Shadow Knight

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Heads up, this is gonna be a long chapter. Enjoy! :)
The next day I got up early again. I went to practice combat in the forest again. When I got there I saw Aaron, Laurence, and Garroth practicing there as well. Guess it's a popular spot. Laurence spotted me and dropped his sword. "H-hey... Y/N..." Laurence laughed nervously. Garroth and Aaron heard him and looked over at me. "Hi guys." I waved quietly. "Sorry. We just wanted to see who was better at combat." Garroth smiled. "Mind if I join?" I asked. "Why not? You gotta get practice in, too, i guess." Said Aaron. "Great! I'll go easy on you guys." I smirked. We started right away. Laurence went for me while Garroth went for Aaron. Laurence slashed at me but I dodged every attack. I ducked, jumped, back flipped, jumped to the side and all sorts of dodges. I kicked Laurence to the ground and went for Garroth. He didn't see me so I got the chance to knock him into Aaron leaving them both on the ground. I went to the center of the cleared area we were practicing in and cheered. "Looks as if I am victorious." They all got yo and ran towards me. I noticed a thick branch above. When they were a foot away I jumped up and swung on the branch kicking them all over. I swung up and over and landed on top of the branch soundly. "You call this going easy?" Laurence asked out if breathe. "Yep. I could teach you some skills if you want." I smiled. They nodded in agreement. "And if I have any pointers I'll teach YOU." Aaron laughed. Until sunrise, I taught the guys some tricks and how to use their surroundings. Aaron taught me how to do a turn kick. It's where if someone is behind you, you turn and kick your leg in a In the air around in a circle form then kick the person down. When we were done we went back to Phoenix Drop. Laurence grabbed an easy book from the library and met up with me to help me to read. I think I'm learning pretty quickly.

Aaron POV:
This morning when I was practicing kicking Laurence and Garroth's butts Y/N came by and saw us. She began to practice with us and defeated us all. She's pretty good with combat. I just hope she's good enough to defeat the shadow knight that's after her. I couldn't bare to see her get hurt. Why would they want her, anyway? Why her specifically? I'm gonna find out.

Laurence POV:
After practice with Y/N I helped her learn to read. She's a fast learner. She's getting really good at reading. After our session she went home for the day. I went back to patrolling the village.

Garroth POV:
Y/N is SO GOOD at combat. She beat Aaron, Laurence, and myself all in one go! She had to teach US some tricks. Aaron taught her a few moves, but other than that we were the students. After practice, she and Laurence went off somewhere with some books. I have no clue what they are doing. After that Y/N went home and Laurence got back to his job.

After Laurence helped me, I went home for the day. I practiced reading some more but soon stopped for a break. I started making a sword, when I heard a knock on my door. I had my dagger with me, because I'm paranoid. I opened the door and saw the shadow knight from my dream. I gasped and attacked them with my dagger. They blocked my attack and threw my dagger into the street. I was dead meat. I pushed them away and ran for the woods with my sword. They followed me and knocked me to my feet. They slashed at my arms and cut my face. I got up and kicked them down. I grabbed their sword and threw it across the ground. They stood up and threw a branch at me. I ducked dodging it. Someone else came up behind me and I did the side kick Aaron taught me. Now I have TWO problems. One of them kicked at my feet but I jumped over them. I climbed up a tree only to see the other one already thought about it. They pushed me off and everything went black.

Aaron POV: I went over to Y/N's house to see if she was alright. She didn't answer when I knocked. I got Laurence and Garroth in case she was in danger. I opened the door to see a half made sword and all her weapons lying on the bed. Garroth called to me. "AARON OVER THERE!" I looked over to see Y/N being carried into a Nether portal by a shadow knight. We bolted after them but were too late. She'd like already gone through. I threw a rock in frustration. "We need to get her out of there." I yelled. "Let's get Aphmau." Garroth suggested. We all ran to Aphmau's house.

I woke up strapped to a black table-like podium. "Where am I?" I thought. Okay.. I need to think about what just happened. What do I last remember.. *flashback* I was fighting two shadow knights in the forest when they pushed me off a tree. Everything went black. *flashback over* so I got knocked out. Does that mean I'm.. in the nether? I struggled to get out until I heard a voice. "Look who's awake so soon." The voice sounded like a girl. "Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want!?" I yelled still struggling. "There there. Calm now. Struggling won't help." The girl walked in front of me. She had white hair and light purple eyes. She smirked at me, and began to explain. "You see, the shadow lord senses great power from you. You could do him some good work. He sent me, Sasha, and Zenix to get you from the over world." Sasha smiled. "Any questions?" She sounded like she was babying me. "Just one. Is this 'shadow lord' the murderer of my parents?" I asked. "Why, no silly. That's not the shadow lord. Your thinking of someone else." Sasha told me. "Alright. You ready for a life changing experience? Great! Hold still." Sasha hyped. "Wait what!?" I yelled. Sasha and the boy I think named Zenix used a spell that put me to sleep. My eyelids grew heavier and before I knew it my eyes wouldn't open. After a few minutes I felt a sharp pain. Then everything went black.

Sasha's POV:
After she was asleep we used our methods of turning her into a shadow knight. We don't know if it worked yet, but we will soon find out. If those pests of hers come looking for her before it's finished, all will be lost.
~time skip~
I woke up in a bed and red and black armor. Where am I? What happened? I tried to think back on what just happened. *flashback starts*
Aaron, Garroth, Laurence, Aphmau, Cadenza, Kawaii~Chan, Dante, and everyone else in the village were chasing after me. Calling me a freak . Saying I couldn't be NEAR their village. Before I knew it, Sasha and Zenix were fighting them off..protecting me. They took me into the nether and told me I was a shadow knight. That everyone else was evil to their kind. Zenix and Sasha told me to embrace who I am. They also told me they would help me with my powers. Then they took me to a comfy bed to sleep in for the night. *flashback ends* so.. my friends betrayed me.. and Sasha and Zenix are going to help me. Sasha came up to my room and knocked on the door. "You awake?" She asked softly. "Yes. Come in." I responded. She walked inside and sat next to me. "So.. do you remember what happened?" She asked. "Yes. But why are 'humans' so evil to the shadow knight?" I asked. "They think we are cruel monsters trying to destroy the world. We just want to show them we are alike in many ways. But they won't accept, so we fight them instead." Sasha told me. "Come on. Zenix and I will teach you some basic skills for you to know." She smiled. We walked downstairs and practiced a few things like changing from my shadow knight form to my human form and back again, summoning a weapon, and opening and closing a portal. When we finished practicing, we heard a portal open from outside. I looked out a small window only to see some of the people who betrayed me. "They're coming for you.." Zenix whispered. "Quick. Change into your human form and pretend we're Kidnapping you. They think they are trying to save you." Sasha demanded. I did as I was told and tied myself with rope.

Aaron POV: we opened the portal and walked in. I saw Y/N tied up with rope and two shadow knight holding her arms and taking her inside. "Y/N!" I yelled. The shadow knights turned around with Y/N looking up at me. "Aaron! Help!" She yelled.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night. Bye sparklers!

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