Nightmare.. or Reality?

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I hear rustling in the bushes behind me. I think it's just a deer or something trying to find food. I ignore it and widdle a stick with my knife. The rustling gets louder until it's no longer rustling. It turns into a purple-y black fog surrounding the camp. For some reason I though Aaron was trying to trick me, but soon I realized it was no trick. There was a faint voice through the fog. The voice was familiar sounding. It spoke out to me. "Y/N... I'm coming for you..." then I heard a screeching laugh getting louder and louder, until a black shadowy figure is seen. I run up to it and stab it with my knife, but it doesn't feel a thing. It pulls out a sword and strikes me with it. Everything goes black. Then I woke up in fear. What happened? *flashback*
"You can sleep first. I'll keep watch for any wild animals." I said. "No, you sleep first. It's the least I could do. You've helped me so much already." Aaron thanked. "Fine, but remember it was your decision." I responded walking into the house while twirling my dagger on my finger. It's Y/N." I told him. "What?" He asked. "My name is Y/N." I repeated. "Then.. goodnight, Y/N." *flashback end* I guess I just had a nightmare. But.. it seemed so real. Never mind, I should go switch positions with Aaron. I walk outside to see half asleep Aaron by the fire. "Hey pretty boy. Time for beauty sleep." I teased. He looked at me surprised. "Already? It hasn't even been a few hours." He said. "Yep. I don't feel tired so you can get some shuteye." I told him. "If that's what you want. Goodnight Y/N. If anything happens come wake me up." He told me. "Fine whatever. Goodnight Aaron." I said. After a while, the sun began to rise. But I began to hear the rustling again. The rustling from my nightmare. I turned around and had my sword in hand. I walked up to the bushes and peaked through. It was exactly what I thought. The shadowy figure was right in front of me. I swung at it with my sword but as it did before it didn't hurt him a bit. He slashed at my arm, cutting my arm open with blood streaming out onto the ground. I got up and ran inside the house to wake up Aaron. "AARON AARON GET UP HURRY!" I screamed while shaking him awake. He shot up and looked at me concerned and confused. "What's going on!?" He yelled. "Look outside!" I pointed to the window. He looked. Through the window only to see the bushes and trees swaying with the cool breeze. "I don't see anything." He responded. "Huh?" I thought out loud. I looked through the window and saw nothing. "I-I-i saw something, though!" I said. Aaron looked worriedly into my eyes. "Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked. "I.. I guess so.. sorry I woke you.." I told him sheepishly. He looked down at my bleeding arm. "What happened to your arm!?" He yelled concerned. I thought to myself. If it really wasn't there, then why is my arm cut? And if it was there, why is it gone?
"Y/N?" Aaron asked. "Oh! I uh... don't know.. I.. guess.." i mumbled the last two words. He ripped part of his shirt and wrapped it around my arm. He tied it tightly. "Y-your shirt!" I exclaimed. "Don't worry it's just a shirt. I can just get a new one. Unlike your arm, which you can't replace." He said calmly. I looked up at his beautifully shining blue eyes. He finished wrapping my arm and grabbed his pocket knife. "Come on. Something must've hurt you. Let's go find out what it is." He said excitedly. It's like he hasn't been on an adventure like that for a long time. "W-we better not." I told him trying to stop him from going out into the woods. He looked at me confused. "Let's just stay around camp for a while." I suggested. Aaron looked at me strange. "Okay, but after a while I'm going searching for it." He told me.

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