing past him.

"Huh?" He turns around to finds nothing, so he shrugs his shoulders and go back downstairs.

He walks up to toffee who was off the throne and next to him was Maximus.

He turn when he saw Rasticore walking up to him.

" everything alright"

"I think something might be off with the princess, she is acting a bit weird" Rasticore sounded a bit worried.

"Come now Rasticore, we shouldn't judge them no more then they should judge us, I'm sure she must feel a bit uneasy with the rain like the rest of us"

"I don't know general, I have a bad feeling inside my gut, like something is off...nothing good ever happens with the butterflies...nothing good"

"Rasticore you are being paranoia, nothing bad is going to happen...what's the worst that can happen"

Just then they heard a scream, they ran to see
Up on the ceiling.

And they see one of the butterfly guards trapped in a purple web, his screams were muffled by the web.

Toffee looks at his men then minutes later, his men went into battle station.

"Lock all the doors and bare the windows, Maximus get the princess and remember we need to prepare what we are going to be dealing with" toffee ordered his army.

Then buff frog walks up to him, general...what do you think that did that" he points out to the web trap, "is?"

"I isn't know but we need to protect the princess"

Moon came down with toffee, diamonds were off her face, she looked terrified.

"Moon!" Toffee rushes to her then the lights went off.

Everyone begin to panicked as they are their weapons everywhere...a waiting for an attack.

"Come on moon, we need to get you out of here, it's not safe" toffee held on to moon.

But when he grabbed her waist, she started to panicked and more diamonds appeared on her face.

"Don't worry moon, hold on...I'll think of something, just stay calm"

"" she started to baffled about nonsense.

"Yes moon...big trouble"

He takes her to her room, he barricades her door, she watches him as her boy crazy hungry was getting stronger.

"There, we should be safe" toffee says as he turns to moon, a bit concerned about her.

Then One of his men...well women were outside the castle climbing on the wall when she saw them through the window.

"Are you ok...are you doing okay moon, how are you"

He was surprised when he sees her sitting on her dresser, she looks at him with a seductive smile.

" there something you need...what's wrong moon" he leans his head to her.

Then out of nowhere....

She kissed him, he was shocked but the septarian female gator opened her mouth in shocked.

The general was kissing the enemy...well ex enemy.

It was there I made another biggest mistake of my life...I kissed the general...

He pulls away, "moon what are you-"

But then she kissed him again and he was taken in by the kiss as they continued to make out.

But little did he know, the diamonds feel off her face into a pile.

Then they let go and toffee smiled very cocky.

"Oh so have i won you already-WHA"

But he panicked....

When he saw moon was in a cocoon of diamonds with only her face exposed. Her skin is completely purple.

"Moon...what's going on with you?"

Marco grabs Star's arm. Star suddenly shoots purple web from her hand, which sticks to a locker door.

His hand is now purple. Star tries to unstick herself from the locker. The locker door swings open, and Star falls over and slides halfway into the locker.

Blacking out, toffee and his men were staring at a giant heart-shaped cocoon that formed moon in.

Maximus goes up and touches the cocoon. Toffee looked worried.

"I Don't know what is going on, I saw her...turn into this"

" something odd is going on and with whatever we're dealing with is still in the castle" buff frog says.

Maximus pulled his hand off, the A hand suddenly appears on the inside on the cocoon.

"Well we need to be prepared about what we're are going to deal with"

Then Five more hands appear And moon's silhouette appears inside the cocoon with six arms.

"General we need to talk" buff frog pulls toffee away as his men get ready.

"Agent tashia says she saw you bad the princess...mating"

Toffee opens his eyes wide in shock but completely ignores it.

"We'll talk about it later"

"No we will talk about this now"

Then the cocoon starts to crack. It bursts open, and the septarian soldiers saw and backed away in terror.

"What you are doing is called the forbidden love, you are talking about kissing the princess what will the king and queen say"

"Look buff frog will you just-"

"Uh might wanna see this" Rasticore calls him.

They all turned and were horrified to see moon has changed.

periwinkle skin, and her hair becomes a slightly darker shade of light blue. She gains two additional sets of arms, longer diamond-tipped eyelashes, large blue butterfly wings with diamond-tipped "feelers" on the bottom, and diamond-tipped antennae on her head.

"M-moon" toffee was indeed terrified but when he reaches out it touch her.

"Boy..."she says.

She stretches her insect-like wings. hovers in the air, and snatches one of the septarian soldiers.

"AH" they were all horrified, they ran downstairs to see the downstairs castle was filled with purple vines...and several of royal guards and septarian soldiers trapped in purple web screaming for help.

"What is going on here" toffee says as he sees moon trapping another septarian in her web.

"I think I can answer that" they heard a mysterious voice.

"Who said that?" Toffee asked as he turns around to see Glossaryck levitating behind him.

"Whoa who are you" toffee asked as he was surprised by him.

"I am Glossaryck"

Toffee turns to moon, he wanted to help her with whatever she's going through.

"Tell me what is wrong with moon"

"She's just going through mewberty"

"Mewberty? What's mewberty?" Toffee asked.

