A blast into the Future... and Past?

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Laurence's POV:
We got out of the Irene Dimension, barely able to breathe. Everyone was breathing heavily and dropping their weapons. In front of us stood Zoey, though she looked... a bit... older.

"Zoey!" Aphmau cheered. Zoey and Aphmau smiled, then gave each other a short hug. ( haha get it? Short? Because... okay, sorry...)

"Welcome back to Phoenix Drop." Zoey smiled.
"Where are Y/N and Garroth?" She asked expectantly, looking at everyone.

"They... Garroth is still in the Irene dimension fighting Zane and Y/N..." it pained me to say this once again. I looked down at my feet. Everyone went silent.

"I-is... is Y/N dead?" Zoey asked.

"...We don't know..." I responded, holding back my tears- I mean... eye sweat.

"Well, um, Aphmau, everyone has missed you." Zoey says, changing the subject.

"What do you mean? It's only been 15 minutes." Aphmau asks confused.

"Y-you don't know? She doesn't know..?" Zoey asks turning towards Emmalyn. Emmalyn shakes her head.

"Mhm. Well, it hasn't exactly been that short amount of time. More like... 15 years." Zoey says.

"15 YEARS?" Aphmau cries. "Is Phoenix Drop Okay? What about Levin and Malachi? Everyone?"

"Aphmau, calm down. I'll take you to Phoenix Drop right now." Zoey says, barely audible as she walks towards a path.

Everyone follows, except me. I stay back a while, staring at the closed portal. "I should've protected her... I should've stayed with her. I should've-"

I'm cut off before I could finish. Someone was standing behind me. I turn around to face Aaron, who had their hand on my shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault." He comforted me, but it didn't help.

"If it wasn't my fault then who's fault is it..?" I ask, staring at the destroyed remains of the portal.

"It's nobody's fault. Nobody except Zane. Don't blame yourself for something that Zane did." Aaron pulls his hand off my shoulder and leaves it at his side. "Come on, Phoenix Drop is this way." He directed me towards the path Zoey was headed to. He began walking, and I turn to the portal.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'll save you. I promise...somehow." I whispered.

"You coming or what?" Aaron called from the path. I nodded and began walking towards - what I hope is - Phoenix Drop still standing.

Y/N's POV:
I wake up and hear screams of terror. Screams of fear and pain. They were horrendous, screechy cries. They were mine. I could barely move, and my entire body hurt. I can see puddles of blood everywhere, staining the floor and my skin. My clothes- I don't recognize them. I wear a black dress that goes down to my knees. I also have a necklace with a silver crystal ball wrapped in what looks like a dragon claw. The very bottom illuminates a bright, yet dark red.

Someone in a red and black cloak walks up to me.

"Y/N, I'm so glad you could finally join us. It's been too long." The figure spoke.

"Who are you, why am I here?" I ask, standing up. I wobble back and forth, the pain worsening. My cries of pain are bottled up, it's hard to hold them back.

"You don't recognize me?" It asked. I shake my head.

"Why, I am the reason you became a shadow knight. Why you have that scar on your arm. Why you and Aaron ever met!" The figure spoke, smirking. I could see the sly look on their face without even seeing their eyes.

"You're the reason behind...th-this?" I ask, looking around at my surroundings. I was in a prison cell with dark blackish purple walls and a red floor. Either that, or the blood has stained into the floor making it darker.

"Why yes, don't you know me?" The figure moves closer and I back away. "I'm disappointed, and frankly offended you don't know who I am."

"Why don't you just tell me who you are?" I ask, standing straight to show confidence... that I don't have. The figure takes one step closer and I'm backed against the wall. It smirks.

"You should know who I am, I don't seem... familiar?" It's voice was deep and scratchy, perfect for a haunted house. I wish this was just a haunted house. Then this wouldn't be real, and I'd be leaving any second now. Maybe it's a nightmare again? I pinch my arm, but I don't wake up. Not a nightmare...

"I'm sorry, I really don't know you." I say, taking a step forward.

"Hm, come. Maybe this will help you remember." It spoke, unlocking and opening the cell door. It's voice now sounded like a male's, at least I figured that out.

"Your just...well okay I'm not complaining." I mumble to myself. He must've heard me, because he chuckled after my comment.

I leave the cell, walking towards him. I still don't know who he is, so he hasn't gained my trust. Now that I think about it, why do I always end up somewhere... dark?

