Her Eyes

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Y/N's POV:
When I woke up the next morning I felt better. Although I was different than before, I think I can control and contain that part of me. I checked in with Laurence and Garroth to see if I missed anything, for I had awoken at noon. They told me not a thing. I went to visit Aaron to check in with him. He wasn't home. So I went down to my old house in the forest. It looked different before, yet nothing had changed. It looked run down, and honestly kinda bad.. I guess it was comparing it to the house in Phoenix Drop. I decided that I was gonna start a project to make the house better for when I come back. I'm not staying in Phoenix Drop forever. Only for a few more days. I went back to my temporary house in Phoenix Drop and wrote a list of the things I need with the best spelling, grammar, and handwriting I could. It looked alright. After I did that I saw Aaron going into his house with a bunch of books. I went over to see what he was doing. "Hey." I knocked on the door. "Hey, what's up?" He asked calmly. "Just walking around. What're you doing?" I asked. "I'm going to study some things. I don't know a lot about shadow knights, The shadow lord, and a few other subjects." He explained. "Cool. I'll leave you so you can read in silence. Have fun." I smiled as I walked outside. Maybe I should hang with Laurence and Garroth. I walked over to them and smiled brightly. "Hey guys! How's your shift?" I asked perky-like. They looked kinda surprised at me. As was I so I don't blame 'em. "It's kinda slow today." Laurence replied. "Yeah, we've basically been watching people run around doing work and kids playing in the field." Garroth groaned. That doesn't sound that all bad. I mean, if I could have a job where I just stood there and watched people, I'd probably have a really good day everyday. "Sorry to hear that guys. Anything I can do?" I asked. " I'm afraid not m'lady." Garroth smiled. "Where for art thou adventure? Mystery? Challenge..." Laurence joked with a pretty good serious but dramatic voice. I laughed a little. I haven't laughed in a long time. "Well, I'll see you guys later then." I smiled while still laughing. They bowed as I walked by. It was so cheesy. I walked inside my house and grabbed a book. I should probably practice. Before I got to the bed my eyes felt strange and I fell to the floor with pain. I held my chest with my hand. "What was that..?" I slowly stood up breathing heavily. Something's up. I'm gonna figure it out, but for now I'm just gonna read for a bit then go work on my house.

Garroth's POV:
Her laugh made me smile, for it was as beautiful as she. She walked inside her house with still a big smile. Laurence and I looked at each other and sighed. Back to the boring day. But soon we heard a collapsing kinda noise from Y/N's house. We were about to knock the door down when we saw her perfectly safe in her house with a book in hand. She must've just tripped or something. I hope that's the case... we can't have Y/N get in trouble again.

Laurence's POV:
She was amazing, and her smile and laugh? She's just the most beautiful woman I have ever met. She walked inside still with a smile. I'm glad she laughed. She went through being a shadow knight. That's rough. I hope she's okay. Soon we heard a loud thud. We ran up to the door and we're gonna smash it down, but we saw she was in there safe and sound with a book in her hand. She was practicing reading. :) I'm glad she's gotten so far, but we never really have more alone time. Wait, what am I thinking? I shouldn't fall in love, not again..

*time skip woohoo do do da dododododo da ba ba bada bag digitty do wop wah WEEEEIII!!!*

After I finished my book, I got some supplies and went down to my house. I knocked down the door, porch, and roof. The walls and windows were good enough. I began to put together a roof with shingles and a wooden frame. I couldn't lift it all the way up without dropping it, so I used some extra rope I had. I tied it around a tree branch and connected it with the roof. I then pulled the other end and the roof lifted up into the correct placement. I climbed up to the roof and let the rope fall. I took out my hammer and made sure the roof was firm and strong. Then I got onto the porch. This was a bigger job. I decided to do it tomorrow, so I put the materials inside. Besides, someone might come looking for me considering I could've destroyed the village. I went back and Aaron was about to knock on my door. "Hey Aaron." I waved. "Hey. Thought you were home so I was about to knock." He blushed. "Naw I was taking a walk." I made a thumbs up and moved it over my shoulder, pointing to a trail behind me. "Oh okay. I just wanted to check on ya." He said. "Uh... yeah.. I'm.. perfectly fine." I said slowly. He looked at me confused. "Why are you lying? What's wrong?" He asked. "What? I'm not lying... no..!" I lied. He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside of his house. "What's wrong?" He asked seriously. "Nothing is wrong. I'm perfectly healthy and fine." I told him. He looked at me suspiciously, and after a long time he believed me. I walked to the door and my eyes felt weird again. I fell to the floor in pain and covered my chest with my hand. Aaron ran to me and helped me up. "What. The actual crap. Was that?" He asked. "I don't know." I explained leaning on the wall. "Your eyes changed colors and then you just fell to the floor!" He yelled.
"Heheheh... yeah.. about that... I have no clue what is happening." I told him. "Well we're going to find out." He reassured me.

Aaron's POV:
As she started to leave she started acting up. Her eyes began to rapidly change colors. She fell to the floor in pain. She grasped her chest hoping for it to go away. I ran over to her and helped her up. I talked to her about She it and she had no clue. We will find out what's going on, and that's a promise.

Hey guys! What do you think is wrong with Y/N? Leave your answers down in the comments! Goodbye for now Sparklers!

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