"I need pudding...Ahhhh..." he opens his mouth and toffee gets annoyed

So he got one of his septarian bringing him a pudding cup and feeding him.

"Mewberty is a is a phase that Mewman teenage girls go through and since lover boy here kissed her" he pointed at toffee, "she's going to go boy crazy"

Everyone stared at toffee and he blushes a bit then he changes the subject.

"How do I make it stop?" Toffee asked.

"Well, you can't stop it"


"It'll all be over soon, moony should be back to normal by, uh noon or she won't"

"Or She won't what?"

" Be back to normal"

"What kind of sick twisted magic is this....she's just a kid"

"Look, toffee, nature is like a runaway dump truck – hot, fast, and full of garbage"


"Nature cannot be stopped. That is all"

Toffee then turns to moon, he saw how she was trapping more and more of his men...he knew he needed to help her.

"But I Can stop It" he says as he ran to her.

She stick a alligator hybrid in a purple web, then toffee reaches out to her

"Moon snap out of it...this isn't you"

But she ignores him and sprays the alligator with more web.

" Aah! General help me!" He screamed.

"Moon! I said, stop!" He grabs her arm

But then she turns to him, "Now she's mad" the alligator  whimpers.

Then moon grabs toffee and slams him into the wall.


He gets up, his head still ringing ur then he saw moon grabs Rasticore.


And as Rasticore screams, Maximus rains his laser wrist at her.

He was about to shot her when toffee wasn't alerted and stops him by pulling her arm away.

"NO! We can't harm the princess" toffee says.

Then buff frog turns to him with welding a sword.

"General what are we going to do"

Toffee turns to moon, he could see everything was getting out of control but...he knew what he was going to do.

He grabs moon's leg

She turns to him, "boy..." she says as she tries flails around trying to free herself from him.

"Moon...please...I know you're in there somewhere" toffee begged.

She drags him around slamming him against the walls and across the tables but he held on tight.

"You're making things worse!" Glossaryck says as he gets feed with more pudding.

He looks at the web-trapped soldiers and guards who looked terrified and then he looks back to moon.

But he stays firm and pulls her down.


But after awhile, she gets angry and started scratching and attacking him, but he holds on tight to tight to her as she struggles to release from his grip then...

As she flies them both high in the castle, Glossaryck's watch beeps. It reads "3:57:00PM".

Toffee and moon crashes right down, toffee holds her close to his chest to break her fall.

Toffee was injured very bad, he had a black eye, his nose was bleeding, he had a cut on left arm, his snout covered in scratches and a three scratch on his chest.

His vision was becoming blurry as he was about to pass out.

The last thing he heard was his men escaping the webs and he was his men surrounding him then he turns his head to moon's back who was laying unconscious then...he passed out.

Later that night, he wakes up, his head hurting but he gets up.

"Ugh" he groaned and found himself in the king and queen's bedroom chamber, the fireplace was burning and his arm was bandage up.

Then he saw that moon was sitting on the bed, waiting for him and she was back to normal.


She looks up at him with tears in her eyes, "oh toffee"

She crawled over to him as he gets up and sits on the bed and she immediately hugs his chest.

"Ohhh..." he was surprised and hugs her back.

"I'm so sorry toffee, I didn't mean to hurt you, i patch your wounds"

"It's ok moon but you didn't have to treat me...I'm invulnerable remember" he takes off the bandage off his arm and shows her his arm self healing.

"Oh right...I forgot"

Then There's a light buzzing behind moon's back, she turns around and moves her hair aside, they see she has two small butterfly wings.

"Toffee Look, I got my mewberty wings!"

" that mean you can fly?"

"Yes..." but then a thought came to her....

"But I Don't understand, everyone in my family never went through an attack like that during their mewberty...I don't know what made me go crazy and attack you like that"

Then buff frog came in, "Rasticore found would've been the source of the problem"

Buff frog hands him the same bag of jellybeans..

"Of course" toffee says as he examines the beans.

"What is it toffee?" Moon asked as she was curious.

"saccharine, they are like wild berries or see moon no good ever comes between magic and witchcraft, like all animals, saccharine can tap into a beings primal instinct making them go wild and attack anyone, that would've explained why you attack us earlier"

"But Mina gave me that"

"Well I'm sure, she must've thought it was a mistake....hopefully...but if I were you moon I stay away from the saccharine, it's not only dangerous to monsters but mewimans too"

After she left, toffee was left with buff frog, "sir about could you just kissed the princess...and if the king and queen find out that-"

Toffee then snapped and went up to his face, "the queen and king will not hear of it and you and the others will not speak of it...understood"

"Even tashia"

"Especially tashia...look i didn't know what happened but it happened so fast...I didn't expect it would happen so fast"

"I hope you know that you a breaking one of the most sacred laws...a mewman and monster love is forbidden "

"You know I'm not the only monster who's down it before "

"Yes I know...queen eclipsa"

It was a day I could never forget...I broke one of the most important rules...

never...get to close or fall in love...with a monster...

Moon was in her room, her back against the door as she thought about the kiss.

"What have I done"

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