A Cheeto's Life

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As a wise Cheeto once said, "Whether you're a Cheesy or a Flamin' Hot, you're still a Cheeto, dead once you arrive."

You recall those words as you ponder about the cruelness of the world. You start to get flashbacks of the place you were made in, the factory. Ha, your favorite part of creation was getting seasoned. Then there was your family with you. You feel crunchy just thinking about those kind memories.
Soon enough, you and the other Cheetos in the bag get moved around. There is a satisfying, sharp popping noise, and you see the light.

You start to remember what joy was. You see how beautiful the world is.

You feel two unfamiliar but warm deformed Cheeto-looking figures grab you. You feel lightweight as you head to an opening cave, and your life flashes before your eyes. You realize that your life was over as you get shrouded in a musty stench.

You feel stupid for wanting to explore outside the factory. Life wasn't ever fair, and it never will be. At least not to a Cheeto like you. Now you are dead, and so are the other unlucky, adventurous Cheetos in the bag. You close your eyes and rest as you head down to an acid-filled cave that was larger than the one you entered.

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