Chapter 3

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My alarm clock is ringing. I reach out to turn it off but then I scream. My arm is now a leg of a cat. I look at myself. I have the body of a cat! I look next to me. Milo is still sleeping next to me. I jump off my bed and race to the mirror in the hallway. I jump up and see my reflection. I'm a cat! I see it all. My golden fur, my blue cat eyes, my sensitive ears, and my tail sweeping from side to side. I look just like my pet cat, Milo! I jump off, race downstairs to the family room. My dad's watching television and my mom is reading the newspaper, while drinking a cup of coffee. I race to them and open my snout but all I can say is: "Meow! Mrow! Meow! Meoooow!". "Calm down, Milo." Says my mom. Milo? I'm Emily, Duh! I meow some more. "What's gotten into you?" Says my dad. It's no use. I can't convince them that I'm Emily. I walk back upstairs and see the real Milo walking across the top. She meows but somehow, I can understand what's she's saying! I meow to her, saying "Milo! It's me, Emily!". "You're a cat! How did you do that!?" meows Milo. "Listen, I was making a potion but when I was taking it upstairs, I triped and fell down and my potion shattered and spilled on me." I meow. "Wow. That's amazing! Now that you're a cat, let's have some fun!" meows Milo. "I can't." I meow. "Why not?" meows Milo. "I have to become human again so I can do all my normal stuff." I meow. "I can't be stuck like a cat forever!" "What can we do then?" meows Milo. "I don't know!" I meow. "I just don't know."

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