We walk into a huge, open room with barely any light. Great, more darkness. The strange figure then turned to me, and red figures began to appear around him. It startled me, but I couldn't show that. I didn't know who this person was or why I was here.

"Welcome, Y/N, to a place you probably don't recognize." The figure spoke, his voice sounding like a fearful announcement, laughter following.

"What is this place?" I ask. The figure smiles and the room lights up. It was my old home. I was speechless. Why was I here? How was I here? "Why...how..." I stuttered. The figure must've understood.

"It seems you remember after all," he sways his long cape across the ground and comes behind my shoulder. "Welcome home, Y/N."

"No... why am I here? How am I here?" I asked with urgency.

"Calm, it's alright. Just go ahead and explore." He seemed to have lightly changed his voice, it almost became soothing.

I stepped forward. Something didn't feel right. I look back at the figure as it nods to me, signaling to keep going. I cautiously look around my room. It hasn't changed a bit. How has everything stayed the same, even after all these years? No dust, no cobwebs, no nothing... something is really wrong. I look back at the figure. It now has an ominous smile. I feel even more confused. I look around more. My dressers are still full of my clothes and belongings. I pick up a necklace.

"Good eye, Y/N. This necklace holds great power. You may want to hold on to that." It smirks. I clench my fist with the necklace inside. Then I hear a quiet sound. A short yawn, perhaps. I look over at my bed. There was a lump under the blankets. The lump emerges from the bed quickly and grabs a stuffed bear. It was a little girl.

The little girl hadn't seen us as she ran around her room playing.

"Can't she see us?" I ask the figure. It shook its head. What is this?

The little girl stood up with the bear in hand about to run out the door and down the stairs. She stopped in front of the door. Then I remembered. That little girl was me. But, I wasn't that girl anymore. The girl had stopped to whisper.

"Today is different than the rest, I can tell." She smiled and opened the door to run downstairs. I quickly followed, not noticing the figure had disappeared through the floor.

"Stop!" I cried. The girl couldn't take what she was about to see.

"Hi Mom hi dad!" She smiled as she hugged her parents. They looked just as I remembered them. They were happy. They were smiling and chatting as they ate their breakfast peacefully. I enjoyed doing this every morning. My parents smiling and laughing, my dad's cute remarks about how much he loved my mom and me. Life was so simple, so loving.

I look in the corner of my eye and see the shadowy figure. The one that killed my parents. I grabbed my sword. "No! Not again!" I screamed as I ran towards it. I slashed and stabbed. I heard my parents scream and the girl's feet running to hide. "I won't let you kill them!" I screamed.

The figure smiled. "It seems our work here is done."

"What do you..." I turned around. My parents were dead. I dropped my sword. The figure hadn't moved. "How did...they..." I felt myself getting weaker. I turned to the figure. "You didn't kill them..." I whispered. The figure nodded.

I fell to my knees. "Mom, Dad, you cant be gone! Please!" The figure behind me disappeared. The little girl came running.

"Mom! Dad! Please don't leave me! I love you! Stay with me!" She cried on her knees, just as I was. Mom and Dad reaches out for her hand. They held hands, still smiling. I was crying. Both of me were crying.

"Y/N, we don't all live forever, sad to say. But we will watch over you. My angle, we love you with all our hearts. Do not be sad, you get to go on an adventure. And when it ends you can tell us all about it. Be good, and always remember to never give up. No matter what you are. I love you my darling...we... really... do..." They Said their final words once more, as I recited them.

I stood up and watched my younger self run away, run from her problems and change her life. I look back down at my parents.

I had killed them. It was me all along. "I'm sorry.." I whispered as tears rolled down my face. "I'm really, truly.. sorry.." I cried, speaking louder than before. I picked up my sword and held it in my hand. I knew it looked familiar. I grasped it tightly and placed it next to my parents. I turned to where the figure was.

"You knew about this!" I cried. "You knew they couldn't see me, but could see you!" No response. "You let me kill them! All this time I though it was you!" I screamed. I couldn't bare the thought of me killing my loved ones. They didn't deserve what happened. After a few minutes I began to calm down a bit. The figure reappeared.

"I'm sure you have many questions." It spoke. I nodded, defeated by my own doing. I stood and walked with the figure in a vast corner of darkness.

Hey everyone! The book is back and ready for action! I am too lazy to go back and fix all the things I want to change in this book, so I'm going to add onto the list by writing this book the way I wrote it originally. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a nice day/night sparklers! Spark out!

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